Term 1 Newsletter 2021

Cecil Andrews College

Principal's Address

After an extra long break over the summer holidays with a one week extension due to another Covid lock down, we hit the ground running in Week 2 and it has been a busy Term 1 at the College but we have achieved a lot!


Our school has grown to over 900 students this year!  This is a great demonstration that we are attracting more students to our school, to our specialist programs and to our STEM initiatives.  It shows that we are an inclusive school and our culture of respectful positive relationships continues to grow!


Our Annual Whole School Aquatics Carnival was held in Week 6 or Term 1 at Kalamunda Water Park and this was an enjoyable day for all involved.


Our Annual World of Work Day was held last week and the event was very well organised to maximise our student’s exposure and interest in the World of Work. We had a great influx of parents. The variety of displays and workshops were commendable. This was a valuable opportunity to help us to learn and work together with industry to explore the best possible model of a quality education.


After an extra long break over the summer holidays with a one week extension due to another Covid lock down, we hit the ground running in Week 2 and it has been a busy Term 1 at the College but we have achieved a lot!


Our school has grown to over 900 students this year!  This is a great demonstration that we are attracting more students to our school, to our specialist programs and to our STEM initiatives.  It shows that we are an inclusive school and our culture of respectful positive relationships continues to grow!


Our Annual Whole School Aquatics Carnival was held in Week 6 or Term 1 at Kalamunda Water Park and this was an enjoyable day for all involved.


Our Annual World of Work Day was held last week and the event was very well organised to maximise our student’s exposure and interest in the World of Work. We had a great influx of parents. The variety of displays and workshops were commendable. This was a valuable opportunity to help us to learn and work together with industry to explore the best possible model of a quality education.


The Student Council arranged an event to celebrate Harmony Day in Week 7.  The event included a range of activities for students to participate in including Maori Games, Aboriginal Art, Basketball and Football.


The perimeter fence replacement work commenced this week with the installation being estimated to be completed by the 10 May. 


Our Performing Arts students presented a Music Concert - 'An Evening of Ensembles - An Easter Music Concert'.  This was a great event, and commend all students and staff for the hard work and hours of practice you put into this performance!


I will be taking Long Service Leave next term.  I will be leaving the school in the very capable hands of Ms Kate Grayson who will be Principal for Term 2.  I look forward to seeing you all in Term 3.


Take care of yourselves and your families and stay safe.  Use your time off school to relax and recharge, the staff look forward to seeing all our students and families back at school and ready to learn in Term 2!


Stella Jinman


Complaints Process

Complaints Process

If you need to lodge a complaint at the College, please contact us on 9234 3400.

If the complaint is regarding a subject, your first point of call is your child’s teacher. 

If you need to escalate your complaint, you can then contact the Head of Learning Area, details are below:


Head of Learning Areas

Arts – Nathan Setzinger

English – Kerrie Mansell

Design & Technologies – Nathan Setzinger

HASS – James Charlesworth 

Home Econonomics – Nathan Setzinger

Maths – David Stivey

Physical Education & Health – Nathan Squires

Science – Amanda Lean

Vocational Education & Training – Steven Dimech

Follow The Dream – Sue Gilbert

For other general queries regarding attendance or behaviour, please contact Student Services, details are below:


Student Services

Year 7 Coordinator – Chidi

Year 8 Coordinator – Gemma Gorton

Year 9 Coordinator – Kim Boulton

Year 10 Coordinator – Jessica Murray

Year 11 Coordinator –  Sarah Humphries

Year 12 Coordinator – Kasie Franklin

Attendance Officer – Dana Whiteley

Student Services Manager  – Amy Blackley

If your complaint has not been resolved, please contact a member of our Executive Team, details are below:

Executive Team

Deputy Principal Middle School (Years 7-9) – Donna Paice

Deputy Principal Senior School (Years 10-12) – Nathan Morton

Principal – Stella Jinman

Student Services

Keeping Our School Community Safe

It is a priority at Cecil Andrews College that every member of our community feels safe and empowered to engage in a positive, stable learning environment. To ensure that we keep our school community safe we have aligned the school’s policies and expectations with the Department of Education policies and expectations. As such, abuse, harassment and intimidation of staff and students will not be tolerated. The Department of Education has developed a plan to support staff and students to create a safe learning environment that explained in the Minister’s Statement on School Violence – ‘Let’s Take a Stand Together’. This document can be found on the Department of Education website. The actions in the plan include students to be suspended who attack other students or start fights, Principals to automatically move to exclude students who physically attack school staff and ‘good standing’ requirements to be added to school behaviour policies.

Currently Cecil Andrews College is reviewing the behaviour policies of the school to align it with the Department of Education’s plan. Furthermore, a good standing policy is being created and will be available for review when the draft is finalised. Our current Bullying Policy and Positive Behaviour Support policies can be found on the Skoolbag App, Facebook and School website. Can you please take the time to discuss these policies and the new Department of Education plan with your child to ensure all members of our community have an understanding of behaviour expectations at Cecil Andrews College. Together we can ensure that our school community members feel safe and empowered to engage in a positive, safe learning environment.


Then every Monday from 8am - to - 1 pm for the first 5 weeks of Term 1 and then from 8am – 10am every Monday for the rest of the term (week 6-10) 

Parents can order online at tudorschooluniforms.com.au

The uniform of a Cecil Andrews College student is a symbol of membership of the School community.  It promotes a sense of pride and identification with the School. It assists students to develop a sense of unity and belonging.  Wearing a uniform encourages a sense of pride in appearance. This Uniform and Dress Code applies at all times when students are required to wear their school uniform before, during and after school - no exceptions. NO Denim NO Hoodies NO Leggings 

All students, parents and teachers have a role to play in uniform management.

·         STUDENTS—must be fully aware of the Uniform Code, Uniform Difficulties Procedure and sanctions which apply for a uniform digression.

·         PARENTS—must be fully aware of the Uniform Code, check students at home and respond to School communications.

·         STAFF—all School staff share co-responsibility to manage the Uniform and Dress Code.

 Thank you to all members of the school community who are assisting the school in upholding the dress code. 


Students Absent from school, Arriving Late and Leaving Early

Students who are absent from school for an entire day must bring a note of explanation as soon as they return. This note should clearly state the student’s first name, surname, the date(s) and reason for the absence. Parents are requested to ring on 9234 3401 or send a SMS message 0408 099 112 to the school by 9.00am on the day of their child’s absence.

All students late to school must report to the Student Services Centre with a note from parent/guardian, have their name recorded, receive a late note and go to class.

Students needing to leave early 

 ·         A note from a parent/guardian/caregiver is essential when a child is leaving school early to attend an appointment etc:

·         Report to Student Services prior to school or during recess/lunch time, have their name recorded and receive a Leave Pass

·         If a student is unwell they must report to Student Services where the attendance officer will contact home and arrange for the student to be collected.

·         Students should not contact parents directly on their mobile

SMS Absentee Messaging

 Parents will be notified of daily absentees via SMS. Once a student has been registered absent from school an automated SMS message will be sent to the parent’s mobile, by 10.30am

Holidays during term time

Parents/Guardians who wish to take students out of school for the purpose of a family holiday are required to apply to Mrs Stella Jinman Principal in writing at least one month prior to the intended absence. The school strongly discourages parents from taking planned holidays during term time.

 Talk with our Student Services Team about your child’s attendance or any support you may need.

Contact number: 9234 3401

Absentee SMS: 0408 099 112

Skoolbag APP





P & C

Office Bearers

President - Andrea Nattan

Vice President - Erica Houston

Secretary (acting) - Chidi Umeh-Ujubuonu

Treasurer - Leesanda Binetti-Goodchild

Hello one and all and hello to 2021. The P&C are looking forward to a productive year. 

Our first project, which had to be rescheduled from 2020, is our Colour Run. Things are starting to come together for our event on April 30th. It promises to be a hilarious afternoon so look out for permission slips, details on ordering colour and hunt down an old white shirt. 

We continue to support the College’s wonderful Breakfast Club with funds to purchase some fresh foods. This initiative provides a great start to the school day for many of our students. They learn how to make a good breakfast and build camaraderie together. 

Our Year 12’s are also feeling the P&C love with money provided for a Photobooth at the Ball for this year. We can’t wait to see the crazy pics from this outstanding group of young adults as we wish them well on their transition to adulthood. 

We are working with the Performing Arts teachers for some special project funding this year, including the professional filming of the Evening of Ensembles held on 31st March. This footage will serve not only as a promotion for our engaging music program but will also provide a method for review of production and design for our students.

We recently participated in the Independent Schools Review at the College where it was noted by the reviewers and an interstate visitor that the College has an outstanding relationship with the community for the betterment of our students. We can all feel very proud of the work we do here. 

As with any P&C, we are always looking to represent the views and desires of all parents and community members. We encourage you to seek us out and find out why we are regarded as innovators and not your usual P&C. The best way to do this is to join our Cecil Andrews College Community Linking Centre Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1705415079696396/?ref=share and to look for meeting dates. Join us and share some drinks and nibbles, and enrich our experience with your ideas. 


Many thanks. 

Erica Houston


Meeting around good food, music, fun games and great company are an age-old recipe for the creation of a happy atmosphere. At the Breakfast Club, we aim to make it just that!!!

Students are welcomed with a warm smile, tasty toasties and a drink. Sitting around listening to the music, talking or playing a game helps our students build relationships that are so necessary to a healthy school life.

Taking care of their basic needs is helping them think of helping others too.

Sometimes after tasting their first toasty, the older students would go out and bring in others who are younger or maybe their friends to come eat. Others are now looking to volunteer and to serve the other students together with me.

One of the girls, Halle Gray, had a lovely thought during our chat last week “I think teachers should come eat something at Breakfast Club, as they also rush around in the mornings, and often don’t get a chance to eat”  

What a lovely thought about caring for our teachers!!

 So here is the invitation Teachers…

Starting from 2nd term, if any one of you would like to take a little break in the mornings, and get a cuppa and a snack, please do come over and meet us at the Breakfast Club.

Monique Govender


A note from the School Health Nurse

Welcome to the new school year. My name is Lisa Ferguson and I am the School Health Nurse based at Cecil Andrew’s College.


School health services are an easy way for secondary students to access health care and health information for issues including;

  • mental health and wellbeing
  • healthy lifestyle – nutrition and physical activity
  • development and growth
  • relationships and sexual health and
  • alcohol and other drugs.

School Health Nurses are skilled in assessing adolescent health needs.  We engage in health counselling with young people to identify issues, risks and protective factors, provide advice and brief intervention, assist with access and referral to other services, and provide follow up care. Young people can drop in to the health centre or make appointments to discuss health and wellbeing issues.


Young people are always encouraged and supported to talk to their parents or guardians about significant health issues.


The services provided are free and confidential.

If you have a concern about your child’s health or wellbeing please contact me on 9234 3416 or email me at lisa.ferguson@health.wa.gov.au. Please be aware that I am only based at Cecil Andrew’s College on Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s.



NAPLAN, which stands for The National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy, is a standardised series of tests for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. The results give parents and schools an idea of where each child is at in their development, and are used by the College to identify areas of the curriculum which need specific focus. 

NAPLAN tests at the College are conducted online. All students in Year 7 and 9 are encouraged and expected to attempt the tests.  Students results are used by staff to develop individualised education plans, group education plans and to select students for the Academic Extension Program.  Teachers have been working to prepare students to undertake the test and achieve to their potential.

The test results for Year 9 students are particularly important.  Students who achieve Band 8, or above, pre-qualify for the Online Numeracy Literacy Assessment (OLNA).  All students have to achieve OLNA to receive their Western Australian Certificate of Education at the end of Year 12.

The Coordinated Practice test, was conducted on Thursday 25th March, 2021 with Year 9 students. The NAPLAN testing will commence Thursday 11th May, 2021 and conclude on Friday 21st May, 2021.  The following tests are required:

·         Reading: 65 minutes

·         Language conventions: 45 minutes

·         Writing: 40 minutes



·         Numeracy: 65 minutes


The best preparation for NAPLAN is instruction in the literacy and numeracy content in the Australian Curriculum. We do not encourage excessive drilling or cramming.

The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure your child that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program:

·         Encourage your child to simply do the best they can on the day.

·         Avoid excessive cramming or coaching in the lead-up to NAPLAN

·         Speak to your child’s teachers if you have questions about how you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN.

If you have any questions, please contact Donna Paice, Deputy Principal on 9234 3400 or visit the NAP website: https://www.nap.edu.au and select the Parent/Carer Support Page.


Straight after the work experience workshop on the 26th of November with the year 10’s, Deloitte also ran a resume development workshop with a group of students and parents in the STEM lecture theatre. This provided attendees with extremely valuable information and guidance as to what employers are seeking when it comes to a resume. The feedback received was overwhelmingly positive, and will continue in the future so please keep an eye out in the future about further opportunities to identify how to promote yourself to get the job you’ve always wanted!  


The Science department have had a busy start to the year- after losing a week due to COVID restrictions, we had a positive start to the term with enthusiastic students commencing their programs.

Our Year 7 students engaged in a transition program which is based around science inquiry skills and learning about how conduct themselves in a science lab. Students learnt about the equipment that they will be using in the lab, how to light a Bunsen burner and how to carry out an investigation. Meanwhile, our Year 8 students engaged in the physical sciences unit, where they learnt about the different forms of energy and energy transfers. As part of their learning program, students participated in the solar car challenge which is a STEM project integrating the concepts and skills being taught. The students participated in a solar car challenge at school, where the winning team was selected to compete at the Synergy Solar Car Challenge.


Year 9 students started the year with biological sciences, where students looked at food webs within ecosystems and identified how natural and human activity impacted our Australian ecosystem. Students also learnt about how the human brain works and how the nervous system plays an important role in how we function. Students investigated their reflexes and how fast they would react to stimulus. Our year 10 students commenced with chemical sciences as they learnt about elements, reactions and reaction rates. Students learnt about writing balanced chemical equations and conducted an investigation looking at precipitation.


It has been a busy term of learning and on behalf of the Science Teachers, we would like to commend the students on all their hard work and effort that they have put into science this term!

Ms. Lean

Head of Learning Area- Science

Year 9 Digital Technology

This term we have been looking at redesign existing products. We have redesigned gardens and creating amazing interactive media players. Well done to Kobi Good-Gerne  for his interactive media player Declan Hinder-Platenkamp for redesigning one of the school gardens.

Robotics and Stem Club

This term the Wilder Wolves First Robotics team has continued to meet every Wednesday afternoon and they have been joined but the STEM group (for yrs 7-8).Students have worked with Joseph Loveday to build a robot called an EveryBot . We also took the Robot to Coburn Live event to showcase FRTC.

Performing Arts

From Wednesday the 24th till Friday the 26th of March, a group of 24 students from our Specialist Performing Arts program had the privilege of engaging in a three-day musical theatre course at WAAPA (Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts). The students were given a tour of the WAAPA facilities and were introduced to students currently studying their Bachelor of Musical Theatre. Over the three days the students participated in various workshops run by WAAPA, looking at singing, acting, and dancing in musical theatre.

This incredible opportunity was provided for them by The Smith Family who, together with WAAPA, put a great deal of value in the performing arts. The students worked towards two final performances, one from the musical Newsies and the other from the musical We Will Rock You, which they performed to a select audience from both WAAPA and The Smith Family.

At the end of this course WAAPA then offered an amazing seven scholarships to some of our students allowing them to come back and participate in one of WAAPA’s school holiday programs free of charge. Congratulations to Sebastian Havea (Yr 11), Makayla Voorn (Yr 11), Saaskia Black (Yr 11), Haylee Hunter (Yr 10), Jemma Little (Yr 9), Daisey Godsen (Yr 8) and Saraia Radcliffe (Yr 8). Congratulations to the rest of the students who were in attendance and all worked so hard and performed so brilliantly, making the selection for scholarships very difficult. 

An Evening of Ensembles

Home Economics

Year 10 Home Economics class recently completed a cake design task and did an awesome job!

Health Physical Education


On Friday 12th March the College held its annual Aquatics Carnival at Kalamunda Water Park. The carnival was thoroughly enjoyed by all those who attended with a large increase in attendance number pleasing to see. The cloudy morning soon turned to sunshine which made getting into the water a must.


Participation in all events was encouraged and it was great to see the vast majority of students getting involved with the various events. The swimming races allowed those with a competitive spirit to take on their peers. The races were of a high quality with many nail-biting finishes. Other events included ‘A Minute to Win It’, Clan Showdown, Novelty Relays, and Underwater Flags. All participants in the event earned their clan points as well as points towards their champion boy or girl prospects.


Congratulations to Ms Brook for winning the staff 50m freestyle race.


As always events like this cannot be run without assistance from the staff and students. A special thanks to all event coordinators and other staff who arrived early to help set up the event as well as ensuring the day ran smoothly, your assistance was greatly appreciated.


We look forward to doing it all again next year!


As always it was a well fought out battle between the 3 clans for the bragging rights. It was an extremely close finish with the winners for 2021 being… BRADMAN!!! Congratulations on being the winning clan 5 of the last 6 years at the Aquatics Carnival.


Clan Points

1st – Bradman (2057 Points)

2nd – Starre (1752 Points)

3rd – Freeman (1742 Points)


Congratulations also go to the following people for their fantastic results.

Champion Students

Year 7 Boys – Elijah Smith

Year 7 Girls – Jess O'Reilly

Year 8 Boys – Damon Cockell

Year 8 Girls – Lee-Anne Mcdiarmid


Year 9 Boys – Jackson Smith

Year 9 Girls – Arya Davey

Year 10 Boys – Aiden Warner

Year 10 Girls – Hailie Mitchell


Year 11 Boys – Ali Abboud

Year 11 Girls – Teija Morrison

Year 12 Boys – Jay Roughton

Year 12 Girls – Ashleigh Bowden


Runner Up Students

Year 7 Boys – Patrick Havea

Year 7 Girls – Chloe Cramp

Year 8 Boys – Lucas Akerman

Year 8 Girls – Braydee Audrain

Year 8 Girls – Lavendah Davis

Year 9 Boys – Joshua Gibbons

Year 9 Girls – Jemma Little

Year 10 Boys – Zachary Warner

Year 10 Girls – Hailie Gray

Year 10 Girls – Haylee Hunter

Year 11 Boys – Rhiley Smith

Year 11 Girls – Shevon McCormack

Year 12 Boys – Zac Willis

Year 12 Girls – Akeira Collard


STARR Award Winner – Awarded by each Year Coordinator to a student who best exhibits the school wide expectations of STARR (Safe, Trustworthy, Achieving, Resilience and Respect)

Year 7 Boys – Sam Bather

Year 7 Girls – Shanayah Charlie

Year 8 – Braydee Audrain

Year 9 – Eliza Edwards

Year 10 – Sienna Patterson

Year 11 – Tyra Arnold

Year 12 – Zac Willis

AFL lunchtime competition

Eager to give our AFL Academy students a head start on the football this year, Mr Wayne and Mrs Boulton have been running our ‘Game On’ lunchtime football competitions for all year groups. Our ‘Game On’ tournament has been running on alternative weeks for the Year 7/8’s and Year 9/10’s each Thursday lunchtime allowing our AFL Academy students the opportunity to learn from one another and to showcase their talents to the rest of the College. And showcase they have, with many students now in contention for our ‘Game On’ Most Valuable Player for their respective year groups. The AFL Academy would like to extend a huge thank you to all the students and staff who came out to support and assist with the running of the competition. In particular we would like to thank Aiden Warner for assisting with organising the Year 7’s in their first few games, as well as goal umpiring and scoring and Mr Bray for his assistance with boundary umpiring each week.

Senior Basketball Carnival

On Monday 22nd March, the senior school basketball team went to the newly renovated Willetton Basketball Stadium to play in the zone carnival. The students played exceptionally well finishing the fixtures tied 2nd. We look forward to competing in this carnival again next year, hoping to go one better to make the regional crossover finals.


In Year 10 Health, students have been undertaking the Keys for Life pre-driver education program. Keys for Life is a comprehensive, national award winning, evidence-based pre-driver program that assists parents, schools and agencies to educate young people about safer road use and provides licencing benefits.


As part of the pre-driver education program Year 10 students were invited to attend the RAC bstreetsmart event on Wednesday 31st March. RAC bstreetsmart features a crash scene re-enactment attended by the emergency services, just as it would occur at a real crash site. The students also have the opportunity to listen to speakers who have been directly impacted by road trauma and talk with emergency services personnel.

Upcoming HPE events


Year 8 Lightning Carnival – Week 4 Thursday 13 May

Netball Day Carnival – All Years – Week 6 Wed 26th May Year 7 Lightning Carnival – Week 11 Tuesday 29 June

AFL Simply Energy Cup – Y10-12 – Wed Afterschool

AFL Eagles Schoolboys Cup – Y8-9 – Mon Afterschool

AFLW Freo Dockers Cup – Y10-12 Tue Afterschool

Soccer – All Years – Afterschool (Day TBC)


Year 10 Lightning Carnival – Week 3 Thursday 5th Aug

Athletics Carnival – All Years – Week 5 Friday 20th Aug

Year 9 Lightning Carnival – Week 10 Monday 20th Sep

                            AFLW Freo Dockers Cup – Year 8-9 – Date TBC


Staff V Students AFL Match – Week 1 Friday 22nd Oct

Interschool Athletics – All Years – Monday 25th October


Cecil Andrews Clontarf Academy Alumni Update

The Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and by doing so equips them to participate meaningfully in society.


The year has started off at a cracking pace for all involved in the Clontarf Academy as we continually work to develop and build the capacity of all boys. From welcoming our newest year 7 inductees and their families, to welcoming back and settling in our previous Academy members, much of the early part of the Term has been focussed on communicating and reinforcing our key messages and expectations in an effort to create a solid foundation for Academy members to start or continue their Clontarf journey.


To be able to keep the boys engaged there needs to be a vibrant academy program that encourages boys to keep attending and doing the right thing in the classroom and around the school. Academy activities are planned within the focus areas of education, leadership, employment, healthy lifestyles, life skills and sport.


Some of the highlights of the Term 1 Academy program are listed below:


·         Year 7 Induction Day

·         Year 12 Leadership camp in Busselton

·         Clontarf Driver Education Program for the boys to access professional driving lessons to obtain either their Learners Permit or Provisional Licence

·         Excursions to Adventure World & Bounce

·         Hosting a Staff Morning Tea in the Academy room

·         The number of boys committing to the Follow The Dream program

·         Hosting the Year 8/9 Footy Carnival at Gwynne Park

·         Year 10-12 Clontarf Cup Carnival at Trinity Playing Fields

·         Clontarf vs Stars afterschool Netball game

·         Harmony Day

·         Super Training and breakfast with our local Clontarf partners

·         Great turnout at the Swimming Carnival

·         Surfing at Trigg Beach for our top 25 attendees of the Term

·         Terrific numbers at our morning training sessions


Joseph, Lane and I look forward to working with the College staff, Academy parents/guardians and the broader school community to help improve the educational outcomes of the boys and provide them with a range of development, training, employment, sporting and broader life opportunities.


We look forward to another great Term.


Darren Davis


Cecil Andrews Clontarf Academy


Introduction to Stars

Despite the sad news of Girls Academy closing, we are happy to still be at Cecil Andrews College under the new provider, Stars Foundation. We now also have 3 staff members, Tara-Lee Morrison (Program Coordinator), Aisha Collymore (Program Mentor) and Madelenne Smith (Program Mentor), to support the girls.

Our program is based on strong, trusting relationships. The Stars Room provides a culturally safe, warm environment – a place where the girls and young women in our program feel nurtured and inspired.

Our full-time Mentors provide a diverse range of activities to support our Stars to develop the self-esteem, confidence and life skills they need to successfully participate in school and transition into a positive and independent future.

This year we have 74 students, including 16 bubbly and enthusiastic Year 7’s that are transitioning well into the Stars program and life in high school.

International Women’s Day

 The 8th of March was International Women’s Day, which we celebrated with a morning tea and lunch for the girls and close contact staff. As we are a women’s program, this day was especially significant to us and we highlighted the importance of sticking together, knowing our worth and fighting for equality.


It was great to have all the girls together and celebrate ourselves, as strong women.


Stars vs Clontarf Netball Game

On Wednesday March 24th, we competed in a netball game against Clontarf after school, that any of the girls and boys in each program could be involved in. It was a great opportunity for both teams to bond and have a good time competing out of school hours. Both teams were very competitive, but the girls were able to come away with the win this time. We look forward to being involved with more games against Clontarf in the future that could including AFL, basketball, touch rugby and more.

Contact Times

Once a week we have contact time with each year, where we focus on the 4 pillars of the Stars Foundation: Healthy Lifestyles, Wellbeing, Community/Culture and Education, Training and Employment. The contact times for each year are:

-         Year 7 – Tuesday P4

-         Year 8 – Thursday P2

-         Year 9 – Thursday P4

-         Year 10 – Friday P4

-         Year 11/12 – Friday P5

Tara-Lee Morrison 

Aisha Collymore 

Madelenne Smith


Follow the Dream has had a great start to 2021!

We had our first FTD session on Monday of Week 2. The students and tutors commenced with a meet and greet, followed by some goal setting for Semester 1. Students worked alongside the tutors to review their 2020 reports and created specific goals to aspire to in 2021. We had a great turnout and it was an enjoyable afternoon for all.

FTD Students and Tutors attending after-school tutoring.

The highlight for this term was the 2020 Awards Presentation, held in the Performing Arts Centre at Cecil Andrews College on the 24th February. We had over 100 guests attend, including students from the Follow the Dream sites at Cecil Andrews College, Byford Secondary College, Armadale Senior High School, Kelmscott Senior High School and Lesmurdie Senior High School.

The FTD students achieved some outstanding results. We had so many awards to present that we had to borrow two extra tables to hold them all! The students should be extremely proud of all their achievements in 2020. It was a difficult year but not even the COVID-19 pandemic could stop our students! We commend the students for their outstanding resilience, leadership and commitment. A special congratulation goes to CAC students, Saraia Radcliffe and Aiden Warner, who received the award for Top FTD Student in Y7/8 and Y9/10 respectively, across all 5 sites- well done, Saraia and Aiden! As always, we could not have achieved these results without the help of staff, tutors, and most importantly, the families of the FTD students, who are an integral part of ensuring our students achieve their goals. A special thank you to CAC Principal, Stella Jinman, for her endless support throughout 2020.

Our event was led by FTD students Akeira Collard and Chase Pigrim, who were the MCs for the evening. They demonstrated courage and professionalism well beyond their years, and ensured that the event ran smoothly. 

LWe were privileged to have Anne and Carol McCormack attend with FTD student, Shevon McCormack, to present the Stolen Generations video that was created in partnership with the FTD students. The video is a valuable resource for educators and we are very grateful to our students, and their families, for sharing their stories and cultures.

Several FTD students were involved in delivering the College’s first assembly for 2021 on February 23rd. Teija Morrison delivered the Acknowledgement of Countryat the assembly, accompanied by James Winmar and Darryl Mason who showcased their didgeridoo skills. The College was then treated to an outstanding dance performance by Darryl Mason, James Winmar, Tai Morrison, Noah Brooks, Hiroshi Masatora, TePou Thomas and Timana Tucker, accompanied by AIEO Wayne Ninyette. It was an excellent showcase of culture, song and dance. A big thank you goes to Wayne Ninyette and Kristy Ninyette for their dedication and support in helping the students connect with and share culture with the College.

It has been a fantastic start to the year and we hope to continue this momentum into Term 2. Thank you to our students, families, teachers and tutors for your ongoing commitment to the program.

We wish everyone a fun and relaxing break J

Sue and Kiara

Follow The Dream

WOW (World of Work) Day

The event engages students to explore a career in STEM. The Southern Perth P-TECH program has formed partnerships with companies from the Defence Industry, Business and Information Technology sectors in WA.


The career expo was an incredible opportunity for students to familiarise themselves with the P-TECH program and career pathways within our partner industries. The students responded to the expo in a very positive and engaging manner and enjoyed the interactions with the stall holders and learning more about STEM careers. 


Further information on the Southern Perth P-TECH partnership can be found at:



On 19th March, the students of Cecil Andrews College celebrated Harmony Day. The student council organised a range of events during lunchtime and period 5 to promote the cultural diversity of our college and our strong community bond.


Students were encouraged to wear an orange t-shirt or something from their heritage. The proceeds raised were donated to the Make-a-wish foundation.


Students were able to purchase a sausage sizzle, watch performances or engage in a range of cultural activities.


Come to School Every Day!

Why….…because school enables children to build on their knowledge and skills each day, each week and each year.

Why……because children can miss out on the basic skills and may experience difficulties later with their learning.

Why……because school helps children build confidence in areas such as communication, teamwork, organization and social skills.

Why……because going to school is a legal requirement and there are fines associated with this.

The law states all children from Pre Primary to Year 12 must attend school (or have an alternative educational or workplace arrangement).

Under the law, you are responsible for making sure your child goes to school on ALL school days.  You must not keep your child away from school for minor reasons.

Don’t be soft on school attendance… because we want all children to be their best.

 What the law says:

Under Western Australian law (School Education Act 1999), parents must send their children to school unless:

·         They are too unwell.

·         They have an infectious disease.

·         The principal is provided with a genuine and acceptable reason.

You must let the school know within three days why your child is not attending.

Under the law, schools must:

·         Monitor attendance of students.

·         Follow up with parents and caregivers on student absences.

What happens when your child misses school without a valid reason?

·         Your school will ask you for an explanation.

·         Your school will meet with you to discuss ongoing issues and plan a response.

·         A School Attendance Panel will be set up to review the steps taken and provide advice.

·         In some cases, you might be fined.

Support and help for families

If your child is reluctant or refuses to go to school, or is missing school without you knowing, there is support and help available.  Contact your school or South Metropolitan Education Regional Office for information/assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q:  What should I do if my child is unwell?

A:  Inform the school and provide a medical certificate if requested.

Q:  What should I do if my child refuses to go to school?

A:  Contact your school as soon as possible and the school will arrange advice/support.

Q:  What should I do if we are going on holiday during school time?

A:  Holidays during school time are detrimental to your child’s learning.  The Principal of your school will not consider this an approved absence.  Arrange your holidays during vacation periods.

Q:  Can I take my child out of school for social occasions?

A:  No.  This is not considered reasonable. You should arrange social occasions such as personal shopping trips and birthday celebrations out of school hours.

Q:  Will my child be marked absent from school if he/she is doing a VET, Registered Training Organization program?

A: No as long as this is part of the school program.  Attendance at these programs is also monitored.

Further Information & Support:

Talk with our Student Services Team about your child’s attendance or any support you may need.

Contact number: 9234 3401

Absentee SMS: 0408 099 112

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The Department of Education’s South Metropolitan Education Regional Office in Beaconsfield also has trained staff that will be able to provide relevant information and support.

Contact number: 9336 9563

A reminder that Cecil Andrews College has a zero tolerance policy to bullying, violence, and drugs.