Dernancourt School R-7 Newsletter

21st February 2019


As pictured above, our bottle top art project is now complete. Thanks to Ash Manser for her creative idea and then working with our students to assemble the feathers using donated bottle tops. 

We are really proud of the way this came together as a masterpiece. This art project demonstrates how when we all work together as a community we become a work of art – everyone played a part…from all of the donations of bottle tops, to classes for sorting and designing feathers, then working with Ash to attach the bottle tops. Thanks also to Greg and Mr Watkins for attaching the bird to the wall. 

Make sure you check it out!!

External School Review

Dernancourt School has been selected to be involved in the External School Review process this term.  All Department schools are reviewed as part of the school improvement process; we were last reviewed in 2015. The focus of this review is to evaluate our performance in improving achievement, growth, challenge, engagement and equity. It involves the panel speaking with staff, students and Governing Council. Please contact the Front Office if you do not wish your child to be interviewed as part of the External School Review and a form will be sent to you. 

We have an excellent record of improvement planning and student achievement and this will be an opportunity for us to hone our improvement processes. The Review Team consists of a Review Officer from the Department for Education team and a Review Principal. The Review will be conducted in the school on Monday April 1st and Tuesday April 2nd. 

 The recommendations we receive will be communicated with community. 


We all know that schools are very busy places at the beginning and end of each day in car parks and on the roads. It is important that we work together to keep our children safe. We ask families to support us by parking in the correct areas, using the footpaths and the crossing to model safe behaviour.

Concerns have been raised by many parents, staff and students about the cars moving at speeds over 25km/h when approaching the school and then moving in and out of the car parks at the beginning and end of the day. The side streets surrounding the school, if you wish to walk your child in to class, or the drop off zone if you do not need to get out of your car are both safe alternatives to parking in the car parks.  

If we all share this responsibility our children (and the adults) will stay safe.



Congratulations to the following students who received an assembly award last Thursday.

J2 - Alyssa, J3 - Purcell, J4 - Akshika, J5 - Nate, J6 - Hadley, J7 - Bableen

P2 - James, P3 - Jessie, P4 - Damien, P5 - Eniko, P6 - Angas, P8 - Chloe, P10 - Rebeka, P12 - Alia, P14 - Ryan

Well done!  Our next assembly is Thursday 7th March (Week 6).  


The crossing monitors for Week 5 are Jack, Brooke, Tianna and Jay.  

Year 5-7 students completed crossing training this week.  Permission Forms to be a crossing monitor will be sent home on Monday.



The Annual General Meeting of Dernancourt School R-7 Governing Council will be held n the staffroom on Tuesday 12th March at 7:00pm. This is open to all parents/caregivers. The Annual Report for 2018 is presented at this meeting

Attending the AGM does not mean that you have to become a member of Governing Council, however if you would like to nominate for council or for a Governing Council committee, please complete a nomination eform on the skoolbag app.



On Tuesday 12th February we held our annual Acquaintance Night and it was fantastic to see so many families here. 

Acquaintance Night plays an important part in establishing family connections and we hope that the families who came along were able to gain some insight into their child’s learning for 2019.

Our specialist teachers gave an overview of their programs and then every classroom was open to families for 30 minutes; teachers presented some of the exciting learning opportunities that will be provided in their classrooms this year as well as information about class routines and timetables.  All teachers provided handouts, so if you were unable to attend please ask your child to collect a copy of the handout or pop into school and ask the teacher for a copy. 

Thank you also to Jane and her volunteers that contributed to the success of the evening by providing the BBQ.