ZIG ZAG Public School

January 2020 Newsletter

Principal's report

Welcome back to school for another exciting year of learning in 2020.  Welcome to our school any new families that have joined us this year and a big welcome to our Kindergarten students.  
It's great to have everyone back safe and sound and ready for another great year of learning at Zig Zag.  
I have heard many stories from the girls and boys, about the 'how close the fires' got to your homes  and how scary it was for us all. 

Our school counsellors have been providing support to students and will continue to do so, as the term unfolds.  Please don't hesitate to contact me, if you would like your child to access this service. 

On a happier note, the school year has started very smoothly.  Classes are establishing routines with their new teacher for the year and lots of learning is happening.  We have some exciting programs planned for 2020 and the staff look forward to sharing this with you as the year progresses.


Vicki Gillmore

School pickup

Whilst we really enjoy and encourage the fact that parents, carers and other family members feel welcome at our school at any time, student collection in the afternoon is posing some problems.

I would like outline some of the problems for your understanding;

•  The hallways are becoming a work health and safety issue, as the corridors are becoming very congested.

•  Last minute office business is very difficult to manage, due to the increased noise, in the corridor making it very difficult to hear phone calls and to answer any counter enquiries

•  Congestion in the corridor prevents our ability for confidentially both for students and parents.

•  Incase of an emergency the corridors need to be relatively clear for a exit for staff and students.

Therefore, can we please ask that anyone collecting children in the afternoon wait under the cover area outside. You are more than welcome to come in and see the office staff or your child’s teacher once the initial rush is over. We hope you understand the reason for our request.

2020 Classes and Staff

K/1/2 - Mrs Dudley 
1/2 - Mrs Doran
3/4 - Mrs Wallace
5/6 - Mrs Savath
SLSO - Mrs Robinson, Mrs Simpson, Mrs Crane and Miss Laidlaw
EAFS Intervention teachers - Mrs Crawley and Mrs Hookham 
Target Support Group and Infants technology - Mrs Gillmore 
Instructional leader EAFS - Mrs Dransfield
Library and Primary Support Program  - Mrs Griffiths
Office Staff - Tracy Dewar and Hayley Kelly
GA - Gus Goodwin

Student Details

Next week our office will be sending home student contact details.  Please  check your children's information and return to the office.  It would be greatly appreciated if all forms were returned regardless of any changes.  


- Dental notes will go home today, please return them to the office as soon as possible.  

School photos

Date and Time

From Wednesday, February. 19th to Wednesday, February. 19th



Envelopes have gone home for our school photos. Any families needing a sibling envelope can collect them from the office. 

Swimming carnival

Date and Time

From Thursday, February. 13th, 10:00 am to Thursday, February. 13th, 2:00 pm


George Coates Street, Lithgow NSW, AustraliaGet Directions


Notes for the swimming carnival will go home next week. Please return them to the office by Monday 10th February.  



- Swimming carnival

-  School photos 

 -   District swimming carnival 
- Leaders conference - School Captains and Vice Captains
- Western Swimming Carnival 

Cancer Council - Cooking with kids

Please see attached a information sheet on healthy lunch boxes from the cancer council.  For more information please click on the below link. 

Save time and money and help your kids to eat healthily, reducing their risk of cancer in later life, by following our clever tips and tricks to help build them a healthier lunch box.

Community News