TOKSAVE - Lihir International School

Term 1, Week 3, 2020

From the Principal

Dear Parents and caregivers, 

Thanks to those who attended the AGM of the P&W that was held on Tuesday evening. We thank the following for taking on the committee roles:

  • President: Nicole Wilson
  • Vice President: Janine Swart
  • Secretary: Maria Hosea
  • Treasurer: Janine Swart
  • Canteen Coordinator: Nicole Powell
  • Book Club Coordinator: Janine Swart

The next meeting will be held Tuesday 18th February, starting at 6.00pm in the Year 7/8 classroom. At this meeting, discussions will include planning activities for the year ahead, so we look forward to having as many parents and wantoks attend as possible to share their ideas. All welcome!

Mr Greg Neville

Congratulations to Term 1, Week 2 Principal's Award recipients!

  1. Benjamin Likia - Year 2

Omega Waho - Year 9

John Mareg - Year 7

Danesha Topo - KIndy

Annalisa Daimol - Year 6

Matilda Maulday - Year 4

Joshua Singa - Prep (absent)

Friday Whole School Assembly

Congratulations to the Year 5/6 class for their VIP assembly!

From the Deputy Principal

This year in Maths, from Years 2 - 9, we are continuing to use the SEE, PLAN, DO, CHECK process to help develop students' problem-solving skills. This involves students developing an understanding of a range of strategies to assist them when solving a word problem and using the 'thinkboard' to help them organise their thinking.

Next Wednesday afternoon, at 2.30pm, I will run a short information session about the SEE PLAN DO CHECK process for any parents from Yr 2 up who are interested in knowing more about how we are teaching problem-solving at LIS. Please come to the Yr 5/6 room.

Ms Langusch

Parents and Wantoks

P&W annual planning meeting will be next Tuesday, 18th February, 6pm in the Year 7/8 classroom. Please bring along your ideas for fundraising and community events for 2020. All welcome.  

VIP Champion!

Jerson Soipang


Term One Canteen is available again for Friday lunch. Please remember to put your orders in on Wednesday morning at school. Attached is the 2020 Canteen Menu. Please note the new prices as these changed last term. If you would like to volunteer for the Canteen Roster, please contact Nicole on email address 

Canteen Menu


School Council

Notice of Meeting: Lihir International School Council Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the school at 6pm on Thursday, 27th of February. Mrs Fiona Karaut is currently our Newcrest appointed School Council Chairperson. Fiona Karaut, James Bu, Chris Ong, Brian Hosea and Seth Kia are also Newcrest appointed School Council Representatives.

Ms Catherine Langusch is the Staff Representative and the new P&W President will be the P&W School Council Representative. Richard Toisiat is the parent rep for 2020. Two parent rep positions are still vacant and will be voted for at the upcoming AGM.

Nomination forms can be collected from Rachael in the office.

The School Council meets twice each term, at 6pm. If you are interested in finding out more about School Council, please give me a call or make a time to come in for a chat.

Sports Update


A soccer program is being offered to all boys and girls in grades 3 – 6. The games will be held over a 4-week period beginning on Saturday 22nd February. Depending on interest, there may be an opportunity for students in other year levels, however, at this stage it is restricted to students in grades 3 – 6.  Ideally, students would take part in 30 – 40 mins of training/ warm-up activities and then play modified games (7-a-side) on the school oval. Students would be required to be at school ready to start at 8:30 am. The amount of games played would depend on numbers, however, we anticipate finishing around 10:30am.

School Times

SCHOOL HOURS K - 6                                                                         

Official school times are:

8.10                 Bell rings (Friday assembly will start at 8.10)

8.10 – 8.15      Home room

8.15 – 8.30      Daily Fitness (Monday to Thursday)

8.35 – 10.35    First session

10.35 – 11.05 Recess (15 minutes eating followed by 15 minutes play)

11.05 – 12.35 Second session

12.35 – 1.20    Lunch (15 minutes eating followed by 30 minutes play)

1:20 – 3.00      Third Session

3.00                 End of school day


SCHOOL HOURS 7 - 9                                                                         

Official school times are:

8.10                 Bell rings (Friday assembly will start at 8.10)

8.10 – 8.15      Home room

8.15 – 10.05    Two periods

10.05 – 10.35 Recess (10 minutes eating followed by 20 minutes play)

10.35 – 1.20    Three periods

1.20 – 2.00      Lunch (10 minutes eating followed by 30 minutes play)

2.00 – 2.55      Third Session

2.55 – 3.00      Home room

3.00                 End of school day

Afternoon Activities

Monday - Music club with Mr Neale Years 5-9, 3.15pm

Wednesday - Homework Club, Years 3-6, 3.15pm

Friday - Running Club with Mrs Laien, Years 3-9, 3.15pm

Saturday - Soccer with Mr McKeiver Years 3-6, 8.30am, starting 22nd Feb

2020 Term Dates

Term 1: 27th January – 2nd April 

Term 2: 20th April – 18th June

Term 3: 13th July – 17th September 

Term 4: 5th October – 3rd December 

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Term 1 2020 Calendar
