Welcome to our August edition of the newsletter. It has been an interesting month where the weather doesn't know whether it's winter, autumn, spring or summer. Nevertheless, we have not let the indecisive climatic conditions decide our school proceedings. The first five weeks of this term have been as interesting, as fulfilling and as important as any other. We celebrated our 100 Days of Learning in great style that has now become a norm at Marsden Road Public School. Well done to all the teachers and students for making this event so enjoyable. This event was followed by the Book Parade where yet again I was pleasantly taken aback by the effort, dedication and creativity of our community. So many of the costumes were unique, creative and astounding. The students , the parents and the staff members who by no mean were going to be outdone by the students, made this event so joyful. Congratulations to everyone for once again going beyond expectations.
Thank you to all those parents who were able to attend the mathematics workshop held by Mr Verey. I hope the workshop gave you an understanding of how we teach mathematics at our school and the science and research behind it. It might have been confusing to some parents, however we can assure you that our core belief is to build strong literacy and numeracy skills in our students so they can become better readers, writers and mathematicians. There are more workshops being held, so if you are able to attend, I urge you to do so.
It is also with great pleasure that I'd like to inform the community that we continue to host visitors from other schools across Australia who visit us to see the wonderful teaching and learning that happens at our school. Everyone who visits us has commented on our students' behaviour, the discipline, the quality of teaching and the students' attitude toward learning. It is our collective effort that has raised the standards at our school.
Finally, I'd like to once again repeat my usual messages and reminders about ensuring that your child comes to school on time, everyday. It is equally imperative that your child comes to school in proper full school uniform. If you need support with this, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to support you in ensuring a high standard of teaching and learning for your child which includes citizenship and taking pride in our values of respect, punctuality and presentation.
Manisha Gazula