FCS Newsletter

2022 Term 2 Issue 5

From the Principal

Dear families & friends, 

Our inquiry topic for Term 2 ‘I can transform waste to make change’ a Humanities, social science and sustainability focus has got students and staff very engaged in finding ways we could change the way we use waste. We are hoping to be able to run learning expo for students to share their learning and ideas with families this term and are planning this currently. Please keep your eye on Skoolbag and Seesaw for any updates.


This term we have started our creative arts home groups with an adjustment (due to covid) of having two Rec-yr 2 groups and two year 3-6 groups. Each class is working with their own class teachers in these areas. This term we have focused on a ‘skills’ base term with students and staff working on developing skills and understanding in each area. We are still planning to get back to running these programs in their full capacity as soon as we are able.


Term 1 placed a high demand on staff with much coming and going of staff and students disrupting the flow of learning, planning and programs. This term, while still a little unsettled, has begun a little more smoothly and we are hoping that with the easing of restrictions along the way we will be able to get back to a closer resemblance to how we would like our school to be operating.


Student Learning summaries and parent-teacher conferences are coming up shortly with written learning summaries due to go home at the end of week 7 and conferences in Week 8. Staff are looking forward to sharing with families the progress students have made.


A reminder to please check important diary dates at the end of each newsletter. There are several new confirmed dates to take note of.

Hope everyone is keeping warm and enjoying all this rain… our Kitchen Garden is certainly enjoying it!

Cheers Skye 😊

Felixstow Notices


After lots of delays, rescheduling, zoom meetings and discussions we were finally able to have our first Governing Council meeting with all our new council members on Wednesday 8th June. 

Congratulations and welcome to our new members: Felicity Turner (Beatrice & Violet's mum), Gabrielle Pewkliang (Austin & Matilda's mum) and Tom Beck (Jai and Louies' dad). Our new members join returning member Morris Love-Mannella and continuing members Manju Bobby, Savia Coelho & Kerryn Hibberde. 

At this meeting we nominated and elected office bearers for 2022 as follows: 

Chairperson: Tom Beck

Deputy Chair: Felicity Turner

Treasurer: Savia Coelho

Secretary: Kerryn Hibberde

OSHC rep: Gabrielle Pewkliang

Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs

This term our school's inquiry topic is 'I can transform waste to make change' , we have looked at the different types of waste we have at school and discussed how waste could be repurposed into something new and usable.  

At the end of week 3 we were lucky enough to have Jenny from Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs visit us and talk to us about the organisation and what we can do to get involved. 

Please see the below link if you are interested in finding out more or to find your nearest collection point, alternatively there is a collection box at the front desk for you to drop off your plastic bread tags.


Children's University

Unfortunately we have had to make a very hard decision this year to not continue with Children's University (CU) at our school, this does not mean that we will not look at it again as an option for 2023.  All of the hours that have been accrued by members will not be forfeited and are able to be used by members if we continue with CU in the future.

We had interest from only 1 member (and 2 parents, but not their children) during Term 1 and as a result we had to reassess our priorities. This has not been an easy decision and has had to be made because of our continued priority of supporting children in the classroom.

Kitchen garden

In Term 1 as part of the kitchen garden homegroup, Nicole's juniors wrote letters to various supermarkets asking for donations for our school garden and kitchen cooking. In week 5 Nicole had the opportunity to collect the seeds donated from Norwood Foodland. We are very excited to plant the seeds and watch them grow before we get to use them in our cooking!

Flying into first place

On the weekend of 28th May, our very own Hannah from P2 entered in a taekwondo tournament.

"I entered in the flying side piercing kick (pictured), my pattern, team pattern and pre-arranged sparing and won in all of them except for the team pattern" - Hannah

What a wonderful achievement, we are so proud of you Hannah!

Hannah practices ITF Taekwon-Do and trains every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, she currently holds a yellow belt with a green stripe. 

Felixstow Highlights


Wheelie Net

On the 1st of July the primary class were lucky enough to have Michael from Novita Wheelie Net join us and talk to us about living with a disability. The students were given the opportunity to spend some time in the wheelchairs learning how to move around obstacles and play wheelchair basketball. The day was a lot of fun and gave us all a small insight as to what life in a wheelchair might be like.

"It was very fun, we learnt that there are different types of wheelchairs people can use" - Ella

"I learnt that people in wheelchairs can play lots of different sports. My favourite part was having wheelchair races going forwards and backwards" - Kevin 


This term our primary students have been having ICT sessions every Thursday afternoon where they focus on their typing skills. Typing is such an important skill for students to learn as they move towards their high school years so we are really excited to be running these sessions.

 "Typing club is a good thing to get into because it teaches you how to type, practising to type on the iPad helps me to get faster. I typed all of this up in one session" - Jaxon. Amazing effort Jaxon and all our primary students who have been so open and engaged during these sessions


Reconciliation Week

For National Reconciliation Week (27th May - 3rd June) we have been reading Dreamtime stories with a focus on the book 'Finding our Heart;' which introduces the Uluru Statement from the Heart. We decorated hearts with the Aboriginal flag and other designs which have been displayed outside of J1.

Norwood Football Club Clinic

In week 6 the Juniors were lucky enough to have Nick from Norwood FC come out to run a football clinic with them down on the oval. They learnt all sorts of skills like how to tackle, handball and kick a football!

Resource Hub

Dear Felixstow Students and Families

Bunnings BBQ ‘Sausage Sizzle’ Fundraiser

After the success of the last Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser we have accepted Windsor Gardens offer of Sunday 19th June. We are asking our community (both families and staff) for any help you are able to give to make this another great fundraising day.

We are seeking donations of money or items towards the BBQ, these are as follows;

- 45kg Slape's BBQ Beef Sausages

- 10kg Tony & Marks sliced onions

- 600 napkins

- Bottled water & ice

- Cans of: Coca-Cola, Coke Zero, Solo

- Squeezy sauce bottles: Tomato ketchup, Mustard, BBQ

Last term we made a profit of $1300 and would like to do the same or better this time. Money raised will go towards the purchase of an outdoor filtered water fountain for the students as requested by a parent and some students.

If you have any questions or are able to help in anyway, please don’t hesitate to contact me at; kelly.hunterwright778@schools.sa.edu.au

Thank you to those who have already kindly donated or offered their service on the day (the roster is now filled).

ALIA National Simultaneous Storytime

On Wednesday 25th May, students participated in ALIA’s (Australian Library and Information Association) annual National Simultaneous Storytime. Every year a picture book written and illustrated by Australians is read simultaneously in libraries, schools and children’s facilities all over the country and world. This event is now in its 22nd year and aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children's book that explores age-appropriate themes, and addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for Foundation to Year 6.

This year’s book “Family Tree’ was written and read by the Australian author Josh Pyke and beautifully illustrated by Ronojoy Ghosh. It is a heartfelt celebration of family, community and the seasons of life to cherish and share.

‘It started with a seed, and that seed was me.

And over time, laughter filled my garden…’

Our school was one of thousands to participate in this event. The Resource Hub has two copies of the book for students to borrow and share with their family.

Resource Hub Open Session

As of week 7, the Resource Hub will be open on Fridays at first break, for a maximum of six students to read or play board games. If this is successful with students, we will consider opening on another day of the week in addition to the Friday session.

Scholastic Book Club

The closing date for issue 4 orders is Friday 24th June. However, Scholastic is offering $5 off your order if you place it before midnight Friday 10th June. Please use the promo code: WINTERREADS

Volunteers Needed

If anyone has some spare time and patience, the Resource Hub has more books that need covering. If you would like to help please let Kelly or Gillian know.

Kind regards


Resource Hub SSO

Important Dates

Updated: March

WeekTERM 2

7Monday 13th JuneQueen's Birthday (PUBLIC HOLDAY)
7Tuesday 14th JunePUPIL FREE DAY (NO SCHOOL)
7 Friday 17th JuneLearning Summary reports go home
8Wednesday 22nd June - Friday 24th June Parent - Teacher conferences
10Tuesday 5th JulyLearning Expo (TBC)
10Thursday 7th JulyMorialta Day - Whole School Excursion
10Friday 8th JulyLAST DAY TERM 2 - P.J. DAY

1Monday 25th JulyFIRST DAY TERM 3
7Thursday 8th SeptemberSPORTS DAY
8Monday 12th SeptemberPUPIL FREE DAY (NO SCHOOL)
10Friday 30th SeptemberLAST DAY TERM 3

1Monday 17th OctoberFIRST DAY TERM 4
6Mon 21st to Wed 23rd NovemberCamp
6Friday 25th NovemberPUPIL FREE DAY (NO SCHOOL)
7Monday 28th NovemberPUPIL FREE DAY (NO SCHOOL)
8Monday 5th December Year 6 Aquatics
8Thurs 8th to Friday 9th DecemberYear 6 Transitions
9Friday 16th DecemberLAST DAY OF THE YEAR

Community Notices

Contact Information

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)

A reminder that OSHC is available for families for before (BSC) and after school care (ASC).

BSC opens at 7:30am                                   ASC is open 3:10-6:00pm

Bookings are essential.

Hannah Gustard is our OSHC director and can be contacted on


Felixstow Community School is truly an extraordinary place of learning. Our talented and dedicated staff provides each student with rigorous care, challenge and support academically, socially and emotionally.

Respect | Responsibility | Compassion