TOKSAVE - Lihir International School

Term 1, Week 5, 2020

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers, 

School Council

Notice of Meeting: Lihir International School Council Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the school at 6pm tonight, Thursday, 27th of February. Mrs Fiona Karaut is currently our Newcrest appointed School Council Chairperson. James Bu, Chris Ong, Seth Kia and Brian Hosea are also Newcrest appointed School Council Representatives. 

Ms Catherine Langusch is the Staff Representative and P&W President, Nicole Wilson, will be the P&W School Council Representative. Richard Toisiat is a parent rep for 2020. With the departure of Adrian Daimol and Angela Pukari after completing their terms, we have two parent rep vacancies. Nomination forms for the positions can be collected from the office. The School Council meets twice each term, at 6pm. If you are interested in finding out more about School Council, please give me a call or make a time to come in for a chat.

Mr Greg Neville

Skoolbag App

All parents are encouraged to download the Skoolbag App onto their smartphones. This will enable you to receive the Toksave and other school documents and information. Instructions on how to download the app are at the bottom of this Toksave.

Absent / Late / Uniform

Parents and carers are reminded that if students are absent, late or in incorrect uniform (including incorrect footwear), an email or note of explanation must be sent to the class teacher.

Friday Whole School Assembly

Congratulations to our week 4 principal's award recipients!

Ivana Zeriga-Gati - Year 9

Raymond Magem - Prep

Pat Kola - Year 6

Anton Giuna - Senior Kindy

Ethan Swart - Year 3

Martin Matirava - Year 2, Iva Kola - Year 8

Congratulations to the Year 1/2 class for their entertaining assembly!

From the Deputy Principal

This Saturday, at 8.30 am, I will be running a second session of the 'Maths Problem-solving Workshop' followed by the 'Soundwaves' information session (at approximately 9.10am). This is to enable any working parents the opportunity to attend or people who may have missed the earlier sessions. Thanks to the parents who attended the Soundwaves information session this afternoon.

WORLD MATHS DAY - Next Wednesday, 4th March

To celebrate World Maths Day, we would like to invite parents/caregivers from Prep - Year 6 to visit classrooms between 8.10 - 9.00am next Wednesday morning to join in with some Maths fun. It will be an open-door session; parents/caregivers can stay for part or all of that time.

Ms Langusch

VIP Champions!

Pat Kola and Bertilla Sigere


P&W Coffee Shop is back again this Saturday morning while the soccer is on. Come to the school canteen between 8.30am and 10am. There will be coffee (K5) tea (K2) banana bread, cold drinks and icy cups (K2) available. Hope to see you there!

Factsheet on STEM in QLD Schools


School Times

SCHOOL HOURS K - 6                                                                         

Official school times are:

8.10                 Bell rings (Friday assembly will start at 8.10)

8.10 – 8.15      Home room

8.15 – 8.30      Daily Fitness (Monday to Thursday)

8.35 – 10.35    First session

10.35 – 11.05 Recess (15 minutes eating followed by 15 minutes play)

11.05 – 12.35 Second session

12.35 – 1.20    Lunch (15 minutes eating followed by 30 minutes play)

1:20 – 3.00      Third Session

3.00                 End of school day


SCHOOL HOURS 7 - 9                                                                         

Official school times are:

8.10                 Bell rings (Friday assembly will start at 8.10)

8.10 – 8.15      Home room

8.15 – 10.05    Two periods

10.05 – 10.35 Recess (10 minutes eating followed by 20 minutes play)

10.35 – 1.20    Three periods

1.20 – 2.00      Lunch (10 minutes eating followed by 30 minutes play)

2.00 – 2.55      Third Session

2.55 – 3.00      Home room

3.00                 End of school day

Afternoon Activities

Monday - Music club with Mr Neale Years 5-9, 3.15pm

Wednesday - Homework Club, Years 3-6, 3.15pm

Friday - Running Club with Mrs Laien, Years 3-9, 3.15 - 4.00pm

Saturday - Soccer with Mr McKeiver Years 3-6, 8.30am.

2020 Term Dates

Term 1: 27th January – 2nd April 

Term 2: 20th April – 18th June

Term 3: 13th July – 17th September 

Term 4: 5th October – 3rd December 

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Term 1 2020 Calendar
