
Our Lady's Primary School - Friday 1st March, 2019

Our Lady's Primary School Surrey Hills

Guided by the life of Jesus Christ

Inspired by the Spirit of Mary

Our Lady’s Primary School is a place of growth and challenge.

Where we seek to ignite imagination and promote a lifelong passion for God and learning 

Learning together in Faith Hope and Love

Principal: Mrs Annie Engellenner -

Office Manager: Mrs Julie Leung -

Parish Priest: Fr Mark Reynolds - 

Hours of Supervision of Students: Monday – Friday 8.30am -3.45pm

School Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8.30am – 4.00pm

Important Dates This Week

Tuesday 5th - Confirmation Parent Faith Evening @ 7:30pm

Friday 8th - School Closure Day

Thursday 14th - Reconciliation Reflection Day


Creator God you have loved me into life.

Continually draw me to yourself daily in close relationship with you

During this Lenten Season of reflection and prayer, walk with me and hold my hand in my daily joys and struggles.

I know I can be the best version of myself with your continued guidance and love.

Give me the confidence to reach for your guiding hand.

Cultivate with love the seeds of goodness, beauty and truth that God sows in every generation.”  Pope Francis

Leadership and Management

Dear Parents and Friends of Our Lady’s School Community,

It is hard to believe we are at the end of the fifth week of Term One!

I hope everyone has settled in well to the new school year! It has been lovely to welcome parents into the classrooms in the morning to chat with teachers and to see the wonderful learning environments that students are engaged in. Thank you to all the families who have attended the numerous events that are part of the Term One Calendar – Parent/ Teachers evening, Information Evenings, Reconciliation Parent Night, Andrew Chinn Concert, Welcome BBQ and the Commissioning School Mass.

E- Learning

I am very pleased to have introduced new iPads and Chromebooks to the Junior Level. These devises will support our teachers to differentiate the learning for all our students and provide an engaging and contemporary way to build knowledge and understanding.

The use of digital devises to transform learning needs, must also to be strongly supported with the teaching of positive dispositions and attitudes towards screen time. We are working in a very focused way to support the students in this way. I’m very grateful to all the parents that have returned the Cyber Safety User Agreements and for taking the time to discuss with your children the responsibilities that come with such privilege.

Please mark in your diary our “Cyber Safety Evening March 28th – Inform and Empower Parents.”

Marty McGauran, a Google Certified Trainer and Education Consultant continues to work with us this year and will be presenting on the evening, along with Child Psychologist Carly Mc Gauran. Please see the flyer attached.

Playground Update

We are really excited about the redevelopment of our playground which will begin on April 1st. It is anticipated that it will be completed by the end of the fourth week of Term 2. Although this is slightly later than we first thought, our focus is on the long term benefits it will bring to our children. 

2020 Enrolments

Enrolments for 2020 are now open! Enrolment forms and Open Day dates are on our website and also available from the office. Could those with siblings commencing next year kindly forward their completed forms to the office as soon as possible. It is helpful to have sibling numbers in early, so we have some idea of the complete 2020 intake.

Open Days and School Tours Wednesday 6th & Friday 15th of March, Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 15th of May  

Open Day Fliers

We are looking for families who are able to assist in promoting the school to prospective students. If you have siblings or contacts in kindergartens or child care centers and would like to assist by dropping off open day fliers, please contact the office.

By far the best way for advertising our wonderful school - is by word of mouth! Please promote our school when talking with people out and about in the community and encourage them to come along to an open day, or arrange a school tour at a time that is more suitable for them.

Child Safe Standards

“The Child Safe Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all organisations that provide services to children including Victorian schools. The aim of the Standards is to ensure organisations are well prepared to protect children from abuse and neglect.” 

(Department of Education and Training Victoria, July 2017). 

At Our Lady’s school, our primary consideration is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all students in our care. To ensure that this is the case, we take seriously our obligations, as outlined in the seven Child Safety Standards. All members of our school community are expected to abide by each of the standards. 

Each week we will focus on one of the seven standards and what it means for our school. 

Standard 1. Maintain an organisational culture of child safety.

Here at Our Lady’s school, Leadership is proactive in aiming to ensure that all members of the school community and visitors maintain a culture of child safety. We also aim to ensure that our students feel valued and respected and have every opportunity to achieve their full potential. 

Ways we can promote this standard at Our Lady’s school:

*School staff, volunteers, contractors and the parent community have a current Working with Children Check (or equivalent), with copies retained at school. They also read and sign the Code of Conduct form.

*School staff, volunteers and the parent community interact in positive ways with each student. Should a parent or other adult observe any concerning behaviours they are to notify a school staff member immediately.

*School staff and classroom volunteers are encouraging and supportive of the efforts made by the students.

*Classroom volunteers will be guided by the teachers in regard to the support they give within the classroom setting. 

The safety of the students at Our Lady’s school continues to be of the highest priority and your support in upholding the Child Safety Standards is very much appreciated.


School Closure Day

Next Friday, 8th March the staff of Our Lady's and Our Holy Redeemer will be participating in a Professional Learning Day. The focus of this learning will be Education in Faith.

There will be no school for students on this day. 

Thank you for your continued support of our wonderful school. 

Annie Engellenner



2019 Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection Notice

Dear Parents,

Below are two attachment explaining the Government's recent requirements for all schools to provide student residential addresses and other information for their records. Our Lady's office recently uploaded this information.

2019 Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection Notice


F&Q - 2019 Residential Address and Other Information Collection


Student Awards


George - For always trying his best in the classroom and for using his best manners at school.

Isaac – For making a positive start to the Prep year. He has been a wonderful leader to fellow preps.


Baron S – For being an attentive listener.

Grace C – For being an amazing and responsible helper.

Harry B – For marvellous work in maths.


Will W – For working well in the classroom and setting a great example for his peers.


James Mc – For brilliant work during our place value unit and challenging yourself.

Sophia C – For having a fantastic attitude to learning by asking questions and getting started on her work straight away.

Maddie – For being a great learner who is always positive and gives everything a go.

Liam M – For working well in your literacy group by completing your handwriting independently.


Charlie B - For reading aloud confidently with excellent phrasing and expression.

Keira - For being a ‘Self-Manager’ towards your learning. Well done Keira, you are always ready to learn and give it your best! Week 4

Samantha - For always having a positive attitude towards learning. Well done Sam for always trying your best!


Maeve - for always possessing a respectful and caring nature in and out of the classroom. 


Gus C – For displaying excellent sportsmanship during inter-school sport and for supporting his peers as well as the opposition.

Sports Awards

Max G – For trying very hard playing hot shots tennis. Wonderful effort and focus.

Conor K – For a fabulous bowling display at interschool sports, plus some very good fielding and catching.

Madeleine T – For being a responsible and reliable sports leader, generous with her time to help others.

Olivia E – For trying hard in hotshots and improving with her forehand.

Art Achievement Award

Callum A (3/4C) - working hard to complete a detailed figure shadow drawing.

Emily F (5/6H)- completing a detailed 3/4 view portrait drawing.

Holly T (1/2JL) - kindly helping sort the coloured paper.

Bronte (1/2JL)- kindly helping sort the coloured paper.

Antony (Foundation) – For kindly cleaning up the art equipment.

Isaac (Foundation) - For kindly cleaning up the art equipment.

Charlie B (3/4C) – For outstanding coloured pencil shading.

George M (5/6H) – For kindly explaining to another student how to use the water colour paints.

Polite in the Playground Award

Gus C - 5/6L

Cassidy H - 3/4

Tabitha – Foundation

Angus – 3/4C

Sustainability Awards

For their dedication and hard work in the green team.

Will H – 1/2AL, Isla – 1/2S, Charlize – 1/2JL, Izzy – 1/2JL, Georgie W – 1/2S Emmy – 1/2S

Skipping Club

Many thanks to all students who have returned or joined Skipping Club this year. Across all Year Levels, we now have more than 80 children involved - amazing!!!!Our focus has been on practising & improving skills, but we are now slowly starting to prepare routines. The children have been loving the song choices.

A 'Greatest Show' theme for the Yr 3/4 team - stay tuned!!! 

In addition the Year 6 Skippers, & representatives from all other clubs, last week helped Nicki & Maddi prepare & perform a routine to be used as a promo for during the year. Exciting times!!! 

Thank you to ALL our skippers and remember it is never too late to come along & have a go.

It really is happiness 

Nicki & Maddi 

Skipping Coaches

Sport News

Hot Shot Tennis

On Friday the 15th of February our 5/6  team vs Our Holy Redeemer at their school. Congratulations to the following students that made it  to the team Nickie G, Fiona T, Lucas JR, Tom W, Tom M, Aidan T, Ezra K, Connor K, and Max F. Really well played from all of you and good sportsmanship.

Well done to everyone for trying their best and a special mention to the doubles teams for winning all their matches. Our team won the overall game so great job again to all of you.

A huge thank you goes to all the following teachers Miss Ludescher, Mr Hawke, Tania and a massive thank you goes to Mrs James our sports teacher for organizing everything.  

We are looking forward to seeing you all again next week at St Bridget's.


I was part of the volleyball team. I saw the people showing lots of encouragement. For our first volleyball game I think we did really well. We had great spirit had played like pros. We fought hard to win two our of two games against people much taller. People played hard for their first ever game. I was the only grade five and before the game I didn't even know how to play. I think the team we played fought till the very end. OHR put up a great fight. 

By Rohan 

Tee Ball

 On the 15/2/19, the Our Lady’s Tee-ball team played against The Our Holy Redeemer Tee-ball team. They played at the Surrey Hills Baseball Club. The two teams demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and sporting abilities. They played for four innings, with the score going back and forth the entire game. The game ran very smoothly because of the two teams honesty and courage. It was amazing how both teams were exceedingly good at T-ball. There was outstanding fielding and batting from every single child, but in the end it all came down to one run, and OLPS won!

By Gus C Yr 6


On Friday 15th of February the year 5/6s went to the first interschool sports of 2019, playing OHR. It was the year 5s first year of interschool sports, we went down to surrey park with the tee ballers. We Bowled and bated at the same time and there were two different games playing. The scores were 200 to OLWP and 243 to OHR, everyone had a bat and bowl and had a great time playing.

OHR were the home team and the people playing tennis and volleyball stayed at OHR and played there. Isla and I were part of the team, the whole team did very well and had a good score in the end. Mrs James umpired our game and did a great job. Thank you Alec for being a great team captain. Emily and I had lots of fun playing with the team, and are looking forward to playing for the next 6 weeks.

By Emily and Isla from 5/6H  

Dates Ahead 2019

Religious Education Dates 2019

Religious Education

It was wonderful to gather as a school community to celebrate the new school year as well as acknowledging and blessing our school leaders, Parent Education board and new preps. Our leaders received their badges and the preps received a beautiful Guardian Angel badge. Many thanks to the PFA for providing a lovely morning tea.

PARENT MEDITATION GROUP - Friday 15th March- 9.00am

I would love to begin our Parent meditation group on Friday 15th March at 9.00am in the Library. At this meeting we can discuss as a group how often we would like to meet.

I will be facilitating the group and see it as a very relaxed gathering where we learn about meditation and have a brief time of meditation together, followed by a cuppa for those who can stay.

I have been studying and lecturing in Christian Meditation and mindfulness over the last 20 years and particularly enjoy leading children and adults in times of meditation.

It may be of interest to you if;

  • You would like to gain a deeper understanding of our school meditation program

  • You lead a busy life and occasionally feel overwhelmed by your busyness!

  • If you tend to be a worrier or anxious

  • If you would like to help your child, who can tend to be a worrier.

  • If you would like to find the time for you- to be calm, still and silent.

  • If you would like to take this calm out into your everyday interactions and relationships

I would love to hear from you if this sounds interesting to you or just show up on the 15th!

If you cannot attend on this date but are interested, please let me know!

“Be still and know that I am God. These are the words that we take into our busy lives…. It is important to keep a still place in the marketplace. This still place is where God can dwell and speak to us. It also is a place where we can speak in a healing way to all the people we meet in our busy days.” Henri Nouwen

Andrew Chinn

Last Wednesday night was a wonderful whole school time of singing, sharing and celebrating together. We felt blessed to have Andrew with us during the day as he delighted our students through his humour, gentleness and musical gifts.

The evening concert was well attended and it was an exciting time of sharing the talents of both the students and staff alike! It was fabulous to see the delighted smiles of all our students, from Prep to year 6. A great night was had by all.

Lent- Ash Wednesday

We will be celebrating mass together on Wednesday 6th March at 10:15, in Our Lady's church, to mark the beginning of Lent and we warmly invite you to join us at this mass. We will be marking our foreheads with the sign of the cross from the palms that Father Mark will burn with us on Tuesday in the quadrangle.

During Lent we will focus on our calling to become people of great love. We will be reflecting upon how we can live our lives on a daily basis in a way that resembles the values of Jesus.

During Lent we will be making connections to our Inquiry question, ‘How can we create a great learning environment where everyone can grow?’ We will be looking at our responsibility to ensure that not only do we learn and grow, but also how can we ensure our classmates learn and grow.

We will also look for ways to support children throughout our global community, as we believe that all children in our world have the right to learn and grow. It will also be a time of reflecting on our times of prayer and how meaningful prayer can help us to learn, grow and be  people of great love.



On Tuesday the 5th March, there will be an information evening for the Sacrament of Confirmation. This will be held in the church at 7.30pm and for parents only.

Confirmation commitment masses

The confirmation candidates can choose to go to one of the following masses.

  • Our Holy Redeemer- 30th March  6.00pm

  • Our Lady’s Church- 31st March- 9.00am

  • Our Holy Redeemer- 31st March 10.30am


14th March- Reconciliation Reflection Day. Year 3 Students can wear casual clothes

21st March- Sacrament of Reconciliation in Our Lady’s Church at 7.00pm.

Students are to wear casual clothes.

Surrey Hills and Wattle Park Parish Sacramental Program

Surrey Hills Wattle Park Parish provides sacramental preparation, catechist classes for children within the parish who do not attend the parish schools. 

CONFIRMATION classes, for children in Yr 6+, who have been Baptised and received First Eucharist, will be held at the same venue, beginning Wednesday, 27 March. 

EUCHARIST classes, for children who have been Baptised and received First Eucharist (First Communion) will begin Thursday, 13 June. 

For Reconciliation and Confirmation class enrolment details (Eucharist enrolment in Term 2) please contact:

Nanette Giovannini,

Parish Sacramental Coordinator. Tuesdays & Wednesdays, Parish Office, (excluding school holidays) 9890 2510.

Working Bee Saturday 2nd March 9:00am - Midday

Dear Parents, Students & Siblings! 

Welcome back to all our Staff, Students and families of OLPS for 2019!  We need to give a big Thank You to Principal Annie Engellenner and her family members for taking the time during the holidays to clean and prepare the school yard before school classes commenced for the year. 

Your attendance to our ‘child-friendly’ Working Bee would be much appreciated.  General duties will include maintenance of our garden beds and adding a fresh coat of paint on all the decking areas in the school and some internal painting. Please consider even an hour of your time. Tools down at 11:30am when there will be a Sausage Sizzle provided with refreshments for all the ‘Working Bees’. 

Working Bees are not just about school maintenance, they are about building relationships and experiencing the benefits of belonging to our school community.

If you can spare some time on Saturday, March 2nd, we would love to see you there! Please sign up on the link below to help us organise our maintenance requirements.         

With kind regards,

Nick Karagiannis and Richard Maugueret


Sustainability News - Bunnings Visit

Our Lady's would like to thank Bunnings for sending Sue- Ean  to the school on Tuesday, 19th Feb to plant with the Green Team and share her knowledge with us. She brought us beautiful indigenous grasses and plants and also bags of mulch that we laid on our garden beds. 

The children really enjoyed the day and we're happy to say that Sue- Ean will continue to come to our school.Thank you Bunnings Box Hill!

School Psychologist

Our OnPsych staff member is, Deidre Voss, a passionate psychologist who works with both children and adolescents who are experiencing a range of difficulties such as anxiety and mood disorders, learning and behavioural difficulties, exam stress, interpersonal, self harming and adjustment difficulties (social & situational. If you believe that this might benefit you child, please contact Ange Loadman the School wellbeing Leader, or Annie, Clare  for further information.

Parenting Ideas - Unearthing Kids' Strengths


Children's Liturgy

Children’s Liturgy – Sunday at 9am mass at Our Lady’s – ALL CHILDREN WELCOME!  (please note that pre-school children need to be accompanied) 

We would love more volunteers (parents) to run the Children's Liturgy, please contact Joanna Kelly if you are keen to assist, it's fun and easy!

Joanna Kelly - 0422 901 894,

Cyber Safety for Parents

n Term 1 2019, Our Lady's school will have a Cyber Safety information evening for parents. The evening will cover many of the technical and psychological issues which parents face today and also allow for any questions which they may have as well as provide parent take home resources. 

Please save the date for this very valuable evening on the March 28th, 2019 @ 7:00pm.

A Taste of Tanzania
