St John the Baptist Koo Wee Rup Newsletter

2 June 2021

From the Principal

Principals Report

Dear Parents & Guardians

Lockdown Extension: With the announcement of lockdown being extended into next week we advise the following: 

  • Friday 4 June will be a Wellness Day - This will be a planning day for teachers to prepare for another 4 days of remote learning (Monday 7th June to Thursday 10th June).  On-site supervision will still be available as per previous arrangements, however we ask if you can find alternative minding it would be appreciated. Teachers will be sending out a matrix of ‘Fun Activities’ that you may like to do together on Friday.

  • Operoo request form for Onsite Supervision for Friday 4 , requests must be submitted by 1:30pm, Thursday 3 June.

  • Operoo request form for Onsite Schooling for Mon 7 to Thu 10 will open Friday and we ask that it be completed by 12noon Sunday if required. 

  • Friday 11 June, School Closure Day - This remains a school closure day as previously advised in order to relocate classrooms in readiness for our building project. No onsite supervision on this day. 

Remote Learning:  Thank you to all those who have ensured that their SeeSaw App is available. You will have noticed the live, small, focused reading groups we trialled this week.  We are planning to continue these focus groups next week so please support your child/ren in logging in for their designated time.  More information will be sent out Friday afternoon. 

Catholic Education and National Reconciliation Week Liturgy: Last week the whole school gathered in the hall to pray and reflect (see picture above).

The theme for NRW is ‘More than words, reconciliation takes action’. As a catholic community, we are always encouraged to follow  Jesus’ example of putting words into action.  This winter, St Vinnies are asking us to help by donating non-perishable foods to their winter appeal.

School Disco: Cancelled: With the extension of the lockdown the Disco is now cancelled. Any tickets already purchased will be refunded within CDFpay, this will give you a credit to be used for future purchases through the canteen or uniform shop. 

Swimming: As our last day of swimming was cancelled due to the lockdown we have a tentative booking for Monday 21 June to complete this should restrictions allow. Permissions will be sought via Operoo once we can confirm. 

Scienceworks Whole School Excursion: Unfortunately our planned whole school excursion to Scienceworks next week has had to be cancelled, we will endeavour to rebook this once restrictions allow and you will be advised accordingly. 

Friends of St John’s Meeting(TBC pending announcements on restrictions): June 15th, 9:15am Staffroom. It has been quite some time since our last meeting. We welcome new parents who would like to be involved in fundraising for the benefit of our students. If you cannot make this meeting but would like to be involved in some way, please email the school, and we can add you as an apology.

We hope that you are all well and coping with Lockdown 4.0, we look forward to hopefully seeing everyone back at school on Monday 14 June.


Chris Dortmans, Principal


Term 2 
Fri 4 June - Wellness Day (Onsite supervision available)
Mon 7 - Thu 10  June - Remote Schooling (Onsite supervision available) 
Fri 11 June - School Closure Day (No onsite supervision)
Mon 14 June - Public Holiday (Queens Birthday) 
Tue 15 June - Friends of St Johns Meeting, 9:30am in Staffroom (All welcome)  - CANCELLED to be rescheduled
Tue 15 June - Board Meeting, 6pm - CANCELLED to be rescheduled
Fri 18 June - District Interschool Sports, Grade 5 & 6 only - POSTPONED 
Mon 21 June - Whole School Swimming - Final day (TBC)
Thu 24 June - Term 2 ends, 3:10pm finish
Fri 25 June - School Closure Day
Thu 28 October - Whole School Musical - Madagascar Jr

Uniform Shop (Online orders only due to current lockdown)

The uniform shop is open on Monday and Thursday 2:30 - 3:15pm, parents may attend the uniform shop in person, due to density limits only one person will be allowed in the shop at a time. 

Online is still the preferred method of purchasing uniform unless you need to check sizing. 

If you need to exchange an item please e-mail Belinda at with details and return the item via the office (please ensure it is unwashed with tags still attached) and your name is attached to the item returned. Exchanges will be processed on the next uniform shop day. 

For Uniform ordering through CDF pay—Visit  or scan QR Code. (Guidelines for setting up your CDFpay account can also be found on Skoolbag).

As we are a ‘Sun Smart School’ we also require the children to wear a school hat from September to April with the ‘No Hat-No Play’ policy strictly enforced during 1st and 4th terms.

School uniform guidelines are available in the Parent Information section of Skoolbag, on our website or a hard copy can be obtained from the office. 

School Banking

School Banking (Currently suspended due to lockdown)- Banking day is Wednesday's - banking should be handed in through the classroom and will be returned the same day.   

If you are wishing to set up a new school banking account please visit:

Birthdays - 27 May to 9 June 2021 - Chloe Wlazly, Mia Tavares.

Koo Wee Rup Catholic Parishes in Partnership

Including the communities of:  St Joseph’s Iona,  St James Nar Nar Goon,  Holy Family Maryknoll,  St John’s Koo Wee Rup and St Mary’s, Lang Lang

Administrator:  Fr. Peter Kooloos  Ph: 03 5997 1510   Fax: 03 5997 2220 Mob: 0438 622 766

Baptism Enquiries: Carmelina De Cesari   Mob: 0401 911 092

WEEKEND MASS TIMES:  (Currently suspended due to lockdown) 

St Joseph's, Iona - Sunday 11am Holy Family, Maryknoll - 2nd Sunday, 8am 
St James, Nar Nar Goon - Saturday 6pmSt John's, Koo Wee Rup - Sunday 9:30am
St Mary's, Lang Lang - 3rd Sunday, 8am