WPS Community eNewsletter

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2022 eNewsletter | Term 1 week 6


Merit Awards

KL- Kyle O`B.  KP- Daisy R, Shirley-G P.  KW- Isabella N, Henry H.  1B- Aurora S, Jase M.  1S- Deon N, Layla A.  1/2K- Indianna B-H, Brock S.  2M- Bonnie M, Bailey H.   K6M-  Joshua H.  K6O- Kyarah B, Marcky J. 

Principal Awards

2M-  Sophie L.

Click the button above to view our school calendar. PLEASE NOTE: All dates are subject to late change. Also please be aware of payment dates on permission notes, as no late payments will be accepted.

Principal's Report

Well, here we are, almost halfway through what, so far, has been a very busy term. Over the past few weeks, we’ve managed to squeeze in NAPLAN, Walk Safely to School Day, Dhinewan Mentoring sessions for our Stage 1 students, PSSA sports and an amazing Mothers Day stall. Our staff prides itself on providing great opportunities for the students and families at our school, and some of these were sorely missed during 2021. Each of the events that have happened this year have brought about a great sense of satisfaction as we’ve welcomed them into our school in 2022. We look forward to sharing many more events with you all as the year progresses, starting with Sorry Day next Thursday, 26th May, as we lead into Reconciliation Week. We began Sorry Day preparation this week, when on Wednesday we welcomed some former and current staff, students and community into the school to unearth some of the messages from students in 2013. Next Thursday, we will hold our Sorry Day assembly in the school hall at 9.30, followed by the burying of new messages, which we will unearth in another 10 years. Thank you very much to Mrs Bundy, Mrs Pass and our Aboriginal Education team, who continue to provide ongoing opportunities for our students to learn about and show respect for First Nations people and culture.

While on the subject of great news, we also have our Athletics Carnival coming up in a few weeks, at Mingara, which all of our students are looking forward to. It should be a great day and a large participation rate is expected. If you haven’t already done so, please ensure that your child has paid for this event and returned the permission note. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us and we’ll be able to get through most, if not all, of our events. Some of these events, as you’re aware, may have to be held at school, which our brand-new COLA should make a little bit easier. Those of you who have been up at the school will know that it looks great, covers a large usable space and we are all looking forward to using it for many school events in the future.

Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week.

Other News


The P&C president Alisha, would like to thank everyone who was able to help at the Mother’s Day stall this year.

Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless but because they are priceless. Thank you to these amazing humans for their time and helping the days run smoothly.

Jacqui Boyd

Hyewon Lee

Kyuock Choi

Angela Starling

Thelma Doran

Vanessa Lawford

Dipti Bajfai

Dominique Lathlean

Gale Lathlean

Louisa Coussans

Also a big thank you to Tammy Reynolds and Cassie Sproule for their lovely donations.

Friends of Wyong Public


Top Advice

Cancer Council Healthy Lunchbox

For a one-stop-shop for everything you need to know about healthy lunch boxes visit our website healthylunchbox.com.au

Central Coast Health

 We have a NEW webpage for Kids and Families which we update each fortnight with news/ information about current health and wellbeing matters.

To access this page , click on the link below.   
