School Newsletter

Edition 23: Term 1, Week 6

Come & Play Day, 25th March - Playground Opening

What you'll find in this week's Newsletter:

  • From the Principal
    • New Play Space
    • Come & Play Day
    • Staffing News
    • Canteen
    • Information Session - The Science of Reading
    • NAPLAN
    • Our Sacred Ground - Upcoming Staff Retreat Day
  • Religious Education News
    • Sacraments Presentation Mass
    • Project Compassion
    • Our Sacred Ground Project
  • Learning in the Classroom
    • 'Kaurna Food and Plant Fibre' Project
  • School News & Reminders
    • Staff List 2023
    • Allergies & Intolerances
    • Applying for a School Card
    • Volunteers Needed
    • World's Greatest Shave
    • Nova's Weather Kid
    • Joe's Connected Garden
    • SA Catholic Schools Parents Forum
  • Sport News
    • Sign up for Sport Carnivals
    • Upcoming Swimming Trials

Diary Dates

Term 1

Friday 10th March📣 Pupil Free Day/Staff Reflection Day - OSHC Available
Wednesday 15th March 📝 NAPLAN Week Begins for Years 3 & 5
Sunday 19th March💙 St Joseph's Feast Day
Monday 20th - Wednesday 22nd March⛺️ Year 5/6 Camp to Woodhouse
Tuesday 21st March🧡 Harmony Day
💬 School Board
Saturday 25th March🤩 Come & Play Day, celebrating the completion of our new Playground. Everyone welcome.
Friday 7th April🟣 Good Friday - Public Holiday

Sunday 9th April🟣 Easter Sunday
Monday 10th April🟣 Easter Monday - Public Holiday
Tuesday 11th April📣 Pupil Free Day - OSHC Available
Friday 14th April⏰ Last day of Term 1, finish at 3.00 pm

Term Dates

Term 1Monday 30th January - Friday 14th April
Term 2Monday 1st May - Friday 7th July
Term 3Tuesday 25th July - Friday 29th September
Term 4Tuesday 17th October - Wednesday 13th December

From the Principal

New Play Space

What an exciting week that has seen the opening of our new play space for students to enjoy.  This development has been many years in the making and I am sure you will agree, has completely changed the look and feel of our school. Whilst I have only come onboard during the actualisation stage of the development, I sincerely thank those that have come before me, especially Maria D’Aloia, School Board members, staff and students for doing all the groundwork needed to make this vision a reality. Dirtwork Landscapes, who won tender to construct the space, have been exceptional and they have worked tirelessly since October last year to bring the vision to life. JAA Project Managers have also been exceptional to work with and I think they are as proud as we are to have this project completed so beautifully.

Please support us in reminding children that the play equipment is not available for use before and after school. To ensure safe play, sufficient supervision is required, and this is not possible before and after school. We have created a roster to ensure that all students can access the play equipment across recess and lunch without overcrowding. It is also our preference that non-school/pre-school age children do not access the playground at drop off/pick up times.

Come & Play Day - 25th March

We will open the gates to the public on Saturday March 25 from 11am – 2pm for our Come and Play Day. This will provide an opportunity for those in the community who have been watching from afar to come and try out the new spaces and equipment. Come and join us and invite your neighbours.  This is a great opportunity to let others know what a great ‘small but mighty’ school St Joseph’s Hindmarsh is!  Thank you to our school community members who have already volunteered to provide hospitality to the community via a Sausage Sizzle and to provide ice blocks to refresh our visitors.

Staffing News

Next week, we will welcome Misty McGuire as our new Student Services Officer. As we have been waiting for Misty to start with us, Maria Fiorenza and Rose Falanga have stepped in to cover some of the duties vacated by Rachel Hewitt when she left at the beginning of term. I thank Maria F and Rose, as well as Maria A, Jasmine and Jo for ensuring the duties of Students Service Officer have continued during this time. 

Last week we farewelled Briana Spencer who has been working with us a Curriculum Support ESO.  Briana has supported the learning and wellbeing of many of our students since she began with us in 2022. We have appointed Caitlin Price to take over this role and we welcomed Caitlin to our staff on Monday of this week.  Caitlin, an experienced Education Support Officer, has already settled into supporting a number of our students and classes.


As communicated in the last newsletter, our School Board are currently exploring models for how we can continue to provide a quality service in a cost-effective way following Helena’s resignation effective at the end of Term 1.

In the meantime, staff shortages mean that we cannot provide a lunch or recess canteen service on Wednesdays for the reminder of the term. All services will still be available on Mondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays and Fridays this term.

Information Session – The Science of Reading

Due to unforeseen circumstances we had to postpone our information session ‘The Science of Reading’.  This will now occur on:

📅 Tuesday 14th March
🕗 from 6:30pm - 7:30pm
📍 in the School Hall

This will be facilitated by Linda Clune of Playberry Laser, who is a specialist dyslexia teacher.  This short information session will be of particular interest to parents of early readers, but is definitely relevant for all parents/caregivers. We hope many of you will take the opportunity to find out more about our whole school approach to teaching these important literacy skills.

👉 Please RSVP via this link if you are attending.


The National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy will undergo some changes this year. Most significantly, the assessments, which used to take place in mid-May, will now occur in from 15 March for students in Year 3,5,7 and 9. This will mean that students are tested at an earlier point in their learning and that teachers and schools will receive information about students’ achievements and areas for growth earlier in the year.

The other significant change implemented this year will be the way results are reported to parents/caregivers. Instead of showing a student’s results in relation to the national minimum standard and the school average, results will be shown in relation to a proficiency standard.  Effectively, students’ results in each of the test will be reported as either Exceeding, Strong, Developing or Needing Additional Support making it much clearer to parents and caregivers as to how students are performing in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy.

Our Sacred Ground

This Friday, staff will engage in a retreat experience which will focus around ecological conversion and the Pope’s encyclical Laudato Si – Care for our Common Home.  As a whole school, students are staff are exploring what it means to care for the natural environment and for each other.  This is the core message of our new specialist learning area ‘Our Sacred Ground’ and strongly supports our Religious Education program.


During this time of Lent, I pray that we each find times of quiet to listen to God’s voice and to renew our hearts.

Marianne Farrugia

Religious Education News

Sacraments Presentation Mass

Students who will participate in the Sacraments Program this year were presented to the Sacred Heart Parish Community along with students from Immaculate Heart of Mary School and St Michael’s College on Sunday 5th March. It was lovely Mass led by Fr Lancy and a special moment for these students. I ask that you to keep these students in your prayers as they begin their journey towards celebrating the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist.

Project Compassion

A quick reminder to continue to collect any loose change you have for your Project Compassion box that was sent home last week. The Project Compassion Boxes will be collected in week 10.

Every Lenten season the St Joseph’s Community, led by the Class SRC Representatives raise funds for Caritas Project Compassion. Caritas support communities around the world, including Australia, to upskill people and to create solidarity and dignity of the human person

Our Sacred Ground Project

We are 6 weeks into the term and students have responded well to the Our Sacred Ground Project. They have been interested to learn about Pope Francis Encyclical – Laudato Si and his call to care for our common home. They are very keen to make a difference and put their faith into action and can’t wait to get into the garden next term. Last week they had to choose an action that they would do over the week that would contribute to caring for their school/home environment. Hopefully they have shared this action with you as they are very proud of it and the impact it will have.

Learning in the Classroom

'Kaurna Food and Plant Fibre' Project

St Joseph’s Catholic School, Hindmarsh continue to work on the ‘Kaurna Food and Plant Fibre’ project in 2023, facilitated by Deidre Knight (Education for Sustainability Officer).

What’s it all about?

Who’s involved? 
Year 5/6 students

Learning Intentions for 2022
It is envisaged that by the end of this program, guided student research will lead them to a deeper knowledge of the diversity of endemic plant species and how the Kaurna ‘Miyurna’ (people) used them for food, basketry, twine, tools, medicine and ceremony.

We are learning to appreciate and understand the Kaurna seasons, plant names in Kaurna, English and Latin and their uses. Landscape design and artistic interpretation will be embedded throughout this process as will ‘hands-on’ propagation classes.

Science, Mathematics, language, artistic and research skills, will be further developed as they deepen their awareness of the need to ‘Care for Country.’ 

Learning Intentions for 2023

In 2023, students will also learn about the Kaurna ‘Miyurna’ (people) living language and culture through a ‘botanical lens.’

This will be expressed in species’ research, twine making, sourcing and trialling recipes for a ‘Kaurna Food and Plant Fibre’ manual to be given to Karrandongga (Hindmarsh Region) recipients of 2,000 propagated plants.

School News & Reminders

Allergies and Intolerances

We have a number of students who are anaphylactic, have allergies or food intolerances.

We ask for the parents of every child, whether they are allergic to nuts or not, to consider peanut and tree nut alternatives when planning individual packed recess and lunch.

Students are asked NOT to share food. Treats for birthdays or other celebrations cannot be brought to school.

Your cooperation and understanding is much appreciated.

School Card

School Card applications are now open and available from the Front Office.

Volunteers Needed

We're looking for some volunteers to cover our library books. If you're interested please get in touch with the Front Office. 

World's Greatest Shave

Nearly three years ago Savva lost his grandma to Leukaemia, since then he has been participating in the World’s Greatest Shave. Like last year, Savva is asking if the community can get behind him again.

You can donate to Savva by clicking the link below. 👇

His sister Nayia who attends Nazareth Catholic College will also be cutting 20cm off her hair.

Nova's Weather Kid

Last week Georgia got the chance to be Nova 919 Official Weather Kid for the day. 

We think Jodie and Hayesy better watch out, becuase it looks like Georgia might have her own radio show one day!

South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools Parents and Carers Forum Invitation

An opportunity exists for parents and carers to attend a forum with the intent of strengthening the partnership between the Commission, Catholic Schools and Parent and Carer communities.

With the launch of the Commission’s new strategy on February 9 2022 Towards 2027: Expanding Horizons and Deepening Practices – Strategies for Catholic Education in South Australia, the Commission warmly welcomes Parents and Carers to attend the forum. The forum is an opportunity for the Commission to provide an update on the Strategic Direction of Catholic Education, and importantly, hear feedback from Parents and Carers. Dr Neil McGoran, Director of Catholic Education South Australia, will present an update on the strategy as well as the developments, challenges and opportunities facing Catholic Education. Other speakers will provide updates on a range of topics including Catholic Identity and Infrastructure Developments.

The forum will be held on:

📅 Thursday 23rd March
🕖 from 6pm to 8:30pm
📍 at the Catholic Education Office Conference Centre 116 George Street Thebarton.  

👩🏻‍💻 An option to join via video conference will also be available to enable Parents and Carers to join online to maximise accessibility and attendance. 

If you would like to attend, please email and we can register your attendance.

Sport News

Would you like to be notified about the upcoming SAPSASA and SACPSSA Carnivals? If so, follow this link to register for this years sport carnivals.

You can choose from the following.

SAPSASA State Carnival Trials:
🏏 Cricket
⚽️ Soccer
🏑 Hockey
🎾 Tennis
🏐 Volleyball
🥎 Softball

SACPSSA School Carnival:
🏃‍♂️ Athletics
🏁 Cross Country
🏐 Netball
🏊 Swimming
🎾 Tennis

👉 Head to our Form Library to register your interest today!

SACPSSA Swimming Trials begin this week!

Your child can represent our school at the SACPSSA Swimming Carnival. 💦 

This week, Mr Baird will hold swimming trials for an opportunity to represent the school at the SACPSSA swimming carnival. You need to be in Year 3-6 to come and trial. Confident swimmers will be selected to participate in the SACPSSA swimming carnival week 9 Friday the 31st of March. 

Swimming Trials
📅 When: Thursday 9th March (Week 6)
🕖 Time: Trials will start at 7:15 am, arrive at 7:10 to check in with Mr Baird first
📍 Location: Thebarton Aquatic Centre - 1 Meyer St, Torrensville SA 5031

👉 If you're interested, head to our form library and complete the Sports Carnivals form and select 'swimming'.

ℹ️ Reminder
Parents will need to bring students to the Aquatic Centre and supervise whilst trialing. A change of clothes will allow students to change at the venue and go straight to school.

🙋 Volunteers
Mr Baird will also require several parental volunteers to help marshal and support students on carnival day (week 9). If your child is selected and you are interested in volunteering, please provide that information.

🏊 What will it involve?
Students will be asked to showcase the four standard swimming styles if possible:

  • backstroke
  • breaststroke
  • butterfly
  • freestyle

🚗 Transport
Student who wish to attend the trials will need to be transported to the Aquatic Centre by their parents/caregivers on the morning of the trials.

🎒 What to bring?
Wear appropriate swimming attire:

  • towel
  • goggles (if you have your won)
  • change of clothes (school uniform, if returning to school)

➡️ What next?
If your child is selected to represent our school at the Carnival, you'll be sent more information about the event closer to the date.

🤔 Have a question?Contact our PE Teacher Mr Baird via email,

We've been asked to advertise the following:

St Joseph's School Hindmarsh

At St Joseph’s Hindmarsh, learning is co-constructed and dynamic.  Learners are encouraged to IMAGINEDISCOVER and CREATE and to make meaningful connections with their world.  

As capable learners they are given opportunities to develop capabilities that build their confidence and skills to engage with the curriculum and ACHIEVE excellence.