Alyangula Area School Newsletter - Issue 5

2 April 2020

Alyangula Area School: We learn for Life

Creative, resilient and self-driven learners, who collaborate, communicate and solve problems.


Department of Education goal:

GROW – Improve students two year gain in NAPLAN Writing in Years 5, 7 and 9 (applies to Transition to Year 9)


2020 School Goal:

By the end of 2020, all teachers will plan (in their programs) and practice (in classrooms) a differentiated teaching and learning model for all English literacy lessons, through the practice of setting individual student goals, so that teachers are able to deliver targeted intervention and students are able to select learning activities and be assessed against their individual goals.

News from the Principal:

What an unusual end to our school term!

What changed this term:

·         No school assemblies or indoor lunchtime activities :(

·         Interschool sport was suspended :(

·         Student led Conferences were rescheduled :(

·         Easter Hat Parade was cancelled :(

What stayed the same:

·         Teachers continued teaching and learning at home packages were available to all students :)

·         Unwavering, positive parent support :)

·         Positive school culture :)


Thank you for your support and kind words to our school staff during these uncertain times. 

Laptop Loans

It is fantastic that our students are engaging with our Learning packs and keen to work on their learning tasks at home. At this stage, Alyangula Area School will not be loaning any student laptops for the remainder of this term. In Term 2, we will be advised by the Department of Education on how to support learning, at home or at school, depending on the mode of delivery. After we have received more information on this, we will advise you on loan protocols, if necessary.

If your child requires to retrieve a substantial amount of saved work from their school laptop, please let their teacher know and we can work towards getting the saved work to you, either by email or through a USB that you bring to school, during school hours all of this week and next week.  Alternatively, the school has placed several blank books in the front office for you to take home, to continue recording any written work, if necessary.

We appreciate your support during these uncertain times.

Our School Goal: (still going strong!)

By the end of 2020, all teachers will plan (in their programs) and practice (in classrooms) a differentiated teaching and learning model for all English literacy lessons, through the practice of setting individual student goals, so that teachers are able to deliver targeted intervention and students are able to select learning activities and be assessed against their individual goals.


Classroom practice showed that our school goal continued being worked on, despite the fluctuating attendance and changed teaching conditions. Our planning days in Week 11 will continue to focus on this goal.  


Pupil Free Day

In Week 11, our staff will use the 4 pupil free days allocated to us, to plan for Term 2. We will be focusing on the possibility of including a Distance Learning component to our daily teaching load. I am waiting for confirmation of the Term 2 mode of delivery from the NT Department of Education.


As always, please get in touch with our school office on 8987 6366, if you would like to arrange a meeting with me to discuss our school’s goals and priorities or your child’s progress.


‘TOGETHER we RESPECT ourselves, each other, school and community, strive for EXCELLENCE, show COURAGE in all situations and demonstrate SAFETY in all that we do.’


Noella Goveas


Alyangula Area School has created a Facebook page for parents and students to recommend home learning ideas and help study creatively at home. Click on the link below and head on over and have a look!

Alyangula Area School Home Study Ideas Facebook Page

The Northern Territory Government have created a webpage for parents to access learning resources and engaging activities while schooling from home. Click on the link below to access the site.


NT Government provided learning resources

This week from Parenting Ideas

‘Helping siblings resolve their fights’ by Michael Grose

With family members living in close proximity during the current COVID-19 pandemic, parents may find an increase in sibling squabbles. This is understandable as any relationship is tested to its limits by excess time and lack of space. Sibling squabbles usually arise over low level issues such as space (“He’s sitting in my seat”), possessions (“That’s my book”) and fairness (“It’s not fair. I was here first”). It’s enough to send most parents around the twist. While it seems that kids in families are programmed to fight with each other, the good news is that parents have the power to facilitate learning.


According to a recent study, sibling fights teach kids important conflict resolution skills. In fact, parents who stop their children from arguing may well be depriving them of important learning opportunities. Researcher Laurie Kramer from the University of Illinois in the US found that kids who learned how to argue with their siblings had more advanced emotional development.


Many parents also worry that their children who fight with each other will not get along as adults. The evidence doesn’t support this view. The test for strong families is more about the willingness for kids to pull together when the chips are down, rather than the frequency of the squabbling.


Healthy families know how to fight well. When parents take an active approach to helping their children resolve their fights, they are teaching them a valuable life skill as well as reducing the incidence of fighting over the long term. Here are some practical strategies to use:


Model good conflict resolution skills

Kids wear L plates when it comes to solving disputes. Some kids will yell, get abusive or even get physical when they are settling disputes. Show them better ways of sorting out problems by talking things through with your partner, compromising and apologising when you’ve said something upsetting to your partner or child.


Help kids manage their emotions

“Yep, it would have made me mad too if someone said that to me.”

Usually someone’s feelings get hurt when siblings argue so make sure you recognize their emotions without taking side. This focus on feelings helps kids develop literacy and promotes empathy in siblings as well.


Monitor sibling relationships

Keep your antenna up for the signs of discord within sibling relationships. Some disputes kids can sort out themselves, but you may need to be ready to intervene ad assist kids in the peace brokering, or at least to act as a safety net when one child continually appears on the wrong end of a power imbalance.

Mentor them to sort out disputes

Kids need the chance to sort their conflicts out themselves, but sometimes they need a little coaching. They often invite their parents to take sides, which is usually counter-productive. Rather than trying to sort out who started an argument, focus on possible solution, provide suggestions such as taking turns, giving way, bargaining, swapping or even walking away.


Encourage them to make up

Kids often get over disputes far quicker than adults. They can be squabbling one minute and cuddling up the next, so it gets tricky intervening sometimes. However there are times when you need to encourage a child to mend bridge’s with an aggrieved sibling. This can mean kids have to swallow their pride, admit that they may be wrong, make an apology or make some sort of restitution such as doing a special favour. This type of restoration means kids must take responsibility for their behaviors and is a sign of growing maturity.


Conflict and siblings tend to go together. While sibling squabbles can be annoying, they also offer parents great opportunities to help kids to handle conflict effectively, which is a great life skill.


Related Webinar

Your school has a membership with Parenting Ideas. As part of this membership, you can access the below webinar recording “siblings fight” at no cost.


To redeem:

1.      Click this link: Webinar

2.      Click ‘Add to cart’

3.      Click ‘View cart’

4.      Enter the voucher code ‘HARMONY’ and click apply. The $37 discount will be applied

5.      Click ‘Proceed to checkout’

6.      Fill in your account details including your schools name to verify.

7.      Click ‘Place order’

Next School Council Meeting – 30/04/20

Alyangula Area School Council Item Proposal


Name of item proposer:




 BACKGROUND: (What has happened in the past?)







CURRENT SITUATION: (What is happening now?)






RECOMMENDATION: (Suggestions, alternatives, what would you like to be happening?)






Please note: Agenda item proposals are welcome at least 2 weeks before the date of the scheduled council meeting. You can approach any of the council members to propose an item or email your item to


This term, students have been working hard to grow seedlings and set up the garden beds to plant so that we can harvest food in Term 2 for the Kitchen Garden program.

We need pots to plant some of our seedlings into. So we do not have to bring more plastic onto Groote Eylandt, the students thought of recycling packaging from households. We are collecting clean 1L and 2L Tetra Pak containers, 1L and 2L milk bottles and large yoghurt containers. Please see examples below. There will be a labelled box just outside the library door to place these into. 

For an art lesson, we are collecting undamaged, long cardboard rolls out of alfoil, paper towel and baking paper containers. If you are able to help out, please put these in the labelled box outside the library. Many thanks!

Items Needed

Last Assembly – 20 March 2020

Huge congratulations to all of our wonderful award winners from our last assembly.