Farewell Mr Browning
This is an historic week for our Staff and School as we farewell Mr Browning after 45 years of devoted service, and encouragement, to all students with whom he has had contact. There is no one who deserves a happier and family focused retirement than Mr Browning, and whilst we will all miss his support in all sporting endeavours, I know that his absolute passion for Pittwater House will allow him to be a presence at events in the future. I have known Peter Browning since 2010… and through these years, I have seen the total commitment he brings to each day; ensuring students feel supported and encouraged to give of their best and commended for achieving their personal best. So many days Mr Browning will be off with a contingent of students who seek to progress on sporting pathways; early starts and a full day of competition, with Mr Browning coaching and supporting on the sidelines. He will often send me an email of progress results through the day and then provide a summary and photos for our Facebook page before he signs off for the day! He is renowned for his passion for cricket and really, all sport. So many students in our School today, and through the past 45 years, have started their sporting careers under his guidance. Trying out a new activity will be the start of something that becomes a lifelong passion. These thousands of students, and I, merely say, thank you. Thank you, Pete, for all you have done for our School. May your retirement be blessed in every way, beginning with a safe adventure to the far north… and many more travel plans beyond.