This year’s theme is ‘creating futures – education changes lives and celebrates the quality education we provide and the opportunities available to everyone in NSW public education.
We celebrate all types of learning that occurs at all levels across our education system and we have a shared responsibility in helping to shape the lives and create the future of today’s learners.
Due to the increased cases of COVID and respiratory illnesses within the community, the department is requesting that we consider putting in extra measures for onsite events. The Gallery will now be open from 10am today through to the end of the week. Parents can sign in at the office then take their children to share the gallery anytime throughout the 3 days. This will decrease the amount of people on site at any one time.
Unfortunately, we will NOT be holding a shared lunch or visiting classrooms. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Some of our students have stepped up to help plan and plant a site on Cedar Party Creek in Wingham. Thank you to Mrs Longstaff for her enthusiasm and energy to help make the project possible. Pupils travel on the OOSH bus to site to meet up with the property owners and Lyn, the Landcare Coordinator, then it's all hands on shovels to plant lomandra and native tubestock. The groups of students will travel every Monday and Friday for an hour over the next few weeks.
The Australian Childrens Music Foundation has found us another music teacher. Mr Ed Cachia began this term and is very eager to be working with the students. Ed will also be working with our choirs too. We are very excited to welcome him to our school.
‘While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is really about.’- Angela Schwindt
Kylie Seaman