Loving God we thank you for the blessing of holidays. May we use this break to rest, recharge and appreciate all of the gifts you give us every day. We make this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen
The end of Term 3 marks a critical point in the academic year. It sees middle years students consider their options and pathways for study into their senior years. For senior students, it marks endings and new beginnings; endings requiring perseverance and deep thinking and new beginnings with hopes and dreams of happiness and success. For students in junior years, it involves those important, formative milestones of consolidating learning habits and stretching themselves in pursuit of excellence and success. Term 3 has been a busy and productive term, with staff and students at every year level working to enable learning and growth for every student. I offer three quotes from recent reading relating to learning and growth for young people:
“The types of jobs that are at the least risk of being replaced by automation involve problem solving, teamwork, critical thinking, communication, and creativity… Equally important, these skills form a strong foundation for independent thinking that will serve students well no matter what careers they pursue throughout their lives.”
Elizabeth Mann Levesque
“Kids are born with brains ready to be wired by thousands of experiences, including some scrapes, confusion, betrayal, frustration and fear. But when they don’t get a healthy dose of these, thanks to a sort of bubble-wrapped childhood, they don’t get the chance to become anti-fragile. They remain fragile.”
Lenore Skenazy in “Lost Learning: the Age of Bubble-Wrapped Kids” in School Administrator
“Izzy, did you ask a good question today?”
The question that the mother of 1944 Nobel physics laureate Isidor Rabi asked him every day when he got home from school – quite different from the query of most other mothers in his neighbourhood: “So? Did you learn anything today?” Rabi says that his mother’s daily prod made him a scientist.”
Quoted in “The Role of Questioning and Deep Thinking in the Learner-Ready School Library” by Kathryn Roots Lewis in Knowledge Quest, January/February 2019
This week, 6 students and 3 staff will travel to Timor-Leste for the fifth time. We do this in providing our students and Timorese friends with a tangible example of solidarity and in living our College motto of Striving for Truth, through Love. I will be joined by Christine Lovell and Robert Martini as the staff travelling, along with:
Mia Ranalletta Danielle Thompson
Mia Kefenhoerster Eliza Wilson
Grace Abboud Emily McMahon
Student Leadership 2020
Last week the College gathered for the nomination speeches for those presenting themselves for Year 12 Leadership roles in 2020. Once again this year, I was most impressed with each of the candidates. It was wonderful to hear Ave girls speaking from the heart, inspiring their peers, reflecting on their journey since Year 7 and pledging themselves in service to the community in 2020; each of them most worthy of these important roles. Following the voting process, all student leadership positions will be announced in the first week of Term 4.
Elizabeth Hanney