Wambi's Wavebreaker

Term 3 Week 7 - 31 August 2022

For your diary..........

Wednesday, 31 August 2022
  • Gosford High School Year 7 2024 Information Session - 4-4:30pm.
Thursday, 1 September 2022
  • Tumbi Tasters - 12:30-2pm
  • Open Day Tours - Kindergarten 2023, 10-11am
  • Father's Day Gift Stall
Friday, 2 September 2022
  • Father's Day Breakfast - 7:15-8:30am
  • Musica Viva K-6
Monday, 5 September 2022
  • Year 6 Check-in Assessments
  • 3-6 Assembly - Class item 3 Purple. Please register attendance here.
Tuesday, 6 September 2022
  • Oztag Gala Day - Stage 3
  • Kindergarten 2023 Open Day Tours - 10-11am
Thursday, 8 September 2022
  • Oztag Gala Day - Stage 2
  • Kindergarten 2023 Open Day Tours - 10-11am
  • Koori Choir Workshop - The Entrance Public School 10-2pm
  • Tumbi Tasters - 12:30-2pm

Principal Report

Fathers’ Day Breakfast

We are excited to be able to host a special Fathers’ Day breakfast this Friday morning. We have planned to ensure the event is enjoyable and safe for all. To assist with the smooth running of the event, we ask all parents to note the following important information carefully. The organisation is similar to our 2022 Mothers’ Day breakfast held in Term 2. The event is open from 7:30-8:30am only (gates open at 7:15am). 

AttendanceThere are a limited number of places available. All visitors need to pre-register attendance online at http://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code/k8hfm
ArrivalActivities and entertainment will commence at 7:30am however to assist with safe entrance and avoid congestion, guests may arrive from 7:15am
EntranceEntrance is strictly from our Lea Ave and/ or Tumbi Road entrances. Aldinga Drive IS NOT available as an entrance or an exit to the event. Registered visitors need to QR upon arrival before entering the school grounds.
HealthVisitors cannot attend if unwell or have COVID-like symptoms.
Social-DistancingPlease ensure appropriate social distancing is followed at all times.
MasksMask wearing is encouraged whilst at the event.
FoodFood provided is in take-away form only.
VentilationThe three areas of the school accessed are all external or well ventilated.
Fixed Playground EquipmentThe fixed playground equipment is closed on the day and not available for use.
EntertainmentLocal artist Bryce Sainty will be performing live in our amphitheatre.
SanitiserSanitiser will be available at entry and near food /activity areas.
SupervisionStudents may only attend and be present whilst accompanied by their parent(s). Wamberal staff may be present in a voluntary capacity, however children remain under the care of their parents during the event.
First AidFirst Aid is available and located near the amphitheatre or please see a WPS staff member.
Student ToiletsStudent toilet facilities are strictly for students only.
Visitor ToiletsPlease use disabled toilet facilities near roller door outside hall or opposite library entrance. These will be clearly labelled as available for use by visitors
End of EventAll visitors need to leave promptly at 8:30am when the event concludes. At this time, there will be minimal supervision for children having been in attendance only. This is done by teachers in a volunteer capacity.
SupervisionRegular school supervision commences at 9:00am as per usual.
ExitStrictly via Lea Ave or Tumbi Road exits.
The YBefore school care remains open as usual for parents requiring supervision.

2022 Open Class Sessions

Our Open class sessions were well attended last Friday with over 500 guests in attendance over the 3 sessions. It was lovely to see so many familiar and new faces and be able to share the great things happening in our classrooms. 


Following this week’s Fathers’ Day breakfast, we will send a link via Skoolbag to a short survey. We would love to hear of your experiences at these two great events (Open Classes and Fathers’ Day Breakfast) with the feedback also used to assist with future planning.

Access at 3:30pm

Access is available for those parents entering via Lea Ave or Tumbi Road entrances at 3:25pm for the sole purpose of waiting directly in the COLA to collect your child. To keep this safe for all please:

  • only enter and wait in the COLA if in good health with no COVID or COVID like symptoms;
  • social-distance wherever possible; and
  • exit promptly once re-united with your child.

Please continue to contact our school office during operational hours for all other enquiries or access. 

Have a great week,

Paul Miller


Deputy Principal Report

Attendance Matters

When your child attends school every day, learning becomes easier and your child will build and maintain friendships with other children.

Parents and carers can help foster positive attendance habits by:

  • helping their child learn the importance of punctuality and routine
  • ensuring their child arrives on time from the start of the school day, ready to participate in learning
  • reducing disruption to learning where possible, by planning appointments outside of school time
  • promptly communicating any absence to the school (and within 7 days of the first day of any absence)
  • working with the school to encourage and support regular attendance.

Information for parents provides information about compulsory school attendance.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

At Wamberal Public School, we are safe, respectful learners. This week, all students have been learning about being safe, respectful learners when using walkways or pathways

Student Social Media and Digital Devices Usage

From time to time the school has had to deal with some concerning social media behaviour by our students outside of school hours, with consequences often affecting peer relationships at school. We encourage all families to be mindful of the need to monitor and be aware of our children’s social media presence and activities. 

Parents are reminded that students are not permitted to have personal digital devices at school. This includes smartwatches and smartphones. Further information and our school’s procedures are available here.

Resourcing Parents

Resourcing Parents is a NSW government initiative supporting parents with valuable information, resources and courses helping parents navigate their child’s social and emotional development. Parents can sign up for the Resourcing Parents monthly newsletter as well as find details about free online courses here.



Have a great week everyone.

Jane Rees and Glenys Jenkin

Deputy Principals


Library News

Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) 2022 – Wambie ‘Wall of Fame’

Congratulations to over 600 Wambie students who have now completed the 2022 Premier’s Reading Challenge! I encourage all students to continue reading for fun and interest and set themselves their own reading challenges. Also, current reading can now count towards the 2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge. New 2023 records will need to be kept by students until next year’s Challenge opens student access to the online records.

Participation in the PRC is also the perfect addition to student resumes as they start to look for casual work at around 14 years old. What a great way to demonstrate goal-setting, perseverance and grit, by completing the PRC each year up to Year 9 when the PRC medallion is awarded. Keep up the good work Wambie students!

We know that readers succeed – research shows that reading supports all other areas of learning, including maths and science, as well as personal and social skills and general life and work outcomes. 

Children’s Book Council of Australia annual book award winners

The winners of the 2022 CBCA book awards have been announced. These titles, and those on the shortlists, are good examples of quality books for young readers published in Australia in the preceding year.  

Library Lunchtime

It is great to see students exploring, chatting about books and borrowing in the Library at at lunch playtime.

Scholastic Book Club Issue 6 2022

Book Club Issue 6 brochures are now available. Orders will close Friday, September 9. 

Skoolbag app

Please see the Skoolbag app for important Library updates.

Please feel free to contact the Library through the school office if I can help in any way.


Happy reading,

Nell Knight    👱‍♀️📚

Teacher Librarian


Currently reading from this Year’s Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Lists When the Waterhole Dries Up by Kaye Baillie (EARLY CHILDHOOD AWARD).

When the Waterhole Dries Up is a rollicking, rhyming, repetitive story full of Australian outback animals and a touch of alliteration. Recommended for younger readers aged 3+.

Each award category has six titles. We will explore these over the coming term. Winners have now been announced.


Don't Forget!

Father's Day gifts are available to buy at recess and at lunch time on Thursday, 1 September 2022. Check out the video at facebook.com/wamberalpandc to see the variety of gifts your children can choose from for their father or much-loved male role model in their life. Gifts include a bath bomb, stress ball, seed pot, tin puzzle, tape and level, magnet torch, cup or car wash set. All gifts are $5 each.

Father's Day Breakfast

Our Father's Day breakfast event is on at school on Friday, 2 September 2022 from 7:15am until 8:30am. Come along and enjoy the food, company, activities and entertainment. The event is supported by Belle Property. Register to attend by clicking here

Shop and Support our School

Did you know that buying groceries at a Ritchies IGA Supermarket can help support our P&C. Wamberal Public School P&C is one of the recipients you can elect to support when you register for a free Ritchies card or download the free Ritchies Card App for your mobile phone. Our P&C has been fortunate to receive more than $8000 since the inception of the program. Spread the word to family and friends. If they live far away and shop at a Ritchies IGA near them, they can still select our P&C as their nominated 

Canteen News

Other News

GulangFest Art

Congratulations to the following students whose artworks have been selected to be displayed at Bateau Bay Square from 14 November. These students are in the running to receive an award at GulangFest, which is a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students' achievements throughout the year. 

  • Harmony R - 6 Blue
  • Ella N - 6 Purple
  • Ella W - 6 Purple
  • Akira S - 5 Purple
  • Paris F - 3 Purple
  • Mack W - 2 Orange
  • Charlie B - 2 Orange
  • Zoe S - 2 Blue
  • William H - 1 Green
  • Skylar W - K Green

In the meantime, the students artworks will be displayed in the front office so that we can celebrate their achievements. We will rotate these artworks over the coming weeks so that all the other students that participated in the workshop will also have their artworks displayed. 

Health Advice

Our school has been advised a member of our school community has Chicken Pox. 

Staff and students in Stage 1 may have had contact with a person who was infectious with Chicken Pox

For further information please see the attached fact sheet.


The NSW Government is pleased to announce the return of FREE kids camps for this Spring School Holidays.Holiday Break camps are available for kids 12-15 years from regional NSW communities. The camps are a combination of day and residential camps across five Sport and Recreation Centres and include all meals, accommodation (residential camps only) and activities.Kids will get to participate in activities such as archery, kayaking, mountain biking and much more! So why not get the kids to take a break, get active, and have some fun this Winter school holidays.

Free Holiday Break camps are being offered at the following Office of Sport, Sport and Recreation Centres:

  • Milson Island
  • Broken Bay
  • Point Wolstoncroft
  • Lake Burrendong
  • Lake Keepit