Southerly Buster

Term 3 Week 2

News from the South

Welcome Back 

We welcome back our students, families and staff. We hope you had an enjoyable break. All schools are looking forward to a great term and have returned to full-time on-campus learning.

All students should be learning on campus unless they are unwell or have a medical certificate to support their absence.

Remember do not send students to school if they are unwell, even if they have mild symptoms. Schools will make appropriate arrangements to return students home if they come to school unwell or become unwell at school.

All schools will be vigilant when implementing infection control, physical distancing and personal hygiene protocols to protect the health and safety of students and staff. Schools will promote the need to follow good hygiene practices like:

  • regularly washing hands
  • avoiding sharing drinks or food
  • coughing or sneezing into your elbow, or a tissue which should be discarded immediately                                                                               
  • The activities that are permitted at school will be conducted in a way that is safe and appropriate in the current environment. Those activities that remain on hold will be reviewed during the term and will recommence when appropriate based on health and other relevant advice.

All students and staff who have visited Victoria must have a NSW border entry permit and are required to self-isolate for a period of 14 days.

We also request that parents do not  come into the school grounds unless to collect a sick child. If your child is late please drop them at the gate on Addison Street near the COLA, (not the staff car park gate) also if your child needs to leave early please call the office 4821 2759 to advise that you are here to collect them, and meet them at the gate on Addison Street. 

Face Masks

NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell said teachers were welcome to don masks “to give parents and teachers comfort. We are not requiring students or teachers to wear a mask — that’s not the health advice — but if it gives parents or teachers comfort to wear a mask, that won’t be a problem.”In light of this, if your child would feel safer wearing a mask while at school, we are happy for this to happen. Please provide your child with several masks for use during the day as once they are wet they need to be replaced. Thanks for your cooperation during these uncertain times.

"Got It "

This term we will be introducing the "GOT IT" Program for Kindergarten to Year 2. This program is supported by NSW Health & Department of Education. Below is a a little bit of information on how the program works. Thank you to the parents that have returned their surveys back to the school. If you have received a survey and wish to be considered to participate, please return the forms to the school by Friday 31 July.

School Photographer 2020

The school photographer will be visiting the school on Wednesday 19th August. We have started to receive some envelopes back to the school for safe keeping. Please ensure that if you do not return the envelopes to the school that your child has it on the day of the photographs.

Head Lice

An outbreak of Head Lice has been reported in the school. Please check your child/rens hair and treat if there are signs of headlice. Please see attached link for further information:

GOT IT Program

School Attendance

All students should be on school grounds for their face to face learning. Whilst Term 1 and 2 saw teachers and students having to adapt to online learning, now that we are back to face to face delivery attendance is of great importance. Days your child misses from school impacts their overall schooling life and reduces their long term learning. Again do not send your child to school unwell, but do send them to school when they are well enough to attend.

Why attendance matters

Celebrating our Success - Positive Behaviors for Learning

T3 Wk 1T3 Wk 2

Class of the Week




Student of the WeekHUMENoah 3/4LJorja 5/6B
MEEHANEamon 3/4LMikayla 5/6O
OXLEYGanza 3/4LCarlie 2/3G
Cheeky MonkeyK/6R1/2H

Citizenship Awards

When you have 5 buzz cards bring them to the office for Mrs Patchett


Calendar - Upcoming Events

Goulburn South Calendar of Events

TERM 3MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
Week 227/728/729/730/731/7

Week 3




Plant a Tree Day



Jeans for Genes day - gold coin donation

Week 410/811/812/813/814/8
Week 517/818/8


School Photographer


Name the Crane Competition

Goulburn Base Hospital is going through major developments. Most of you will have seen the huge crane that has been on site for the past few months to lift and move heavy plant and equipment. A competition was run for students across Goulburn to give the crane a name. One of Goulburn Souths  students entered the competition and was chosen as a finalist. 

Eamon in Year 4 can be seen in the photo below receiving his certificate. Eamon had named the crane Ngangkari.  Ngangkari are the traditional healers of the Anangu. Congratulations Eamon.

Name the Crane Competition Finalist Eamon

KM News

Kindergarten have been busy little bees. They have been working on their number skills, ordering numbers, how to make numbers in different ways, and number game. KM have started buddy reading with 5/6B. Please remember to continue to do home reading and swap your books every day.

Mrs Manning


2/3G News

2/3G have been working so hard on working together and increasing their Oracy. Whilst researching Rainforests all students participated in jigsaw groups where experts researched a layer in the rainforest and shared their information back to their home group. I am so proud of 2/3G and how they can work together and respectfully work with one another. 

Miss Gay

2/3G Photos

5/6O News

5/6O have settled into their new classroom wonderfully. We've adopted a flexible seating approach to learning and are really enjoying it. We have also introduced exploratory talk into the classroom which has resulted in more respectful and interesting discussions. This week we have started new Maths groups across Stage 3 and an exciting novel study - The Dragonkeeper.​

Mrs Oberg


Buzz from the Beehive

 The school canteen has re-opened. 

The canteen have requested that recess and lunch orders need to be placed by Thursday. This enables the canteen staff  to buy supplies to cover the orders that have been placed. There will be NO ordering over the counter at this time. Please also can the correct money be provided where possible. We thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.


Healthy Kids School

Goulburn South Public School has been adopted as a Healthy Kids School!! We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the team at Goulburn Soldiers Club for funding our school’s membership to Healthy Kids Association. Thanks to their generous support, we’ll be able to create an even healthier learning environment for our students.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind our parents and carers to not their children to school with lollies. These should be given to the children after school as a treat. We would also suggest that if your child is having a birthday at school to send a fruit platter or non edible gifts such as pencils and erasers. Thank you for your understanding, Goulburn South has worked hard to promote healthy eating and have been endorsed not only by the Healthy Kids School but also "Live Life Well program. These have been successful programs for the past 5 years or more.

For more information please go to:


Canteen Menu - Winter 2020

Healthy Eating Tips

Nutrition Snippet


Owing to  social distancing protocols and only essential personnel permitted onto school grounds the P and C  are still unable to hold their meetings at the school. Until then current committee will keep everyday business running. We are looking for  parents who are interested in joining the P and C or holding a position. You can send your expression of interest to

Canteen is open now every Friday 

There will be a box in the Office for Lunch and Recess orders. These need to be placed by Thursday. Please have your child’s name, class and order written on the front of an envelope, with the money inside.

The Canteen will not be taking orders over the counter on Fridays .


The school jacket orders have been placed and should hopefully be back at the school by mid term 3.

Community Noticeboard

Business that support Goulburn South

TAFE NSW - Goulburn Semester 2 2020

Our Community Pantry