St Pat's News

Term 4 - November 17, 2022

Acknowledgement of Country

We Acknowledge the Gunditjmara people, the Traditional Owners of the land on which we are gathered today.

We respect and honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders, past, present and future. We acknowledge their stories, traditions and living cultures on this land and commit to building a brighter future together.

From The Principal - Olga Lyons

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,

How quickly the weather changes?  However, we are fortunate to have once again been spared of the flooding that the Northern Victorians and New South Wales dwellers are experiencing.  We send our prayers and donation support can be sent through St Vincent de Paul Society.  (See the details below)

This week we had the Parents & Friends AGM, hosted by The Mill.  I want to thank the executive committee - Bree Porter, Jo Hamilton and Caitlin Down and Lucy Lehne, for their strategic leadership and hard work this year.  It has been wonderful to see so many parents accepting the invitation to take responsibility for organising events and even more pleasing to see the large number of families enjoying the opportunities to get together to socialise while raising much needed funds for our school.  I finally got to experience post COVID what a great parent community we have here at St Patrick's.  Thank you to everyone involved. 

This Friday we have the official handover meeting with the architect and builder.  The teachers have been moving resources and some furniture into their designated learning spaces.  We can't wait to share it with you all.  Fingers crossed we will be able to move children in next week.

Don't forget that Monday is a closure day for report writing. 


Olga Lyons

St Vincent de Paul Flood Appeal

Your support will provide financial and emotional assistance to families affected. You can help by donating:

St Vincent de Paul Flood Appeal

BSB: 063 000 Acc No 106 07556

Reference: FLOOD22 + Conf code (Pt Fairy 607)

2022 School Closure Dates

Term 4 - Monday November 21 (Report Writing)

Our School Advisory Council Needs New Members

How our School Governance works

Under our DOBCEL Governance model the role of the local School Advisory Council is to:

  • assist with stewardship of the Catholic vision, ethos and culture of the school
  • provide strategic advice and support to the principal on matters relating to school operations and ongoing improvement
  • fairly represent the views and needs of the school community
  • assist with promoting the school and Catholic education generally in the local community
  • have what is best for the students at the heart of all advice it offers.

As outlined in the DOBCEL Governance Guidelines, SAC members do not have any financial or non-financial decision-making powers.

The School Advisory Council is intended to:

  • provide a voice for members of the school community
  • actively support, in collaboration with the local parish, the Vision and Catholic Identity of the School
  • provide input into and support for the strategic planning and directions
  • actively support and promote child safety practices including the National safeguarding principles for Child Safe Organisations
  • provide input and contribute advice in the processes of school improvement and school review
  • support the Principal in meeting his/her responsibilities and accountabilities for educational outcomes, effective stewardship of resources, and annual reporting
  • actively support the Principal in the encouragement of family engagement
  • support the ongoing sustainability of the SAC and its members in its succession and learning.

Ongoing members of our School Advisory Council include Mrs. Olga Lyons as our School Principal, the Deputy Principal, a teacher representative, a Parents & Friends representative and parents elected by the parent community.  

Each member serves a two-year term with the limit of two consecutive terms, being a maximum of four years. There are 6 meetings for the year. 

I'm please to advise that we have had 2 parents express their interest in filling the vacant positions.  It would be great to have one more and perhaps a male presence would be good. 

If you are interested in joining the School Advisory Council please email the Principal on stating your current role and interests, and what you believe you could bring to this committee. If you have any questions and would like to discuss this first you may call Olga for an informal chat first.

New SAC members will be invited to attend the AGM on December 6th. 

From The RE Leader - Eliza Dwyer


Food Share Recipe from a 5/6 Student

From The Office

School Fees and Levies

In coming weeks families will receive advice regarding the 2023 school fee structure.  It will be posted to you with information to be completed and returned by the end of 2022.  Please watch out for it. 

Thank you.

Learning and Teaching

Class Awards


School News

Colour Fun Run - Thursday December 1

On the Day

The School Colour Run Day is all about Fun! It will be a huge colourful mess and undoubtedly one of the most exciting days on our school’s calendar, with everyone’s participation the aim. If your child is hesitant to participate that’s okay. They can still attend on the day and cheer the other kids on!

Students should wear white or light sun safe clothing to get the most colourful experience. It’s best to also run in old running shoes. 

A few things children should bring on the day:

  • A water bottle

  • Hat

  • A change of clothes (children will not be allowed to run in school uniform)

  • A towel (for travelling home and drying off)

  • Sunglasses/ goggles (while the colour powder is non-toxic it may irritate the eyes)

  • Old shoes

If your child would prefer not to get colourful but still wants to participate in the obstacle course we recommend wearing colourful clothes. This ensures they will be easily identifiable on the day and the colour throwers will avoid colouring them. There will also be bypasses set up at the colour stations around the course.

We hope all students have a fantastic afternoon!  

Only 2 weeks to go!!!

Asthma & Colour Fun Runs Information

The attached file has information regarding the fun run and asthma, we encourage all parents with children with Asthma to read the document.

Family Picnic Tea and Carols Evening

On the back of such a wonderful evening last year, we are once again inviting families to our Family Picnic Tea and Carols Evening. Bring along: picnic tea, chairs, blankets, to our  undercover area and enjoy the sweet sounds of the children singing Christmas Carols.  Lock it in your diaries!

Date: December 12th 

Time: 6.00pm for tea

Sporting Schools - Term 4

Sporting Schools will commence on Tuesday October 11th.

Sporting School will run each Tuesday and Wednesday during Term 4 for 7 weeks. The last session will be on Wednesday November 23.

Parents are to use the form in Skoolbag to sign up their child/children. A form must be filled out by 11am for each session they will are attending.

Upcoming Events

Friday November 18 - Yr 6 Surfgroms commences

Monday November 21 - Pupil Free Day - Report Writing

Wednesday November 23 - Foundation Excursion

Friday November 25 - Yr 6 Surfgroms

Friday November 25 - Assembly @ 2.40pm

Monday November 28 - Kinder Transition to School @ 9am-11am

Thursday December 1 - Colour Fun Run

Friday December 2 - Yr 6 Surfgroms

Monday December 5 - Kinder Transition to School @ 9am-11am

Tuesday December 6 - End of Year Mass @ 10am

Tuesday December 6 - SAC AGM 

Wednesday December 7 - 1/2 Excursion

Wednesday December 7 - 3/4 Excursion

Friday December 9 - Yr 6 Surfgroms

Friday December 9 - Last Day of Swimming Lessons

Monday December 12 - School Carols Night @ 6pm-7pm

Tuesday December 13 - Whole School Transition Day

Wednesday December 14 - Yr 6 Graduation

Thursday December 15 - 5/6 Fun Day

Friday December 16 - Last Day for Students 

Parents and Friends News

AGM Nibbles & Drinks

We held our Annual AGM on Tuesday night, it was a great night with a big turnout. We elected our 2023 Committee. A full report will be given in next week’s newsletter. Thank you to The Mill for hosting the drinks and nibbles.

Christmas Raffle

A book of 10 tickets will be sent home to each family next week.

They are $1 for each ticket, please write on both sides of the tickets and return they with the money to office by December 9. 

The raffles will be drawn at the Christmas Carols Night.

Christmas Raffle Donations

We are asking each family to donate goods for the raffle hampers. Items included could be non-perishable food and drink, treats, toys, games, books etc. Please give to Janine in the office. All donations to be brought to school by Friday 9th December please.

Next P& F Meeting

Our next P & F meeting will be Tuesday February 7th 2023 in the library. Hope to see you there!

Please click on the link if you are interested in assisting the P & F with our Folkie BBQ next year.
This button takes you directly to PAM for Absences, School Activities, Reports, Learning Conversations, Numeracy & Literacy Interviews

Port Fairy & Koroit Parish Masses

Port Fairy St Patrick's & Koroit Infant Jesus Mass Times

Sunday Mass - 9.00am at Koroit

Sunday Mass - 10.30am @ Port Fairy

Community News

TheirCare Holiday Program

TheirCare will be open in Port Fairy on December 20th, 21st and 22nd.

TheirCare will then close and reopen in Port Fairy on 9th January.

From 3rd January, Warrnambool East will be open for all families who need care to attend.

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Moyne Health Services

Moyne Health Services is undertaking a Master Planning process. We have now scheduled our community forums and were hoping you could promote these with your staff and families.

The Community Forums will provide an opportunity for everyone to provide ideas regarding future health care service provision in the region.

The session details are: Wednesday 16th November 12pm-1pm Port Fairy Bowls Club 6pm-7pm Koroit Bowls Club

Everyone is welcome and can attend in person or via zoom. If you would like to attend via zoom, please register by calling 5568 0100.