There have been a number of course highlights for every student in Year 12 this term.
A specific highlight for me has been during the infectious disease unit in Biology, when we hosted an ‘infection party’ to demonstrate the spread of disease and using agar plates with swabs and water to detect bacteria in our environment.
Visual Arts student, Bethany, has shared that she enjoyed the Sculpture Trail excursion students partook in as well as their collaboration with artist Elyssa Sykes.
Music students, Samantha, Lexie, Ethan and Nate have had fun performing at the Tumut Brewery on the 21st of June and Lexie particularly enjoyed participating in multiple study days in Wagga, in which both her and Nate performed at, allowing them to develop their understanding of the HSC music course.
Agriculture students also enjoyed their excursion to the Wagga Sale Yards, CSU and REEC in May.
The Year 12 Construction class have been working on a dog kennel and Jack has especially enjoyed the process of creating this project throughout the term.
We are fortunate at Tumut High to have so many course options and we are always learning in many settings, not just in the classroom but our course related excursions as well. On behalf of all our students I would like to say thank you to our teachers who organise extra learning opportunities for us with both incursions and excursions.
All of these highlights have made this term special for Year 12 students and we all look forward to what our final term of school has in store for us.