Dear parents,
I’d like to congratulate our students and their families on the smooth start to the school year after a disrupted beginning. Our students are back into their routines and it is great to see them settled in class by 9 am every morning engaged in their learning. The majority of our students are displaying confidence and organisation, two of our keys to school success, every day. It is especially rewarding to see how confident our students and in particular our year 1s, are with their drop-off and pick-ups. I hear some students reassuring their mums and dads and telling them “it’s alright you can go because I can walk in by myself”. As parents we sometimes don’t realise what our children are capable of until we give them the opportunities to show us. Well done on a great start to the year! (See photo's below)
On behalf of the Tuckshop I’d like to sincerely thank all our families who have been very generously donating pantry items to our tuckshop. It is such a great boost to the P&C fundraising to have the operating staples for the tuckshop being donated each year. Your contributions are very much appreciated by the staff and students in our school.
Our Student Wellbeing Team monitor closely our attendance data at Robina. I would like to urge every parent to support their children’s attendance at school every day unless they are sick and unable to attend. A very concerning trend is occurring with students being collected from school early, any time from 12:00 onwards every day. There is a wide range of research outlining the benefits of students attending school for the complete program of teaching and learning every day. It is extremely difficult for children to achieve to their potential when they are missing vital teaching and learning every day or on a regular basis. It is also very disruptive to other students’ learning during the school day. We have published our new procedures this year with all student related matters to be referred to Student Services directly and not through the main administration office. As part of these processes - If you are collecting your child early for an appointment or other reason please email your child’s teacher and cc student services@robinass before school so that your child can be sent to Student Services ready for their collection. When a parent is collecting their child they may proceed directly to Student Services and their child should be ready for an early departure. Please understand this process is to prevent continual disruption to teaching and learning for our students.
Our first Parents and Friends’ Association meeting is happening tonight, and I look forward to welcoming new faces and old. Everyone is welcome to attend and it is a great way for parents to contribute to our fabulous school.
Skoolbag is our main source of information sharing this year. If you’d like an easy way to keep up to date and get information from your child’s teacher and a simple way of recording your child’s absence please download the App. If you are having difficulty downloading the App please don’t hesitate to contact the office and our wonderful ladies will be more than happy to help.
Carmel Baker