BNPS Newsletter

Term 1, Week 8

In This Issue

* Principal's Report

* Student Achievement

* Upcoming Events

* Contact Us

Principal Message

A Great Resource for Parents

Teachers at Moss Vale Public School have developed a great resource for parents in understanding the expected skills students should display in numeracy. It outlines the grade expectations for each year level and uses parent-friendly language to explain the skills students work towards in numeracy. It also contains links to videos, explanations and web links which are helpful in exploring the skills further. This is a great resource for parents to be able to help their children at home.

Permission to Publish

This week, permission to publish notes will be sent electronically to your email to be signed by parents. It is a requirement that we seek your permission annually to publish any information about your child. We love to put photos of students and/or their work in our newsletter and on our website, and your permission allows us to do that. When publishing information online about students, we take all care to publish minimal identifiers of students. That is why we only publish first names or initials near a photo. At any time, you may withdraw your consent for information to be published. Please do this in writing. 

Parent Workshop - Learn and Connect

With many of the COVID restrictions lifting over the last month, we are planning to run a monthly parent workshop where parents can learn about some of the initiatives being implemented at the school and join us for some morning tea. The first session will be presented by our Instructional Leader Mrs Hermon and our Assistant Principal Mrs Rice. We hope to be able to video these sessions so that all parents are able to access the information. 

We invite all parents to our first Parent Information Morning Tea ​for 2022 on Tuesday 5 April at 9am-10:30am.This month's focus will be on Reading Instruction in K-2.  In recent years, research has been done to develop our understanding of how children learn to read.  At Bexley North PS, we implement evidence-based teaching practice in response to this research, and we would love you to come to hear about the changes that we are making in the way we teach reading in the early years.  In the session, we will outline the use of decodable readers in the classroom and introduce our new Scope & Sequence for the teaching of Phonological Awareness & Phonics skills.  You will also have the opportunity to learn new strategies to help support your child's reading at home. All parents are welcome to join us for the session.  Further sessions are being planned on a monthly basis, including our next topic "Spelling instruction K-6" early in Term 2.


Schools are legally responsible for maintaining accurate records of student attendance. Every day teachers mark their class rolls and record absences, both whole day and partial (including late arrival) electronically. The absences are recorded as explained or unexplained and justified or unjustified, according to the reason provided by the parent or caregiver.

Every day counts, as regular attendance helps students to:

• develop a sense of belonging

• develop and maintain friendships

• be more engaged at school

• progress with their learning

• be more aware of career and life options.

Please read the information attached at the end of this newsletter regarding compulsory school attendance.

Attendance Matters

Compulsory School Attendance

Education for your child is important and regular attendance at school is essential for your child to achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options. NSW public schools work in partnership with parents to encourage and support regular attendance of children and young people. When your child attends school every day, learning becomes easier and your child will build and maintain friendships with other children.

Holiday Coding Camp at Bexley North PS

This holidays, there will be a holiday coding camp which will be run at our school. Download the flyer for further details. 

Deputy Principal Message


At Bexley North Public School, we are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful learning community that promotes student wellbeing. This term we have been working hard on the Bexley North Public School Anti-bullying plan. Preventing and responding to bullying (including cyber-bullying) is a shared responsibility of every school community.

The Anti-bullying plan which can be downloaded below, outlines a timeline of actions that we as a school will undertake as preventative and educative measures. We are encouraging feedback from the school community around our anti-bullying plan. Please email us with any feedback you have regarding the plan at

This week we have also attached a fact sheet that outlines the features of bullying behaviour. This resource and others can be found at Bullying behaviour has three key features. It involves the intentional misuse of power in a relationship. It is ongoing and repeated, and it involves behaviours that can cause harm.

If a bullying concern is raised with staff at school, we have steps that are followed to ensure a thorough and fair investigation is conducted. We endeavour to consult and communicate with students and parents throughout the entire process. Reports of student bullying can be made to any staff member at a school. A teacher or school executive staff (such as the principal, deputy principal or assistant principal) at the school will address the reported bullying in a timely manner.

At Bexley North Public School we are responsible, respectful and resilient learners. Please refer to the attached Behaviour Code for Students in NSW Public Schools for a broad overview of the behavioural expectations in schools.

Learning Support

The Covid Intensive Learning Support program has begun this term with our new learning support teacher, Ms Victoria Cuk. All students selected will have received a note to take home outlining their participation. This round of support is focusing on a discrete number of spelling rules as identified in our term 1 spelling diagnostic assessment task. Students are withdrawn from class for brief (approximately 15 minute sessions) up to three times per week. The intervention will run for approximately 10 weeks, after which time students will complete a short assessment to evaluate learning. If your child did not receive support in this round, they may be eligible for the second round in term 2.  Please contact the school to speak to Ms Cuk or Mrs Davis if you have any questions.

BNPS Anti-Bullying Plan


Behaviour Code for Students


Research: What is Bullying?


Regional Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to our students who did our school proud when representing us at the Regional Swimming Carnival. It is such a wonderful achievement to represent at this level. 

Darby has qualified for the All Schools State Carnival in May. We wish her all the best as she represents us at this elite level. 

Swimming Carnival - Regional

Scholastic Book Club

Book club orders will be closing 3:00pm, 21 March 2022.  Please ensure you place your orders prior to this to avoid delivery costs.  All orders must be placed online via Scholastic - our school does not accept cash orders.

Tea Towel Keepsake

Our tea towel keepsakes for Kindergarten have become a bit of a tradition at our school. Every year, a limited edition tea towel design is made up of self portraits drawn by all our Kindergarten children and their teachers. Click on the link to download an order form. 

Year 7 Expression of Interest Forms

Please ensure these forms are returned to the front office as soon as possible. Even if your child will not be attending a government school, please complete Section E on the form and return to the front office.

2023 Opportunity Class ( Year 4 )

Applications for Year 5 entry opportunity Class in 2023 open Tuesday 26 April 2022 and close at midnight on Friday 13 May 2022. The opportunity Class Placement Test will be conducted on Thursday 28 July 2022. 

More information about the Opportunity Class can be accessed at:

Upcoming Events

Term 1

  • Friday, 18 March - High School Expression of Interest Forms 
  • Monday 21 March - Harmony Day
  • Monday, 28 March - School Cross Country
  • Wednesday, 30 March - School Photos
  • Friday, 8 April - Easter Hat Parade
  • Friday, 8 April - Last day Term 1
  • Monday, 23 May - 25 May Stage 3 Canberra Camp
  • Thursday, 28 July - 2023 Opportunity Class (Year 4)

Harmony Day at BNPS - 21 March

Bexley North Public School

Our School is a friendly and caring environment that provides a stimulating and challenging curriculum and enjoys the support of the local community. We have 73% of students with language backgrounds other than English. Staff, students and the community have shared expectations of educational excellence and equal opportunity.