
Goulburn Public School

Latest COVID-19 Advice

Please click on the link below to visit the latest covid-19 advice from the Department Of Education.

Term 3, Week 5

Principal Report

We are now firmly at the halfway mark in term 3. The teachers continue to provide quality education to your children which can be seen on all of their smiling faces as I walk around the school. Lots of excursions and experiences have taken place in the last few weeks with a lot more to come.

Last week on Wednesday 10 August our local Mayor, Peter Walker came to visit. He was promoting National School’s Tree Planting Day. There was great discussion with our school leaders about the importance of trees, the role that bees play in our food cycle and how we can assist our environment. Later, we went outside and planted a native flowering gum in our Caroline Chisolm Garden. A huge thank you to the council for providing the tree and for the mayor to give up his time to visit us. It was wonderful to see the smiles on the children’s faces as they helped plant our new tree.

On Friday 19 August, Our Year 5 and 6 students went on an excursion to the Goulburn Performing Arts Centre to see ‘Barbaroi’. It was an acrobatic and circus themed show. I know the students and teachers all really enjoyed it. From all of the teacher’s thoughts I think I have to go and see it now!

After a few years of not being able to be held, the Goulburn Community of Public Schools (GCOPS) will be having their annual showcase next week. Our school will be performing on Wednesday 24 August. I can’t wait to see all the hard work that the students and Mr Waterman have put in. I know it will be amazing!

Our Book Week Parade is next Thursday 25 August. It will start by 10am. All visitors onsite will need to sign in at library gate. There will also be a cake stall on the day so bring along some extra money to buy some goodies. All proceeds will be going to our library to get much needed resources.

The Country Women’s Association are offering educational grants of $250 to eligible students in Year 6. The criteria are based on how the student has demonstrated a commitment to school life, their community and how this grant may benefit them in their studies. For more information, please contact me at the office.

The Regional Athletics Carnival will be held on Friday 2 September. We wish our 3 competitors, Riley, Dekkoda and Emily all the best as they take on students from around the area.

Our playground continues to be in the middle of an upgrade. The concreting work around our hall is nearly finished. It looks amazing. The students are all excited to see the finished product. We can’t wait. A big thank you to Paul and his crew for the wonderful work they have done.

The school continues to send out the current guidelines of Covid-19 and the appropriate measures that we need to take. Please read those carefully as they change quite quickly.

Lastly, when I walk around the school, I see a lot of students working well and enjoying their learning. It is great to see. If you have any questions, please feel free to see me. My door is always open.


Jeremy White

Relieving Principal 



Parents of children from Kindergarten to Year 12 must ensure their children attend school every day. On occasion, your child may need to be absent from school. 

Parents must provide an explanation for absences to the school within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence. Where an explanation has not been received within the 7-day timeframe, the school will record the absence as unjustified on the student's record. As part of school protocol you will be contacted by a staff member after two days of absence without explanation.

Confusion With Online Payments

There has been a bit of confusion when paying for certain events/activities/uniforms online.

The school events and activities are separate to the P&C run uniform shop. 

If you are purchasing uniforms – this is to be paid to the P&C account – their details are on their price lists. 

All other payments to the school for excursions/activities/sports etc are to be paid to the school account which the link is found on our school website.

then go to: MAKE A PAYMENT

There has been lots of mixed payments and it is making it difficult to reconcile accounts.  If you are unsure at all, please call the office on 48212827, and we can confirm for you.

We do not want any student to miss out on any activity due to payment not being received. 


15 August 

 *Soccer Sessions



16 August17 August18 August 

19 August 

* Year 5 & 6 'Barbaroi' Contemporary Circus  Excursion - GPAC

22 August 

*Soccer Sessions

23 August 

24 August

*GCOPS Performance 

25 August 

*Book Week Parade & Cake Stall -  10am,  

26 August 

29 August 

*'Wiradjuri Echoes' Performance

*Soccer Sessions

*Fruit & Veg Month Starts

30 August 

31 August 

*Larry Brandy Aboriginal Story Telling Event

1 September 

2 Septembe

*Regional Athletics Carnival - AIS

*The Dad's Day Big Breakkie - 8am - 9am.

* Father's Day Stall

85 September 6 September 7 September 8 September9 September
912 September13 September14 September 15 September 

16 September

* Mulwaree High Taster Day

1019 September20 September21 September 22 September 

23 September

*Last Day Term 3 

Book Week Parade - Thursday 25 August 2022

P&C Cake Stall

Premier's Sporting Challenge

Our school is participating in the Premier’s Sporting Challenge (PSC) again this year. The PSC aims to get more students and staff more active, more often. Students record and track their physical activity over a 10 week period commencing in Week 4. At school, students will record the amount of physical activity they participate in each day. Students will be provided with many opportunities to engage in physical activity at school, however, even physical activity done at home or on the weekend counts! At the end of the 10 week period, students will be awarded with Bronze, Silver or Gold certificates depending on how much physical activity they have done.

Let’s encourage our kids to increase their participation in sport and physical activity, which will lead to healthier, more active lifestyles.


Weeks 4 & 5

PBL Value Of The Week

PBL Students Of The Week

Achievement Awards

Level System Award Recipients

Premier's Sporting Challenge Encouragement Awards

Mulwaree High School

Goulburn High School

Premier's Reading Challenge


Unfortunately we have had confirmed cases of head lice at our school. Could you please check your child’s hair and make sure you treat your their hair appropriately before returning them to school. Further information on head lice is available on the NSW Health website or through the Department's website:

Fresh For Kids Canteen Campaign

Breakfast Club

SaCC Programs

Joke Of The Week!

From The Office

Update Your Details

Have you moved house? Do you have a new phone number or email address?

Please contact the school office to update any details that may have changed.

Visitor Check In

All parents/carers and visitors who enter the school grounds must check in at the front office. Please report to the office directly after entering the school gates. This is for the safety of all students and staff members. 

If you wish to speak to a teacher, please contact the office and a time can be arranged for you.

Thank you for your co-operation.

School Zones


Uniform Shop

Uniform orders can be made by contacting the P&C directly through their Facebook page at Goulburn Public School P&C Association. Alternatively, students can take a completed form together with cash (or the receipt number from direct transfer payment) to the office and the order will be sent home with students.

Please keep tags and the original packaging on all items that may need to be exchanged for a different size.

For all fitting enquiries or general uniform information contact the P&C on 0401 723 488. 

P&C Meeting Summary - Wednesday 17 August 2022

Thank you to everyone who came to our meeting, we greatly value your input. New members are always welcome. For more information see the Goulburn Public School P&C Facebook page or contact us through the school office. Our next meeting is Wednesday 14 September, 3:20pm.


* Book Week Parade + cake stall- Thursday 25 August

* Father’s Day events - Friday 2 September

Dad’s Day Big Brekkie 8-9am Egg/bacon roll + coffee/tea/hot choccie

Father’s Day raffle Great prizes to be won!

Father’s Day Stall- gifts from $1- $10

* Bunnings BBQ Sunday 6 November- volunteers welcome!

* Colour Run- Monday 19 December

* Chocolate Fundraiser on hold until 2023.

* P&C to purchase new representative sports shirts with numbers on the back.

* P&C to participate in SASS week recognition celebrations, wk 8.

* School initiative- Fruit and veg month and Premier’s Sporting Challenge are coming up.