Hallett Cove East Primary School

Keeping you in the loop ....

Diary Dates

  • Tuesday 22nd September - House 4 and Year 5's 9 South AFL Max Excursion
  • Wednesday 23rd September - Kid Biz Ed Family Growth and Development Sessions
  • Friday 25th September - Sports Day
  • Friday 25th September - Early dismissal 2:05pm
  • Wednesday 28th October - Splash Theatre
  • Monday 26th - 30th October  - BOOK WEEK


Dear Parents/Caregivers,



Governing Council has endorsed a Pupil Free Day for Monday November 2nd, Week 4 in Term 4. This is for staff to undertake a mandatory site hazard inspection and then moderate curriculum with colleagues in preparation for report writing. OSHC will be available for care on the day so please book in with Lissy or Sally on 8381 7577 if you require care.


Yesterday was RUOK? Day. This is usually a day recognised every year around this time, to keep mental health front and centre of our understanding and social agenda. This year more than ever the message of checking in with others to make sure they are travelling okay and providing support if they aren’t is so much more important with the effect of COVID on many aspects of daily lives. This of course isn’t just with adults but also children and young people, and, to ensure everyone else is okay and cared for we must also look after ourselves. So I also ask RUOK? For more information about how to support others who are struggling or even yourself, please visit www.ruok.org.au. Please also read Joey's article today.


We want to hear from you! To help us give your child the very best education, we’re asking for honest feedback from parents and guardians on a few key topics. These include how we, as a school, communicate with you and how we respond to your input about your child’s learning. Your feedback will help us understand the things we’re doing well, where we can improve, and what’s really important to you as a parent. The survey closes Friday 25 September and will take no more than 10 minutes. It’s confidential and you can complete it here:


We know your time is valuable and we appreciate your feedback. Thank you.


This is a reminder that the Drop Zone is just that, it is not a space to park the car and leave it. We have noticed that especially in the afternoon pick-up time, a number of parents are parking their cars and getting out to talk to other parents. We respectfully request that you please stay in your car so that as soon as your children get in the car you can move off and make space for the many cars that are waiting to come into the spaces behind you. This will ensure that our students are kept safe. Thank you for your cooperation.


This is to let families know that Sports Day held on Friday of Week 10, September 25th (last day of term). Students are encouraged to wear their house colours on the day. While we know this is traditionally a community event, we are very sorry there needs to be a change this year and respectfully remind families that Sports Day is a student and staff event only due to COVID restrictions. We thank you for your understanding.


In the first 2 newsletters in Term 4, you will be given the opportunity to complete a placement request form for your child for 2021 regarding friendships and teaching styles dependent upon needs. This year has seen quite a disruption to enrolments in the school due to the impact of COVID. For this reason we are having to look at numbers more closely a bit earlier than we would have in the past. So rather than waiting until Term 4, if your child(ren) will be leaving either before the end of the year or at the end of the year, could you please contact the front office, either via phone on 8322 3677 or via email on dl.1053.info@schools.sa.edu.au. It would also help us to know in which school your child(ren) will be enrolling. I thank you in advance for your support in this matter.


9W       Miley & Kody           9N        Jai & Caeley           9S        Presley & Zane           4W      Charlotte & Jacob            4E       Alice & Dylan            2N       Oliver M &  Jarvis         2S          Alexander & Olivia G         3N        Oscar & Mylee            3S       Freya & Bailey            6W        Emma & Olivia          6E         Billy & Scarlett          7E        Connor & Ava L          8E      Ayrton & Elsha             8W      Maidie & Oscar            7W     Kaden & Mia             6AS     Noah & Chloe       6AN        Samuel & Milena      Japanese      Lachlan 3N & Zaiden 6W, James & Taylah 9N      

Congratulations to all recipients for showing our school values!!


A Few Words from the Deputy Principal

One of my tasks is to take prospective families on a tour of the school. It is always such a pleasure to go into classes and see our students looking fabulous in their uniforms, giving us a big smile and working on such a wide variety of tasks. We get to see our school values on display in all the rooms through the students’ actions and end products. As I have mentioned before if you know of any families who would like to enrol at HCEPS please ask them to give the front office a call as soon as possible.

Father’s Day Stall

Thank you to the fundraising committee and helpers for the fabulous Father’s Day stall last week. I know how much work goes into ensuring that this can happen.  As usual it was run so smoothly. This is such a great service to our families, I know I really appreciated it when my children were at primary school. So ‘thank you’ again to the team.

Kidz Biz Growth and Development Evening Sessions

As you know we have our family sessions coming up on Wednesday 23rd September.  These sessions will be held in the pavilion. Session 1 starts at 6:40pm but we would like families to arrive about 6:30pm so that we can ensure we follow the COVID guidelines of the time.  We would ask the same for session 2 families ( ie arrive 10 minutes early.)  Any queries, please ring the front office.

Sports Day

Our students are keenly starting to prepare for Sports Day on the last day of the term. We are all sorry that we are not having anyone on site except for staff and students. The students will still be very active and get to create many memories, some of which we will be able to share with you through the newsletter.

On Sports Day the canteen will also be selling ice blocks for recess time. These will need to be pre ordered via QKR and will be delivered to the class at the start of recess. Please see further explanation about this in the canteen section of this newsletter.  You will also note that the canteen will be offering the regular term 3 menu for lunch. This will also be ordered via QKR.

Kind Regards,

Andrea Hayden

Deputy Principal

Finance Information from the Business Manager

REMINDER -  teaching staff are busy planning incursions, excursions and camps for the remainder of the year.  Please ensure you have paid your $60 levy to avoid students not being able to participate.

If you are yet to pay your 2020 Materials and Services fees we remind families to clear all outstanding accounts, final notices have been issued, If no contact has been made with the business manager or finance officer debt collection will commence at the end of this month.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties we ask you contact the Business Manager via email dl.1053.finance@schools.sa.edu.au 

Jenny McFadyen

Business Manager

An update from the IT Coordinator

The last few weeks I have been out visiting plenty of classes having fun with a whole range of digital work.  

  • In 6W we have been exploring coordinates by making use of the robotic beebots to move them from gridpoint to gridpoint.  
  • 7W have also been using the beebots to learn about following simple step by step instructions. 
  • 6E have started looking at pixels and how screens show images. 
  • I helped 7E login and complete an online Maths test. 

The students have enjoyed learning about computers and digital systems and I look forward to visiting more classes in the last few weeks or term 3. 

News from our Wellbeing Leader

Next term Peaceful Kids will be open to students from Reception to Year 2.  Peaceful Kids is a Peaceful a Mindfulness and Positive Psychology based program to lessen anxiety and stress and increase resilience in children. The program gives children the skills, practice and support to utilize coping strategies that lessen the symptoms of anxiety and stress.   Outcomes of the Peaceful Kids program include:

·         Lessen symptoms of anxiety and stress in children

·         Teaches children to self-calm

·         Empowers children to manage their own anxiety

·         Develops emotional intelligence skills

·         Teaches children life-long skills to manage stress and prevent stress build up

·         Supports children so they know that they are not alone with suffering from anxiety

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 and you would like to enrol your child in the Peaceful Kids program please email evie.donoghue503@schools.sa.edu.au

Evie Donoghue

Wellbeing Leader

House 8 Build a Cubby Excursion ... Belair National Park

On Tuesday House 8 went to Belair National Park to Build a Cubby, there was a great deal of team work, problem solving and fun, all while enjoying wonderful spring weather.

House 3 Marion History Trail - A pictorial of the day .....

House 3 enjoyed a great day at Warraparinga, George Street and Kingston Park discovering more about our local history and the Tjilbruke story.


Southern Valley District Athletics was held on September 2nd at SA Athletics Stadium. Students from years 4 to 7 represented our school in the athletics events, with many being selected to represent the Southern Valley District at the State Athletics later in the year. 

Hallett Cove East had a very successful day with placings in shot put (13 y.o), discuss (13 y.o.), sprints (13 and 11 y.o.), long jump (13 y.o. & 10 y.o.) and 800 metres (11 and 12 y.o.). Students put in their best effort all day and it was great to see such high spirits and morale from HCEPS students. 

It was a very close result but we came away as the small schools champions, beating the runner up by only 3 points. 

Well done to all the students that participated and special thanks to the parent volunteers. 

PE...Sport in School...Cricket Clinic...Great Outdoors...Teamwork...Great Weather

A message from our Pastoral Care Worker

R U OK? Day

September 10th was R U OK? Day. You probably saw promotions and advertising for it. The key message this year was ‘There’s more to say after R U OK?’ and really promoting seeking help, further support, and checking in with someone after your initial conversation.

The following comes directly from the website www.ruok.org.au

Asking, ‘Are you OK?’ R U OK? seeks to create a world where we’re all connected. We’re never too young to look out for one another and meaningfully connect. Being able to meaningfully support someone and strengthening peer-to-peer support skills should begin in the early years of a child’s life through teaching them to look after themselves and their peers.

Children cannot be expected to fix someone’s problems, nor know the best way to help and support. However, they can be encouraged to listen to what their friend is saying, let them know they care and tell a teacher, school counsellor or trusted adult if they are worried about their friend.

By promoting an environment of positive peer support and accessing support channels via an adult, children can learn that asking, ‘Are you OK?’ is a key life skill.

R U OK? has 4 Conversation Steps to help navigate a conversation when someone says, “No, I’m not OK”.

These steps are:

  • Ask R U OK?
  • Listen without judgment
  • Encourage action (encourage them to seek help from a trusted adult, or even offer to go with them to talk to someone else)
  • Check in (regularly)
  • Useful contacts when a child is not OK:

    • School (teacher, Wellbeing Coordinator, Pastoral Care Worker)
    • GP or psychologist
    • Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or kidshelpline.com.au
    • Lifeline on 13 11 14
    • ‘000’ if life is in imminent danger 



      at HCEPS on Wednesdays and Fridays  


      Grill'd Marion – September Burger Month

       For the month of September, Grill’d at Westfield Marion will have one jar on their counter dedicated to our school.  Anyone that buys a Burger receives a bottle top and that bottle needs to go into a jar.  Whatever jar has the most bottle tops at the end of the month, receives a donation of $300.  So if you are at Westfield Marion and are hungry please head to Grill’d – upstairs, outside, opposite New York Bar & Grill. September is Burger Month!!! Check out the menu https://www.grilld.com.au/menu    


      Volunteers Wanted !!

      Volunteers are important to our school community. Our canteen relies on help from volunteers to deliver a meal service to our pupils.

      If you have a spare hour or more we would welcome your support.

      Not registered with the school as a volunteer?  Volunteer application packs are available from the front office containing all the information you need to submit your registration as a volunteer...... WE NEED YOU!

       Sports Day this year will be a little different......... 

      We are still operating within the COVID guidelines which means we will be offering our limited Canteen LUNCH service and for Sports Day ONLY,  Ice blocks will be available as a special order for RECESS via the Qkr! app. this will be live on Monday 14th September.

      • All orders via Qkr! ONLY
      • No counter sales at recess or lunch
      • Limited Lunch menu 
      • Orders by 9.15
      • We thank you for your continued understanding and support.

      Our limited menu will be: 

      Ice blocks:

      • Lemonade Icy Twist $1.50
      • Calippo  $1.50
      • Moosie - strawberry/blueberry $1.50

      • Hot dogs $4.00
      • Pizza $4.00
      • Mac and Cheese $5.00
      • Lasagne  $5.00
      • Chicken Nuggets $4.00
      • Meat Pies $4.00
      • Sausage Rolls  $3.50
      • Muffins $1.00
      • Cookies $1.00

      There will be no sandwiches, wraps, burgers and potatoes available until further notice.

      Canteen Roster

      Please download and view the CANTEEN ROSTER,  you will see there are many blank spaces on the roster, we would love you to select a time slot and become part of our team.

      We would welcome and thank you for volunteering your time to help prepare and serve in the canteen.




        THANK YOU!

      Helen Jefferson : 8322 3677

      (9.30 am - 1.30 pm)

      RECESS ROSTER APPROX TIME 10.00 am - 11.30 am

      LUNCH ROSTER APPROX TIME 11.30 am - 1.30 pm


      Updated Uniform Price List

      Did you know we have not had a Uniform price increase since 2015. Unfortunately our suppliers have and we are unable to cover these expenses with our current pricing.  Please find our new prices attached. For purchases please order via the QKR App or contact the Administration Office.


      Secondhand Uniform Shop

      Opening hours will be Wednesday morning 8.30-9.00 & Wednesday afternoon 3.00-3.30.

      There is a lot in stock across all sizes.


      Support us today! 20% of every Entertainment Membership sold goes to our fundraiser.  Buy a Membership and download the Entertainment App today.

      Hallett Cove East Primary School 

      Order your Memberships online today!


      School Banking is Back

       Monday is School Banking at our school . 

      For every deposit made at school, students will receive a silver Dollarmites token. Once students have individually collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for an exclusive School Banking reward item in recognition of their regular savings habits. 

      School Banking is also a great fundraiser for our school. Our school receives a Regular Savers Contribution of $5 for every 10 deposits processed per student as well as an Annual Contribution which is based on the number of students who made at least one School Banking deposit in the prior year. 

      If your child has lost their book, please contact your School Banking Co-ordinator for a replacement or visit any Commbank Branch. 

      If you would like to know more about School Banking, please ask for a 2020 School Banking program information pack from the school office or visit www.commbank.com.au/schoolbanking

      Community News and Events


      Are you interested in being involved in a vibrant, productive, family-oriented garden within our local community?  My name is Sarah Luscombe, a local parent, and my daughter attends the school.  Myself and a group of residents are working together with the Marion Council to develop a Community Garden in Hallett Cove.  We are looking at the Perry Barr Farm as a possible site.  Are you interested in contributing to our project?  We have lots of ways for you to get involved, and we want your input.  Please complete our online survey! https:/www.surveymonkey.com/r/6856VJ9 I can be contacted via E: sarah_luscombe@hotmail.com if you have any queries.  Thanks! 


      LIVING WITH YOUNG PEOPLE - Parenting and Family Support Program

      A free workshop that helps you as parents and carers build an understanding of your teenage and their healthy development.

      Topics include:

          -  About young people

          -  Adolescent development

           -  What parents can do

          -  What about conflict?

          -  A positive approach to guiding behaviour

      Workshops are based on the latest parent research and use information from Parenting SA.  Tea / Coffee provided.  BYO cup and water bottles.

      WHERE:  Cove Civic Centre, 1 Ragamuffin Drive, Hallett Cove

      WHEN:  Part 1 - Thursday 10 September 2020 

                     Part 2 - Thursday 17 September 2020

      TIME:  5:00 - 7:30 pm

      FREE bookings essential.  Arrive 10 minutes early to register.


      Summer Season Trials - all players welcome.

      Sunday, 20th September 2020 - All Junior grades 9:00 - 10:30 am

      Tuesday, 22nd September 2020 - All junior grades 6:00 - 7:30 pm

      Priceline Stadium, Mile End.  Registrations close 18th September.

      Visit www.cheerionetball.com  for further information.

      Any queries - Ph: 0419 810 656 or email: secretary@cheerionetball.com

      LITTLE ATHLETICS SA - Dare to Dream

      Athletics Holiday Clinic - at SA Athletics Stadium, Mile End

      Wednesday 30th September & Wednesday 7th October 2020

      A clinic for any 5-17 year olds to learn, have fun, improve their athletics skills and meet an Australian Commonwealth Medalist & Olympian.

      Visit littleathleticssa.com.au/holidayclinics or Ph: 8352 8133

      Registrations close Wednesday 23rd September 2020.

      COVE CRICKET CLUB - Season 2020 / 21

      Rego & Info Day - All Seniors & Juniors - SUNDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER 10:00 am - 12:00 pm at Cove Oval

      Free BBQ & light training.

      Ph:  0418 814 427 or covecricket@gmail.com

      Hallett Cove East Primary School


      Hallett Cove East Primary School:

      • Learning for tomorrow’s world
      • Working together
      • Valuing each other and our future

      Our Mission is to ensure that our students are able to successfully interact and achieve within andbeyond their own community, now and in the future.

      This may be evidenced by:

      A Strong Sense of Identity
      • Students will be resilient and reflective, confident in their own opinions and provide leadership.
      Creative Thinking
      • Students will be creative and critical thinkers who draw upon a range of strategies to deal with new situations or information.
      Success in Interactions
      • Students will value diversity and successfully interact with others within and beyond their community in a collaborative manner.
      Preparedness for the Future
      • Students will demonstrate initiative, enterprise and adaptability and will be able to successfully manage change within their own lives and as part of a global community.
      Skill in Communication
      • Students will be able to successfully communicate in a range of settings within and beyond their own community.
      Success in Learning
      • Students will develop and apply knowledge, competencies and skills, which enable them to be successful now and in the future.
      Self-Directed Learners
      • Students will be able to initiate and implement their own learning plans. Based on constructivist theory, students will be supported in self-assessment procedures in order to reflect on and guide future learning.

      The school Values identified by the school community are reflected in the everyday language atschool by staff, parents, students and community members. The Values are

      • Excellence
      • Fairness
      • Respect
      • Responsibility

      Our ongoing commitment to our Values is reflected in our Student and Staff Wellbeing programs including the Year 7 Student Leaders program, Buddy and assembly programs.

      Qkr App (quicker)

      Qkr App (pronounced quicker) is Hallett Cove East Primary School and Out of School Hours/Vacation Care preferred form of payment. 

      Please click for more details Qkr App

      Download on the App Store or Get it on Google Play

      Instantly translate this newsletter to 100+ languages

      With Google Translation integration, our community can access your newsletter in ANY language. Simply scroll to the bottom of the newsletter preview to give it a try.

      The SkoolBag app is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.