Term 1 Week 9

Important Dates 2022

Term 131 January  to 14 April
Monday 4th -Friday 8th AprilParent/Teacher Interviews
Wednesday 6th AprilDistrict Athletics
Thursday 7th April Choir Assessment
Thursday 14th April

Last day of Term 1

Early dismissal 2:05pm

Term 22 May to 8 July
Monday 2nd MayYr6 Transitions Emails Sent To Parents
Tuesday 10th-Friday 13th MayNAPLAN Online
Monday 16th-Friday 20th MayNAPLAN Online
Wednesday 25th MayDistrict Cross Country
Friday 27th MayYr6 Register of Interest Closes
Monday 13th JuneQueen's Birthday Holiday
Term 325 July to 30 September
Term 417 October to 16 December

Principal's Report

Dear Families,

COVID update

While it was previously flagged that there would be some potential relaxing of restrictions from week 9 (e.g. indoor concerts and assemblies), the recommendation for schools and preschools is to continue to maintain existing restrictions for the remainder of the term. This means:

·         All students and staff must stay home if unwell, even mildly (runny nose, sore throat etc).

·         Ventilation will be maximised by leaving doors/windows open, use of air conditioning (set to fresh air intake) etc.

·         Outdoor learning where possible/weather permitting.

·         Minimising student intermingling across class groups buddy class, indoor assembly etc.

·         Indoor before school, recess and lunch time venues such as the library, hall and computer room will be closed.

·         To minimize the spread of COVID, parents/carers are not to come on site. I appreciate this is frustrating but we need to keep each other safe. Reception/Year 1 parents are allowed to enter the school grounds to drop off and pick up their child but they must use the QR codes available, wear a mask, social distance and leave immediately. Year 2-6 students can be dropped at one of our school entrances. In the afternoon all students must leave the school grounds with their parents/carers. Please do not congregate in the yard and particularly in the JP playground where bus/OSHC students are supervised by staff.

·         Continue to practice and promote hand and respiratory hygiene. Hand sanitiser is provided for regular use, and disposable masks.

·         Extra cleaning during the day will continue.

·         Face masks are required for adults, except when it impedes the ability to teach.

·         Face masks are strongly recommended for students in years 3 to 6.

·         Choir, band practice and instrumental lessons will continue.

The testing, isolating and quarantine placemats for schools and OSHC and preschool have changed. Please refer to attached document.

 Parent/Teacher Interviews

We have been advised that Parent Teacher interviews can go ahead next week as planned. Please avoid congregating with other parents outside classrooms, physically distance yourself and wear a mask.


At this stage we continue to have more and more students and their families isolating due to close contacts outside of school. To date we’ve only had 8 students test positive to COVID from classroom contacts. Most other positive cases have been linked to a parent or high school age sibling. Our school attendance is not looking great but this cannot be helped. We really have appreciated the support from families keeping their children at home if they are sick, undertaking regular RAT/PCR, and being understanding about the continuing restrictions.

 Wellbeing and Engagement Collection

Our students have been invited to take part in the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection survey. The survey will be conducted next week with students in year 4-6 only.  The purpose of the survey is to gather students’ views about their wellbeing and their engagement with school. The survey asks students about their social and emotional wellbeing, school relationships and engagement and learning in school, physical health and wellbeing, and after school activities. The WEC provides the government and schools with information to support improving and maintaining students’ health, happiness, wellbeing and relationships. It gives schools, the community and government an insight into what needs to happen to make sure students experience success and are provided with resources and opportunities to reach their full potential.


Students will complete the survey during class time. They will be asked if they would like to participate and are free to withdraw at any time. If you do not want your child to participate, please contact the school as soon as possible after receiving attached letter.

 National Day Of Action

The last couple of weeks saw us recognise and celebrate National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, and Harmony Day.  It was great to see the students really enjoy the lunchtime celebrations on Friday and ‘bust a few moves’ to the music at lunch time. The lunchtime picnic brought buddy classes together, despite physical restrictions, in a sea of orange and laughter!

Some of the highlights included the lovely messages in our butterfly mural, including contributions from our parents. Thank you.  The calico bags were decorated with lovely art work and messages, and I was particularly impressed by Room 6 who secretly decorated their bags for another student in their class. I watched the students swap their bags as they made positive comments to each other.

Encouragement Awards 

At the whole school assembly on Friday a representative from each class read out the Anti bullying pledge on behalf of all the students in the school. During the week the pledge was shared in classes with feedback provided to make sure it was student friendly, fit with our school motto, and was something we could all agree on.

At the assembly the following students received Encouragement  Awards:

Alice J                    Working hard and displaying a positive attitude to learning.

Connor M            Working hard and displaying a positive attitude to learning.

Lachlan G            Always striving to complete his best work & working hard.

Nyenna M           Consistently displaying an excellent attitude to all her learning.

Ruby P                  Working Hard – Mathematics:  line and rotational symmetry.

Briana T                Working Hard – Mathematics:  line and rotational symmetry.

Theo F                   Being Kind – volunteering to help others & being a responsible monitor.

Zoe L                      Working Hard – outstanding results in maths.

Sonny D                A great attitude & effort, giving your best in all activities.

Caidy R                Showing initiative – using your own time to research about Earth & Space for Science.

Douglas Ke          Always treating children fairly and being supportive of classmates.

Harper B              Listens well, cooperates easily and always gives her best.

Olive M                Working Hard – producing an engaging narrative with great use of adjectives.

Jack M                  Being Kind – willing to help especially in the area of technology.

Aliya M                 Always taking care with the presentation of her work & looking after her belongings.

Alejandro            Always giving his best effort, showing kindness to others & caring for our class equipment.

Braxton I              Displaying courage, kindness, responsibility and working hard to create a narrative.

Kenzie M             Always showing kindness, respect and consideration for her peers & her excellent work ethic.

Olive C                  Working hard to remember her phonics sounds and blending them together.

Max K                    Working hard to remember her phonics sounds.


Despite all the COVID interruptions, and the constant stream of media messages about closing schools, our students and staff all deserve an encouragement award for continuing to focus on teaching and learning. We plan to be here until the very last day of term.

Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. Elizabeth Edwards.

Lynda Fitzpatrick-Brown

Anti Bullying Pledge

Harmony Day - 2022 Flood-SchoolAid National Campaign

Nat's Notes

It’s been a fun few weeks at APS. We have been busy focusing on Kindness, kindness at school, kindness at home and kindness in the community. 

We have been in a bee hive of activity with kindness butterfly’s around the school, decorating canvas bags and lots of discussions around our kindness culture with a focus on bullying. Julia and Macey (Miss Taylor - UP) worked hard on a 

Anti-bullying poster which is displayed  in the front office for all to see. 

I’m really enjoying working with the kids in our Well-being afternoons .. we have been cooking up a storm with damper and two ingredient pizza bases. Who knew you didn’t need yeast to make a pizza base? 

It’s always good to see how the relaxed cooking environment promotes candid conversations, encourages social interaction as well as building confidence. I never tire seeing how proud the kids are at the end, when they see what they made and get to eat it together as a group. They are always keen to give samples to their teachers and always want to take home to share with family. 

We have also been busy getting the planter pots around the Health/German room ready for planting a herb garden to hopefully use in our culinary adventures going forward. 

We have had lots of smiles and laughs which always fills our cups.

Stay safe and healthy,

Nat x 

A Gem Of An Idea

Tarnanthi Virtual Excursion

News from Room 5 Mrs Goudie & Mrs Shields On Friday of week 6, students took part in a Tarnanthi Virtual Excursion hosted by the Art Gallery of South Australia. The workshop provided an opportunity for us to learn about several Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, and the ideas and inspirations behind their works of art. Guided by an experienced educator, we created our own pieces of art based on four of our most favourite things.   


-        The lines are like the creeks and rivers near my house. (Henry)

-        I chose orange because it looks like the dirt around the town where my family are from. (Xavier)

-        I used brown as that’s the colour of my dog. (Phoenix)








Bradley's Broadcast


On Friday February 18th, 3 Angaston Primary students participated in the Barossa and Light Sapsasa District Swimming Carnival held at Nuriootpa Swimming Centre. The students swam exceptionally well and should all be proud of their efforts. Well done to Zoe K (5/6 Darmody) Liam M  (5/6 Darmody) and Poppy W (3/4 Goudie).

Yours in Sport

Mr. Bradley

PE/Health Teacher


Thank you to those families that have paid the Materials & Services charge of $303 for 2022. The Materials and Services charges are now overdue and need to be paid to avoid debt recovery action by Department for Education. Applications for School Card assistance are still able to be made so please apply online at under the heading Education, Skills and Learning. Please contact the Front Office if you require any assistance.

Payment can be made:

·          via the school bank account BSB 105-021 Account number 104147940 - using your family code or invoice number as the reference.

·          via Cash, Cheque, Eftpos or Credit Card at the Front Office between 8.30 – 9.30am and 2.30- 3.30pm.

·          via Credit Card over the phone between 8.30-9.30 and 2.30-3.30pm.

Any current Direct Debit Payment Plans will continue.


Please contact Kim Oag on 85642215 if you require any further assistance.

Library Donations

Our Book Give Away stand has been very popular recently.  During this time when students cannot use the Library at break times due to Covid, I put the stand of Give Away Books outdoors every day. Students can take books home to keep or read and share the books at break times.  If families have any children's books and novels to donate, I would love to have them to top up our shelves.

Please drop at the school office or send to the library with your child any time.

Thanks so much.

Nicole Taylor

Teacher Librarian



Mandatory notification training is now available. It is called Responding to Risks of Harm , Abuse and Neglect-Education and Care..

We call it RRHAN-EC for short.

Everyone needs to update their training by 31 December 2021.

When you have completed the new RAN , forward a copy to the school to update your details.

This is a requirement for all staff and volunteers.  

Uniform Shop

The Uniform shop is open Monday & Tuesday 8:45 to 9:00am and Thursday 2:45 to 3pm. Purchasing of uniforms outside of these hours during the term is not available, including hats.

Order forms are also available from the Front Office.