Schools are open for families who need it.
- Families are encouraged to keep their children at home wherever possible, with no student to be turned away.
- Students who attend school are supervised only, not in their regular classes.
- No excursions or inter-school activities.
- Continued enhanced cleaning and hygiene supply arrangements.
- Keep your child/children at home if possible.
- Support your child/children to continue learning at home
- Communicate with your school via email and phone wherever possible.
- Follow health advice and keep your child/children at home if they are unwell.
Phase 1 as of Monday May 11
Students at school at least one day per week.
- Schools have discretion for establishing which group attends on which day, with a preference to group siblings/families together.
- Tuesday all Banksia children to attend school
- Wednesday all Boronia children to attend school
- Thursday all Waratah children to attend school
- Families who need to send their child to school every day may continue to do so and no child will be turned away.
- Classes are split across different spaces and break times will be staggered with infants breaks earlier than primary.
- Each class group will access their classroom teacher, the librarian and RFF teacher.
- No excursions or inter-school activities.
- Continued enhanced cleaning and hygiene supply arrangements.
- Send your child/children to school one day a week.
- You are encouraged to keep your child at home for the rest of the week wherever possible.
- Follow your school’s advice regarding changes to drop off and pick up, including staying in your car when dropping off and picking up your child/children if safe to do so.
- Maintain social distancing by avoiding gathering outside of school gates.
- Make sure your child/children have access to lunch and snacks.
- Support your child/children to continue learning at home on remote learning days.
- Communicate with your school via email and phone wherever possible
- Follow health advice and keep your child/children at home if they are unwell.
Changes from Phase 1 - 2 will be communicated in the future.