Narrabri West Public School


It’s Term 3 – welcome back!

Welcome back to what is set to be a very busy ten weeks, with many exciting learning opportunities. It’s been a busy start as we continue to work with all students on the areas they can improve in to achieve even better results.

We are now midway through our school year. For some students and their families, it signals the approach of their final semester of primary school. Year 6 students may be beginning to experience some amount of anxious anticipation or excitement about High School.

For other students and their families, this time marks the end of their first semester at school. Our Kindergarten students have settled in and formed many new friendships. As a school we continue to work towards achieving excellence through connected, collaborative, critical and creative learning experiences in an exciting learning environment.

One of the highlights of this term is Education Week  2020. We normally celebrate 100 day of school with a special assembly and the opportunity for families to visit classrooms to see what our students have learnt so far this year. Unfortunately due to COVID-19 we were not able to celebrate this year.

It has been very pleasing these last few weeks to read student reports and see the positive comments about how much effort students are putting into reaching their learning goals. The information contained in these reports is a summative account of your child's progress this semester and documents each student’s progress and attitude, so that their achievements and opportunities for improvement are acknowledged, but are also used as a platform to seek further growth and development in the second half of the year through targeted feedback. It is extremely important that you take the time to go through this information with your child and constructively reflect on what the information is saying. 

These reports are not solely intended for parents. They really belong to the students. For parents in supporting their children with their learning, the report aims to provide greater understanding of what additional help you can provide. For the teachers, they encourage them to reflect on the progress of their students, the effectiveness of their own teaching practice and the next steps required to gain further growth from their students. For students, they provide a greater understanding of themselves as a learner and what they can do, and need to do, to enable themselves to ‘be the best they can be’.

Learning can be difficult. It is not always about succeeding the first time. Learning is what comes from reflecting upon our failures and focusing our efforts to do better next time, building resilience along the way so that we are inspired to keep trying.

Quality Work

Silver Badge Presentations

We presented Silver Badges to all students who had reached this level in our Merit Award system. In order to receive a silver badge, student’s behaviour must have been outstanding at all times this year. This is in line with our policy of rewarding students whose behaviour is always appropriate and the fact that so many students achieved this award, yet again clearly demonstrates the qualities of the students at Narrabri West.

End of Term Sausage Sizzle

Another end of term tradition is our BBQ for the whole school and we enjoyed another of these on the last day of Term 2. This was an enjoyable opportunity for everyone to share lunch together before the holidays.

Student Reports.

All teachers have finalised Semester 1 reports for their class. This is an extremely time consuming process and a lot of preparation, effort and thought goes into each student’s report, which is a culmination of intensive planning, teaching, reflecting and assessing throughout the last two terms.

It is important to remember that each reporting period is for a semester (i.e. two terms, including learning from home) and that there will be ups and downs along the way. It is an indication of the progress in learning for that particular semester. It is always great to see students forge ahead as something in their learning ‘clicks’ and equally as gratifying to see students working hard, week in and week out, as that is where the greatest results come from. If you have any questions or concerns, simply contact your child’s teacher and organise a meeting. That option is available all through the school year.

Reports were sent home on Monday 3rd August.

Returning Teachers: Mrs Sampson and Mrs Parker

This term Mrs Sampson and Mrs Parker have returned to Narrabri West Public School.

Mrs Sampson is teaching 5/6G and is the Stage 3 supervisor.  Mrs Parker is teaching support and release from face to face.

Looking ahead

We are really looking forward to working with all students and families during a busy but exciting term.

I would like to wish our students all the best for the second half of the year. Remember there are lots of adults wanting to help you, particularly your parents, family and teachers. Asking clever questions, setting learning goals, trying your hardest and making good choices are the keys to success. 

Modified Cross Country

Our annual Cross Country Championships have been held. Congratulations to all students who participated.  This year we held our Cross Country on the school grounds and all students displayed great sportsmanship.

The students who placed in the top 10 of their age group contributed to the overall house points. Oxley was the overall winner this year – congratulations Oxley.

The age champions for each age group were:

8 years – Blair Lennox. Maicee Astill

9 years – Fletcher Whan, Hadleigh Astill

10 years – Lucas Plowman, Ruby Clayton

11 years – Liam Nott, Alexie Fitzgerald

12/13 years – Rory Holman, Laura Demmery

Modified Athletics Carnival

Our 2020 Modified Athletics Carnival was held last Friday. The students were actively competing throughout the day and teachers enjoyed watching the action. Well done to everyone for participating so enthusiastically. The weather was great and it was a terrific day.

After two days of very hard fought and close competition, Oxley was the winning house.

Our age champions were:

5 yrs        Sofia Kneller, Rory Orman

6 yrs        Gwen Smith, Laurence Alcorn

7 yrs        Hailee Orman, Connor Wallace

8 yrs        Maicee Astill, Blair Lennox

9 yrs        Emma Penny, Fletcher Whan & Lawson Oakley

10 yrs     Ruby Clayton, Lennon Simmonds

11 yrs     Ava O’Connell, Joel Leehy

12yrs       Sienna Earle, Nate Wilkins

A new record was set at the carnival - Ruby Clayton set a new record in the Junior Girls long jump 3.78 metres. Well done Ruby!

Thank you to all Narrabri West Public School staff for the organisation of the carnival and for ensuring all the children participated and enjoyed the day.

Narrabri West is fortunate to be able to hold our carnival on our own school grounds and our track was in fantastic condition - thanks Mr Bruce.

Full carnival results attached below.


2021 Kinder Enrolments

We are now providing all Pre Schools in Narrabri with information packages for next year’s Kindergarten students about our school. If you know of families intending to enrol their children at Narrabri West in 2021, please encourage them to call the office, to arrange an information package.

It is also important for our forward planning that you advise the school as soon as possible if your children will not be attending Narrabri West in 2021. This will not only assist us, but more importantly will allow a smooth and structured start to the school year for those students who are attending.

Whilst 2021 is still a long way away, we have to advise the Department of Education of our anticipated student numbers for 2021 in the next few weeks! Our staffing entitlement for next year is based on these numbers; hence the importance for all schools of having accurate information as soon as possible.

Help Us to Help You!

Please ensure that all of your children’s clothing is clearly labelled.

Lots of jumpers, jackets, track-pants etc end up in LOST PROPERTY and cannot be returned to their owners simply because they are not labelled.  These items of clothing are washed and sent to our Uniform Room for re-sale. 

Lost items that are not school uniform (without names) are washed and sent to a charity for re-sale.

Please check your children’s clothing for items that may belong to other children. 

Any articles that are handed in to lost property that are clearly labelled are sent to the child’s classroom and not held in lost property.

End of day pickup procedures

Students who are being picked up at the end of the school day are supervised on the back oval near the hall and we ask that all parents collect their children from this area.

Due to health guidelines and restrictions parents are not permitted on the school ground without the permission of the Principal. Please call the office before entering the school grounds.

Please notify your child’s teacher if your child has permission to walk home. 

School Attendance

Parents are responsible for the regular attendance of students at school, including partial attendance, lateness and leaving early (Education Act 1990). If your child is late to school:

  • Parents are required to provide the school with a valid explanation so that accurate records can be maintained.
  • If your child is leaving early due to an unavoidable appointment parents must provide an explanation in writing, preferably to the teacher the morning of the leave.

You may send a note to the teacher, use Skoolbag, email or phone the school, or respond to our email or SMS notification, to provide this explanation.

Canteen Online Ordering

To find out how to register you can use the links or follow the instructions attached. 

Download the free app or access

Please call the office on 6792 2377 if you need assistance registering. 


Canteen Price List Term 2 and 3

Uniform Room Online Ordering

Once you have registered with My School Connect you can order uniforms online by using the same login details as used for the canteen. 

Please call the office on 6792 2377 if you need assistance registering. 

Award Winners - T2 Wk 9, T3 Wk 1


Axel Reading, Sphie Bruce, Mia Stride, Hayley Tucker, Maxwell Hayne & Rick Smith


Gus Holbrow, Conen Shepherson, Bailey Oakley, Violet Russ, Zara Warnock & Savannah Cook


Amelia Manton, Jobe Ford, Sophie Hager, Zoe Walters & Mikaela Whan


Laiah Thurston, Tyer Bron & Lucy Booby


Oliver Kelly, Oliviah Tonkin & Caitlyn Irwin


Amelia Shields, Alex Thurston, Charlotte Murphy, Lachlan Baker, Nia Walters & Saige Rood-England


Tillie Fox, Maicee Astill,  Heath Cooper, Jaxon O'Meara, Heath Cooper & Harla McManus


Ryan McConnell, Cooper Kelly, Nardia Henderson,  Bridie Seymour, Nardia Henderson & Ryan McConnell


Addison Woods, Tyran Lawler, Lexie Fernance, Mackenzie Cole, Jack Cole & Shiloh Dalton


James Cole, Isla Holman, Jarrad Lawler, Kiara Vlahopoulos, Brody Smith & Joey Phillips


Tyson Rushby, Jordin Tribe, Allira Solomon, Jake George, Khan Watson & Cody Harris


Sophie Brown, Ruby Magann, Johannah Tribe, Allira Tibbett, Cruz Ryan & Lilly Hennessy


Wyatt Lawler, Lily Bell, Sophie Michell, Rory Holman, Stella Laws & Larni Hennessy


Joel Leehy, Ethan Harris, Layla Murphy, Cody Lane, Joel Leehy & Ashley Morris

 Citizenship Awards & Stars of the Week

Ella KeeffeJustin TaylorIsabelle GaleZara Della
Fletcher SaultLaura CahillMax BoobyDouglas Parker

Behaviour: Resistance words to avoid when talking to kids

Our choice of words when communicating with kids makes a huge difference when trying to get their co-operation. The more we push a child who is resistant, the more likely they are to push back and display greater opposition.

Sometimes one word can cause a child to fold their arms and thrust out their jaw in ‘you-can’t make-me’ defiance. Let’s take a look at some words that invite resistance, especially from strong-willed children who like to have their own way.

Resistance words

  • Must – for example “You must be on time!”
  • Never – for example “You should never be rude to your teacher.”
  • Always – for example “You should always clean your teeth before bed.”
  • You – for example “You need to go to bed now!”
  • Don’t – for example “Don’t yell at your brother.”

By Michael Grose, founder of Parenting Ideas.

Child Dental Benefits Schedule - claim $1000


Most parents are unaware that their children are eligible to receive government funded check-ups, teeth cleaning and some restorative treatment up to $1000 every 2 years! 

Do not miss your chance to set your children up for a life of good oral health. Call us today at ExperteethDental to find out if your child/children are eligible to be treated under the Child Dental Benefit Schedule on (02) 67924990. Or call Medicare direct on 132011 and follow the prompts!

Online safety basics

Help your children safely navigate their digital world and educate them to avoid harmful online experiences. Explore websites, games, apps and social media together and set some rules.

Webinars for parents and carers

Join one of our webinars for parents and carers. They’re free!

Message from Commonwealth Bank

School Banking program will remain on hold. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed with any updates including how we will be managing Dollarmite tokens for students. In the meantime, here are some handy online resources for parents who wish to maintain momentum with their child’s financial education: 


Smart money (year 2)

Smart money (year 3)     

Electronic Money (years 3 & 4):

How banks work: (years 5 & 6):


Please complete this form for each child in your family who will be attending Kindergarten in 2021 at Narrabri West Public School.



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Science: Be a Rock Detective!

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

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