Hammondville Public School Newsletter

Issue 37 - Term 4, Week 8 - Monday 2nd December 2019

A Message from the Principal

Christmas Carols

What a wonderful celebration and community gathering we had on Friday night. A huge thank you to the Carols committee for all your organisation behind the scenes. The P & C provided excellent support all year in gaining sponsors for raffles and volunteers for the night. Thank you to the members of St Anne’s Church for running the BBQ all night and providing our community with delicious sausage sandwiches. The students performed with enthusiasm and excitement. Thank you to all families and friends who supported the night and enjoyed the music, songs and dances.

Parent / Volunteers Helpers Morning Tea

Today we had a wonderful morning tea to thank the numerous parents and volunteers who give up their time to help in our classrooms and in various areas across the school. It takes a village to raise a child and together we do great things. I hope you all enjoyed the tasty treats provided by staff.

JUMPS program

I had the pleasure of watching our Year 5 JUMPS program members graduate on Thursday at Holsworthy High School. It was a wonderful celebration of the mentoring program that is run by Year 10 students. The program was well-liked by our students and helped them develop confidence, resilience and leadership skills. We cannot wait to be part of the program next year.


This Thursday will be our Mini-Fete. Thank you in advance to the teachers, students and parents who have put in lots of time and effort into ensuring this is a great day. We cannot wait for the excitement and fun to begin.

Leavers and new enrolments

As we are nearing the end of the year and begin planning for 2020, I urge all families to please tell the office as soon as possible if you will be leaving or if you have family or friends moving to the area who may want to enrol at Hammondville. If you are going on holidays and will be returning after the 29th January 2020, please contact the office as we will require families to indicate in writing the intended return date, so we can include your children in our numbers. The sooner we know our enrolment numbers the sooner we can begin class formations and staffing arrangements for 2020.

Positive Stars Week 7

I had the lovely opportunity to see many students across the school last week for producing excellent work, demonstrating outstanding work habits and being exceptional learners. Well done to the following students on being Positive Stars in Week 7: Amelia and Everly in K Red; Toby, Thomas, Amirah and Sienna in K Blue; Leah, Toby, Zara, Landon, Ziggy-J and Levi in K Yellow; Mackenzie, Abdul, Heath, Gabby and Ava-May in 1/2 Gold; Mariam in 2 Red; Chantel in 3/4 Gold; Samir, Patrick, Aidan, Marli, Mitchell and Saorise in 3/4 Platinum; Luke, Simone, Kyle, Juliette, Joaquin and Irelyn in 3/4 Silver; Natalie and Shyanne in 4/5 Bronze; Jules, Ava, Meredith, Nikita, Tarryn, Nicholas, Daniel, Jordan, Natalie in 6 Red; Oscar, Mehar, Raechel, Emily, Vanessa, Jessica, Jarrod, Taine and Sabrina in 6 Blue. Keep up the great work and I can’t wait to see more students this week.

Have a wonderful week of learning!

Mrs Rebekah Murray

Rel. Principal

School Diary

Friday 6th December - 3-6 Assembly 1:50pm

Friday 13th December - K-2 Assembly 9:15am

Thursday 5th December - Mini Fete 11:30am - 1:30pm - CANTEEN WILL BE OPEN

Tuesday 10th December - K-2 Presentation Day 9:10 - 10:30am - CANTEEN WILL BE OPEN

Tuesday 10th December - 3-6 Presentation Day Holsworthy High School 12:30pm - 2:30pm

Monday 16th December - Year 6 Farwell - LAST DAY FOR CANTEEN ORDERS

Tuesday 17th December - K-6 Picnic Day - CANTEEN WILL BE CLOSED

Wednesday 18thg December - Last Day for Student - CANTEEN OVER THE COUNTER SALES ONLY

Notes Sent Via CareMonkey

  • K-6 End of Year Picnic Day Excursion Note

PSSA Venues

  • AFL - Juniors - Ash Road

General Information

School Office Hours of Operation

Our school office hours are 8:30am to 3:15pm.

EFTPOS Payments can be made between 8:45am - 9:00am and 2:30pm - 3:00pm.

Student Absences
The Education Act requires that a reason is provided to the school within 5 days of the occurrence of a student absence. 

If your child is absent from school please notify us via Skoolbag or drop a note/medical certificate in our secure letterbox on the outside of the office wall. Do not send absent notifications to the class teacher via Class Dojo.

Late Arrival/ Early Departure
All students who are late to school must come via the office to receive a late pass, which is then to be handed to their teacher.

If you are picking up your child early from school you must visit the office first to receive an early departure pass, which you then give to your child’s teacher.

Toileting Accidents
If your child is prone to toileting accidents please ensure that spare underwear and school clothes are kept in their bags.

If your child does borrow clothes from our school please ensure the clothes are washed and promptly returned to the office.

Nut Free Recommendation
Due to severe allergies of some students at Hammondville Public School, we do recommend that parents not send their children to school with nut products, eg muesli bars, peanut butter, nutella etc.

P&C Payments
All payments to the P&C must be CASH ONLY and in a separate envelope to school payments.

Attendance / Absence

Do the maths!

This might have happened to you: You have a paying job. You get sick and use up a sick day here, a couple more there and suddenly you’re out of sick days. At work, the pay check reminds us of our limits, but with school attendance it’s easy to let it slide. Here’s some maths to help you keep it in perspective.
There are 200 school days in a year.
There are 50 school days in a term.
10 days missed per term = 40 days missed per year (That’s almost an entire term)
days missed per term, over 7 years of primary school = 1 entire year missed
If your child is 30 minutes late, 2 times a week, after a term they will have missed over a day’s worth of school.

Kindergarten Enrolments 2020

If you have a younger child who is due to start school next year and you have not yet enrolled them could you please contact the office as soon as possible. The sooner we know the number of children who are coming next year the better it is for our planning as the number of children in Kindergarten has a significant effect on the make-up of our classes and staffing across the school. 

Notice of Student Leaving 2019

Is your child leaving Hammondville Public School?

In order to plan our classes for next year, it is important that we know the number of students who will be enrolled at our school in 2020. If your child is not returning to our school next year could you please provide written notification ASAP stating your child's name, when their last day will be & what school they will be moving to via our email  address:-  


Notice of Student Returning After Wednesday 29th January 2020

If your child is returning to Hammondville Public school next year but will return after our first day back, Wednesday 29 January 2020, could you please provide written notification ASAP stating your child's name, what date they will be returning & the reason why they will be away via our school email address :- 


Positive Behaviour for Learning News Week 8

Our lesson focus for K-6 Week 8 is “Be a Respectful: Show appreciation towards award recipients”. We will explore what this looks like during our PBL lessons.

Please discuss this week’s PBL lesson focus with your child to reinforce the importance of how they should be acting during an assembly when students are receiving an award. All students deserve to be shown appreciation when they are an award recipient and deserve positive and respectful acknowledgement such as clapping and eye contact when out the front of an audience.

The PBL team

Mini Fete

The Stage 3 Mini Fete is this Thursday 5th December and our Year 5 and 6 students  have planned some exciting stalls for this day. You will see now students have placed all of their posters, advertising their stalls, around the school. In 2019 we have a range of stalls including food and beverage stalls, our Kindi Farm, sports games, beauty stalls, Monkey Play mobile play centre, haunted house, music, arcade games and more.  

It will be held on Thursday 5th December 2019 between 11:30am and 1:30pm on school grounds. Parents and carers are welcome to come and join in the fun and can gain access to the school via the pedestrian gate at the front of the school. This event is not for ex-Hammondville students in high school, as it is a normal school day. On the Mini Fete day we ask students to bring coins to purchase their items and pay for activities, so start collecting your coins now and put them somewhere safe ready for the big day!  

We cant wait to celebrate this exciting day with you all. A huge congratulations to all of the Stage 3 students and their families for their hard work, time and money spent on preparing for Thursday. Thank you also to the stage 3 teachers for guiding the students in their preparations.  

Thank you Stage 3.

Library Stocktake

Stocktake for the Library is commencing during Week 8 ( next week). Please ensure ALL LIBRARY books are returned as soon as possible this week.  
Please note: all borrowing will stop this week.
Thank you,
Mrs Stanley
Teacher - Librarian

Newsletter JUMPS

Last Thursday Mrs Murray and Mrs Zanapalis had the pleasure in attending the final Juniors Understanding and Mentoring Primary students (JUMPS) presentation. It was a pilot program this year and the first of its kind in NSW. Year 10 students at Holsworthy High designed the program to support fellow students in developing confidence, leadership skills and resilience in new situations.

Our students have been attending the high school since last Term and were involved in several team building and mentoring activities. The program culminated in the end of Presentation last Thursday where students were able to showcase their book that they wrote and published with the help of their Year 10 mentors.

Thank you to Holsworthy High School and Mr Watkins the Principal and Mrs O’Neil for inviting our student’s to participate in this program. Also a big thank you to Mrs Murray who also encouraged and allowed our Year 5 students to participate. We look forward to participating in this program next year.

Mrs Zanapalis

3-6 Presentation Day 2019

This year’s 3-6 presentation day will be held at Holsworthy High School in the high school hall on Tuesday 10th December 2019. Presentation Day will begin at 12:30am and finish at approximately 2:30pm. All students will be transported from Hammondville Public School to Holsworthy High school via buses, with the costs being covered by the school. Last week a note went out on Caremonkey, which all students must have signed to get permission to travel by bus for this event. Parents who are in attendance at the Presentation Day may take their students home at the end of the event and there is a space indicated on the note which allows you to show that you will take your child home after the Presentation Day. All other students will catch the bus from Holsworthy High School back to Hammondville Public School and are expected to be back by normal home time bell. Students who are receiving awards at the presentation Day will be contacted via Caremonkey to inform them that their child will be an award recipient.

Working Bee - Sat 7th December 2019

We are looking for able bodied volunteers with their own wheelbarrow who are willing to assist in moving cement to finish off paths and a concrete slab for a sport shed, if you are able to help please contact the office on 9825-3948.

2020 Carnivals

School Swimming Carnival - Friday 31st January 2020

Liverpool Zone Swimming Carnival - Thursday 27th February 2020

SSW Regional Swimming Carnival - Tuesday 10th March 2020

NSW State Swimming Carnival - Monday 6th April and Tuesday 7th April 2020

School Cross Country Carnival - To be confirmed

Liverpool Zone Cross Country Carnival - To be confirmed

SSW Regional Cross Country Carnival - Wednesday 10th June 2020

NSW State Cross Country Carnival - Friday 24th July 2020

School Athletics Carnival - Monday 27th July 2020

Liverpool Zone Athletics Carnival - Thursday 27th August 2020

SSW Regional Athletics Carnival - Wednesday 16th September 2020

NSW State Athletics Carnival - Wednesday 28th October and Thursday 29th October 2020

2020 Swimming Carnival - Friday 31st January 2020

Permission notes for next year's school swimming carnival have already been handed out. The date of the carnival is Friday 31st January, 2020. Students in years 3-6 for 2020 are expected to attend and any students in Year 2 for 2020 who are eight or turning eight next year and can swim 50m unassisted are invited to attend.

Permission notes, medical forms and payment need to be returned to the office letterbox by Monday 9th December, 2019. If your child did not receive a permission note, spares can be found at the office.

Summer PSSA - Semi-Final Results

Well done to the PSSA teams who played in their semi-final matches. Congratulations to the junior AFL team who have made the grand final. We will be cheering you on Friday!

AFL juniors: Hammondville defeated Wattle Grove 40-31

AFL seniors: Hammondville lost to Wattle Grove 21-75

League tag juniors: Hammondville drew with Dalmeny 0-0 (progressed to the grand final based on a higher ranking)

Softball: Hammondville lost to Wattle Grove 6-11

Cricket juniors: Hammondville lost to Dalmeny

Cricket seniors: Hammondville lost to Holsworthy

League Tag PSSA Grand Final

Well done to the school's junior league tag team who defeated Dalmeny in their semi-final, making the grand final. In the grand final match the team lost 1-3 against a strong Wattle Grove team. We are extremely proud of you for only being one of two teams in the competition to make the grand final. Well done to Chantel Sutch, Mya Tiller, Stevie Rayner, Maverick Barry, Jack Blake, Zac Cridge, Aidan Lewis, Ryley Lockwood, Enoch McGregor, Jayden Schipp and Kalani Godinet for a great season and being such a great team!

Sydney South-West Age Champion

Miriam Gauld was presented with the Sydney South-West athletics carnival age champion medallion at last week's assembly. It has been a very successful year for Miriam who in 2019 has been named:

School Age Champion in Swimming

Liverpool Zone Age Champion in Swimming

Liverpool Zone Age Champion in Cross Country

School Age Champion in Athletics

Liverpool Zone Age Champion in Athletics

Regional Age Champion in Athletics

Outstanding Sporting Achievement Award

Miriam Gauld and Annabelle James received the Outstanding Sporting Achievement Award at last week's assembly for representing the school and region at three state carnivals of swimming, cross country and athletics.  Congratulations girls! This is a great achievement and one that we as a school community are extremely proud of.  

Canteen News

Tuesday's Tempting Treats - Yoghurt/Fruit $1.50, available at lunch and recess, please order to avoid disappointment.

New Food Trial - We are trialling 2 new items this term for lunch, please order these items if you are interested:

  • Cheese Burger (halal beef patty and cheese) $4.00
  • Fish Fingers $0.80 each

With only 2.5 weeks left until the end of term here is an update on what happened with the canteen:

  • We are open every day except Picnic Day Tuesday 17th December.
  • Monday 16th December is the Last Day for Lunch Orders.
  • Wednesday 18th December is counter sales only.

Wishing everyone a merry Christmas and a safe and happy holiday break.


Tracey & Sue

Uniform News

The uniform pool will be open Wednesday afternoon from 2:30pm- 3:00pm.


Non-logo items (pants, shorts, shirts) are $1.00

All logo items are $2:00

Dresses, Parkas & Bags are $5:00

When visiting the second hand uniform shop it would be greatly appreciated if you could bring small change with you. There is nothing over $5.00. Also any items from second hand must be paid for at the office or at the canteen.

Thank you,

Louise & Sandy

P&C News

Christmas Carols Thanks

Last Friday’s Christmas Carols was a fabulous night. It was wonderful to see so many students, families and friends and teachers enjoying the atmosphere and celebrating Christmas. An event like this takes considerable planning and work and there are lots of people who put in a great deal of effort to make it a success.

A big thanks to the Carols Committee lead by Mr Betts and Mrs Fuller and the P&C for all their work in organising the event and prizes, without these people there would be no Carols night.

Thanks to the teachers who have worked hard with their classes preparing fun and entertaining Christmas items (which were all fabulous) and who gave up their time on Friday night to come along and supervise, crowd control, supervise toilets, care for lost children and to support their class performances.

A big thanks to the volunteers from the Anglican Church who worked the BBQ and cake stall for hours so that our parents could enjoy the night and watch their children.

Thank you to the families and local businesses who donated raffle prizes and to all the people who sold and bought tickets.

The cake stall was a big success thanks to the families who donated yummy treats for us to sell. Lastly, thanks to the 700 people who came along and supported the event and helped to create a fabulous atmosphere.

Marly Marlene Greenwood
P&C President


Hammondville PS P&C:  https://www.facebook.com/hammondvillepandc/

or look up “Hammondville PS P&C”

Attention Defence Families

It's posting season and that means some of our families are on the move. If you know your family will be leaving our school please notify both the front office and myself. I can assist you with information and EDLO contacts in your new location in addition to transition and farewell activities to help your child.

Mrs Janelle Ford 

Defence School Mentor


Defence Partners Professional Workshop

Attention Defence families,

Please be advised that Holsworthy Community Group’s Defence Partners Professional Workshop, which was advertised in the recent edition of the DCO Sydney/Liverpool Newsletter, has had a date change. The workshop will now be taking place on Saturday, 30th November 2019. 

If you intend on attending, it is essential to sign up to the sessions and send any information on positions you are interested in applying for to Cath Allen at cath.allen@bigpond.com and to book your tickets via https://www.trybooking.com/BFSBZ 

Sydney Jobs Fair - providing job seekers with access to current employment opportunities.

Tuesday 19 November  Quayside in Sydney Olympic Park   10.00am - 6.00pm 

Comedy Cruise - Friday 29 November, 7.00pm -late

Join HCG for a night out on Sydney harbour, enjoying dinner and comedy. Book your tickets via https://www.trybooking.com/BDHMZ 

Our Year 6 Defence students are invited to attend morning tea on Wednesday 27 November. The DSM from Holsworthy High School will be attending. Invitations will be sent soon. 

Mrs Janelle Ford   Defence School Mentor   