Beaudesert State School Newsletter

14 March 2022

Principal’s Report

Mrs Chant

We are already in Week 8. Time sure does fly. Last year our school met our target for English A-C achievement across the school and for this we are very proud. In 2022 we have lifted our goals to:

a.       85% of students achieving a A-C in English

b.       50% of students achieving a A-B in English

c.       100% of students in Prep and Year 1 achieving a A-C in English

These high expectations and school goals are what we will be working towards as a school team this year and I look forward to reporting back our progress at the end of each semester. You can help us by ensuring your child is at school every day with the only exception that they are sick. We really appreciate your support with this. This year our Deputy Principal, Ms Gauld, is leading the Student at Risk: Attendance team who will be closely monitoring student attendance and providing support to our families where needed.

Please note the following for notes for the remainder of the term.


School review

On Thursday 24th March – Monday 28th March we will welcome Mr Keith Graham, Mr Peter Kelly and Mr Brad Clarke from the DET School Review Team. School reviews are conducted every 4 years and provide schools with valuable feedback to set the next 4-year strategic agenda. The review team will be speaking with all staff and key community stakeholders over these 3 days and will likely speak with our parent community at the school gate or during our Cross Country Carnival on the oval.

Thank you for making them feel very welcome to our school community.


Parent Teacher interviews

All parents, in all year levels, are strongly encouraged to meet with their child’s teacher at our parent teacher interviews on Monday 21st March from 3:10pm – 7:00pm in the following locations:

Prep – Year 2                     Hall

Year 3 – 4                            Library

Year 5 – 6                            R Block

Our school strongly encourages parents to work with us in their child’s education and value your partnership. Some questions that may help you in a parent teacher interview include:

1.       What is my child learning?

2.       How is she or he doing?

3.       How do you know (how she or he is doing)?

4.       How can she or he improve?

5.       What supports can I provide and can you provide if she or he is struggling? When will we check in again?


If you require a longer meeting time slot, please arrange this directly with your class teacher. Alternatively, if you are unable to join us on Monday, please arrange an alternative time with your class teacher to meet and discuss your child’s learning.


Facility upgrades

Works have finally commenced on the A Block upgrade which is expected to be completed in July. We look forward to our new building and appreciate the significant financial investment by South East Facilities to ensure we have up to date resources within our school.

The staff car park upgrade will likely commence in April which will make the staff car park and Ecole Street student entrance unusable. If you drop off or pick up your child from Ecole Street, please look into alternative arrangements in the coming weeks.

Our school is focussed on maintaining and improving our facilities to provide up to date learning environments for our students. Last year we secured a $70 000 grant to support classroom upgrades in C and B Blocks and we look forward to these being completed over the Easter and June/July school holidays so classrooms and learning are not disrupted.


Swimming Carnival

Our school has made the decision to postpone our Swimming Carnival to Term 4 this year. With the disruption to the school term, we believe this is in the best interests of our students and staff. Term 4 also provides us with the opportunity to use our Swimming Carnival to support February district swimming trials.


Cross Country Carnival

Our Cross Country carnival will take place on Friday 25th March from 9:00am on the oval. Students have been encouraged to meet with Mr Brimelow for training and classroom teachers have also been providing opportunities in class for training where they can.

Parents and community members are very welcome to attend our carnival, however, it is not appropriate for anyone other than Beaudesert students and staff to run the course. Thank you for understanding.

Students attending the carnival are welcome to dress up in their sporting house colours for the day. Please remember that all dress ups must be sun safe and with appropriate and safe running shoes. School hats are to worn.


COVID update

All schools are back to COVID normal operations and we are so happy to welcome families back into our school. I will continue to send out notifications of confirmed positive cases in our school until the end of the term. RAT tests will also be available to students this term when they present to the office sick. Taking a RAT test home is at the parent’s discretion.

Thank you for alerting our school when your child has been confirmed positive. 


Students wearing sunscreen to school

Our Sun Safe policy asks parents to put sunscreen on their child before attending school. Our P&C kindly donates sunscreen to each classroom every year. If you would not like your child to wear the school provided sunscreen, please let your teacher know.


Emergency Drills this week

This week we will practice our evacuation and lockdown emergency drills. Please do not be alarmed if you hear these drills in the community.


Off campus activities

Representing our school in the wider community is a privilege and for this reason it is expected all student behaviour is of the highest standard. Off campus activities include, camps, excursions, sporting events and Year 6 social events at the end of the year. Your teacher will remain in contact with you around behaviour incidents at school so you are aware of how your child is going and will also let you know when your child is no longer eligible to attend an off-campus event.

In the upper year levels, attendance is also a key factor for eligibility to attend off campus events, including Kingfisher Cup and social events. Whilst we understand family circumstances where COVID quarantine has been required, a large number of students are reporting they are not attending school because it is their birthday or they simply didn’t want to. Please ensure that your child attends school every single day when they are not sick.


2022 P&C Executive

The year we welcome a new P&C Executive.

Mitchell Rogers                                 President

Chris Griffin                                        Vice President

Treasurer                                            Natalie Ford

Secretary                                             Mandy Payne

All families and community members are welcomed and encouraged to join our P&C. Our next meeting is on Tuesday 19th April from 6:00pm in R Block. The best parking is via Eaglesfield Street and we hope to see you there.


School Photos

School photos will be held on Tuesday 29th March in the Hall. Please call the office on 5540 1111 if you have any questions. 

Deputy Principal Update

Miss Gauld

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held on Monday 21st March.  Please ensure you book a time with your child/ren’s class teacher.  This is a great time to discuss where your child is academically and what further support they may be receiving at school. Please use the link below to book an interview time. 

Easter Bonnet Parade

This year we will be having an Easter Bonnet Parade for P-2 students on Thursday 31st March.  Students will be making their bonnets at school and showing these off on the oval from 2:30pm.  Parents are welcome to attend.


School playgrounds are out of bounds for all children before and after school this is to ensure children are safe at all times.

When waiting for parents of an afternoon, students should be sitting on the deck or grass areas. They should not be running around or kicking a football as accidents may happen.  Thank you to all those students who are sitting waiting patiently for pick up.

ANZAC Day March

This year the RSL along with the Scenic Rim Regional Council will be having the ANZAC Day March.  We would love to have as many students as possible attending. The details are as follows:

Date: 25th April 2022

Where:  Brisbane Street in front of Woolworths Car Park

Time 10:50am

Dress:  Full school uniform

Office Info


BPAY IS NO LONGER A PAYMENT OPTION FOR SCHOOL INVOICES (please delete any saved BPay details from your records)

The preferred payment method is BPOINT which can be done online at , on your QParents app or by phoning the school on 55401111 and selecting option 2.

You can also make payments at the school office on Thursdays from 8:30am - 3:00pm



  • Year 4 Camp - $200, Deposit $50 due 10th March Balance due 5th May
  • Year 5 Starlab incursion - $12 due 31st March
  • Instrumental Students - $30 or $50 due 31st March


Click attached file to download the 2022 Payment Guide

Year 6 Camp Expression of Interest

Please get your expression of interest forms for the Year 6 camp back to the office as soon as possible as spots are limited and they will fill up fast. Parents will be invoiced for the deposit once we have our finalised list.

Important Information about School Photos

Lost Property

As always we have a mountain of lost property piling up at school. A lot of it is unnamed which makes it extremely hard to get it returned to the rightful owner. If your student has lost any items direct them to the lost property bins which are located near the undercover area at the end of the year 6 classroom block or you're welcome to pop in for a look yourselves. Please check there if your children are missing any of their belongings.



KindyLinQ is a FREE pre-kindy program for three year old children to attend with a parent/caregive. Mrs Cathy Meehan, an Early Years Teacher at Beaudesert State School will be running the program 2 days a week. KindyLinQ aims to support children's learning and development and engagement in the year before the start kindergarten, enhance the confidence of parents/caregivers as their children's first teachers, and forge strong and supportive links between home, school, early childhood services and the community.

You can collect a registration form from the office. Please see the attached documents below for more information.

KindyLinQ Fact sheet for Parents

KindyLinQ Registration Form

Important Dates

Important Dates

Student Leader Badge ceremonyFriday 18th March
National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence (ORANGE free dress day) 
Friday 18th March
Parent Teacher interviewsMonday 21st March
Year 3-6 Cross Country CarnivalFriday 25th March
School PhotosTuesday 29th March
Student Free Dress Day (gold coin donation)Friday 1st April

The SkoolBag app is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minutes notices, newsletters and all school communications.

School Cleaners Wanted

The South East Region are seeking applications for Cleaners to join our casual cleaning pool. The South East Region covers schools within Redlands Coast, Logan City, Gold Coast and the Scenic Rim. If successful, applicants will be engaged in single or split shifts. Start and finish times will vary, however, will be between 4.00am and 6.00pm Monday to Friday.

Apply today:

NAIDOC Art Competition

With NAIDOC week fast approaching, the South East Region Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander team will be conducting a region wide NAIDOC Art Competition open to all P-12 students enrolled in a South East Region school.

The NAIDOC 2022 theme is Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!

 The competition allows schools and students to display their creative talent, build on their knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and to celebrate and contribute to NAIDOC week within their own community.

The competition will open from Monday February 14th and will close Friday April 1st 2022. The winning artwork will be used to promote NAIDOC week throughout South East Region schools and be displayed on the SER NAIDOC Awards in June 2022.

Chappy Corner

I am so thankful for our school and for the opportunities we have to promote a kindness culture. One of the ways we do that is through our Kindness Project that runs throughout the year. Each week, students are given a challenge to complete. This week with our National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence, we have two challenges! One of their challenges is to write down things we are thankful for, and the other one is to write down what they think kindness is and how they can practice kindness. These ideas are written on a strip of coloured paper that we are going to make into the longest kindness chain. Hopefully we can manage an even longer chain than last year! It has been so encouraging to hear students each week, sharing with me their acts of kindness, whether that is saying hello to new students, giving compliments and even helping with chores at home. Each of us has the ability to be kind to others, and it makes such a difference in the world we live in, including in our own lives. Why don’t you ask your student what they wrote on their kindness link and start a conversation on the different ways we can be kind.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy practising kindness in your own homes and in the community.

😊 Chappy Jade

Sports Update

With all the recent cancellations and postponements I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for being so adaptable. Unfortunately the weather hasn't been our friend this term and I thank you all for being so understanding.

Touch Football Success

Congratulations to Jett, Hendrix, Eamon & Omari who made the Beaudesert Zone Boys Touch Football team. They proceed to the Pacific District trials next week. We wish the boys the best of luck.

Sports Shed Borrowing

On another note, the PE shed will be open during second break for the remainder of the term for students to borrow equipment. The wonderful Sport Leaders will be in control of this. 

Yours in sport,

 Mr. Ed Brimelow 

PBL - Positive Focus

Show Respect – National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

P & C News

Friday, 25th MarchSubway orders and money due
Tuesday, 29th MarchSubway Lunch Day
End of Term 1Easter Raffle
Tuesday, 19th AprilGeneral P & C Meeting


The P&C AGM was held last Tuesday night. All positions were declared vacant then nominations were called for the positions for the new committee. The new executives for the P&C are as follows:

 President – Mitchell Rogers

                Vice President – Chris Griffin

                Treasurer – Natalie Ford

                 Secretary – Mandy Payne

Thank you, Mitchell for taking on the role as President. Chris Griffin has stepped back into Vice President after four years in the Presidency position. A massive thank you to Chris for his commitment and leadership. Thank you to Nat and Mandy for continuing in their positions.

We would also like to thank Crystal for continuing her volunteer work in the uniform shop.


The P&C would like to congratulate Jade, from the P&C, and her family on the extremely exciting arrival of baby Ryder! We wish you all the best while you enjoy time off with your precious little boy.

Beaudesert Snack Shack (Tuckshop)


A reminder that we have a new, slightly reduced menu. Please note that some foods are only available on certain days. Refer to the new menu for this information. If you did not receive a new menu, please ask your child to collect one from the office or the Tuckshop.

Volunteers needed for this year. Please contact our Tuckshop Convenor, Michelle at the Beaudesert Snack Shack if you would like to volunteer at any time from Wednesday through to Friday. Even just for an hour or two to help with preparation or stay for the whole day. Whatever time you could spare would be greatly appreciated. COVID rules will need to be followed.

If volunteers are not available to help, we may need to move to a more limited menu where substitutes will be provided. 

Subway Day

We will be having our first Subway Day for the year in Week 10. Your children should receive an order form by the end of this week. Orders must be filled and returned no later than Friday 25th March. Please include correct money as no change will be given. Along with the convenience of not having to prepare lunches that day, our Subway days are great fundraisers as $1 per sub is donated to the school.


This term is going fast, and Easter is approaching quickly. We will have our annual Easter Raffle towards the end of the term. Keep an eye for more information soon.

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop in R Block (near Eaglesfield St) will have an additional day that it is open this year.

Open days will be:

Monday 8:00am – 9:00am

Thursday 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Friday 8:00 – 9:00am

Crystal can be contacted on 0429 024 88 or

Winter Uniforms are now in stock, and available to purchase through Flexischools or at the uniform shop.

The school house sport shirts have arrived! Any pre ordered shirts will be sent to the student’s class or they can be collected from the uniform shop during opening hours. 

Some stock sizes are currently unavailable. Layby welcome.

Eftpos is available.

Containers for Change

The P&C have obtained some new recycling bins for recyclable containers. Please encourage your children to use these when putting their containers in the bin.

If you would like to donate your next depot, drop off to the P&C, simply give the depot our number at the exchange point C10188286. The P&C extends its thanks for your support.

Camp Australia - OSHC

Camp Australia Newsletter

Click the link to see what's on at Beaudesert State School OSHC.

It's free to register

To attend our program, you must register your child. You can register an account with us at Camp Australia - Parent Portal or by downloading our Camp Australia smartphone app from the Apple App Store or on Google Play. Once registered, it's easy to make bookings and manage your account.

Community Noticeboard