Tomerong Public School

Be Safe - Be Responsible - Be Respectful - Be Your Best

Wednesday 24 August, 2022 - Term 3 - Week 6 - Issue 26

Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,

Book Week

A huge thank you to everyone who came to our book parade today to help us celebrate Book Week! It was so exciting to be able to hold a book parade once again, having our parents and friends join us after missing the past two years. All our students looked fantastic in their costumes! A big thank you once again to all the parents who put so much time and effort into the costumes and help support our special events. Thank you also to our Library monitors and Mrs Darby for all their work. 

I hope you enjoy the photos from the day!

Winners are grinners! – Tournament of Minds

Last Sunday our Tournament of Minds team competed in the Tournament of Minds regional finals at Wollongong university. The team demonstrated outstanding cooperation, creative and critical thinking, script writing and prop creating. As a result of their amazing efforts the team was awarded first place in the Arts category, which means they are off to the state finals in Sydney on 11 September!

A huge congratulations to Beau, Arabella, Jaya, Scarlette, Will, Levi and Harry who have worked so hard over the past 5 weeks. I can’t wait to see what you come up with for the challenge at state finals!

Film in a Day

Tomorrow our Stage 2 students (Years 3&4) are participating in a film making incursion. Students will be out and about filming in our local community, within walking distance of the school.

Please note there is no cost or permission note needed for the day as it will be covered by the Short Walk permission note which parents sign at the beginning of the year.  I can't wait to see the finished product. 

Shoalhaven Choral Festival

Our beautiful choir is performing at the Shoalhaven Choral Festival in Term 4. On Monday 5 September the choir will be attending rehearsals at Nowra East Public School. Please ensure permission notes are returned for all choir students.

Slime Run

It’s happening! After a few false starts due to Covid, we‘re excited that our Slime Run will be held on Friday 9 September. You are able to fundraise by visiting and asking family and friends to support your child.

Father’s Day

Our P&C are operating a Father’s Day stall next Thursday 1 September where students can purchase gifts at a cost of $5.

Swim School

Places for our Swim School program are filling up fast! The two week program will be held in Weeks 9 and 10 of this term at a cost of $90.  If your child is in Years 1-6 and you would like them to participate, please make contact with the office. 

Have a great week!

Rod White









Rapid Antigen Test Kits Available

A reminder to our parents and carers that COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test kits are available from the school upon request. We have a supply of both nasal and Saliva (Lollipop) tests which can be obtained by collecting them from the office in person, or by contacting us on 4443 4376 or by email to and we will arrange to have them sent home with your child.

I would also like to remind our parents and carers of the current guidelines:

· If your child tests positive to COVID-19, you will need to advise the school, likewise, if your child is deemed a household contact. School’s are required to record this information.

· Students who test positive to COVID-19 must isolate and not attend school for 7 days and should be symptom free before returning to school.

· Students who are deemed a household contact, may return to school if they are symptom free, but are required to take a rapid antigen test daily. It is strongly encouraged that student household contacts wear a mask.

Thank you for supporting the health and wellbeing of our School Community.

Marg Blair


SRC ‘Spider’ Fundraiser

A huge thank you to everyone who purchased a ‘spider’ or two to make this a very successful fundraiser! Thank you also to the SRC students who worked so hard and gave up their lunch time to serve delicious drinks to all the students.

We raised $213.00 and all proceeds will be donated to SAHSSI, which is a not-for-profit specialist homelessness service that supports vulnerable families in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven region. You can find out more about this organisation at their website

Well done Team Tomerong and thank you once again for your support!

Mrs Darby and SRC Students




A special sports assembly will be held next Thursday, 1 September at 2.30pm in the Amphitheatre.

Students will be receiving their much-awaited athletics ribbons and we encourage parents and carers to join us for this event.

We will also be announcing this year’s Athletics Age Champions and the overall point score winners for the Houses.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Mr Munn


Slime Spectacular Fun Run

The Slime Spectacular Fun Run is less than three weeks away! This will be held on Friday 9 September.

Sponsorship forms and an information sheet were sent home earlier in the term. If you have misplaced yours there are additional sponsorship forms available in the office waiting room.

With only three weeks to go, it’s important to get those fundraising pages up and running. You can do this by visiting and start asking family and friends to support your child. Every $20 raised will contribute to one tree or shrub in the Yarra Yarra biodiversity corridor or coral planting in the Great Barrier Reef. Raise $50 or more and you will automatically go into the draw to win a Great Barrier Reef Holiday! Australia’s Highest fundraiser will win a Razor Prize Pack valued at $3000! The more money raised means more trees or coral and more entries. It’s a win win situation, so get fundraising now.

Father’s Day Stall

The P&C will be holding a Father’s Day Stall on Thursday 1 September. All gifts will be $5. Now is a good time to task the kids to jobs around the house and earn dollars to take to the stall. Lets spoil the Dads!

P&C Meeting

If you have new ideas for the school, suggestions for fundraising or just want to get involved, come join us at the next P&C meeting! Tuesday 13 September 6pm in the library. Hope to see you there!

Tomerong Public School P&C Association


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