As the holidays get closer it was lovely to see all the parents and family on Tuesday at the Easter Hat parade. The hall looked so colourful and the students were so enthusiastic. Thank you to everyone for putting in such a joyous effort.
This week we farewell Miss Tori Pitman, as she embarks on a new adventure called motherhood. Thank you for your dedication and teaching with passion. Thank you for putting your heart and soul into teaching our students. We will miss you but we know that you are starting a very exciting part of your life.
Harmony Day is on tomorrow Thursday 6 April. Students are invited to wear orange to school. The students will be in mixed groups K-6 and will complete several activities throughout the day. Parents are invited to the assembly at 2:30pm, where students will perform and display their art works.
Term 2 will start with a Staff Development Day (No students). Tuesday is a public holiday for ANZAC Day. Wednesday 26 April all students return to school.
Students need to meet the teachers in the carpark behind the RSL in Wingham at 9am. The march will assemble and walk from there. Students are to wear full school uniform.
Boost in confidence, friendships and getting the best out of their education is what happens when students attend school every day. #EveryDayMatters even the days leading up to end of term. Please remember to only book holidays during school breaks so students can get the most out of their learning.
As the school term comes to an end, we wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday. We look forward to seeing you on the very first day back at school. #EveryDayMatters
“Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.” — Douglas Pagels
Kylie Seaman