We have now finished week 4 and life is very busy at McAuley. In the last fortnight we have settled into classes with learning and engagement a major focus, and of course there are many other activities happening outside the classroom. I encourage all students to get involved in some way in the College. We are always looking for ways to enhance our community and for ways our students, parents and staff can engage in it.
Our Swimming Carnival was held on Friday 21st February, and I hope all parents supported this major event in our school calendar by sending their child/children, and encouraged them to be involved in an aspect of the day. Thank you to Mr Humphries as the main carnival organiser, his team and all the staff who have worked hard to make this day a success. There will be more details and photos of the carnival in the next newsletter.
This year Ash Wednesday falls on Wednesday, 26 February. We will celebrate an Ash Wednesday Liturgy at 2.30pm on this day, here at the College, where all students and staff will receive Ashes. All members of our community are welcome to join us. A reminder that the Canteen will NOT be selling meat products on Ash Wednesday, which remains a day of fast and abstinence in the liturgical calendar. As many of us know, Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, a time of reflection, fasting and penance that prepares us for Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday. When thinking about Lent I recall Pope Francis’ message from a few years ago, when he asked us to reconsider the heart of fasting in the Lenten season and I believe his message is still relevant this year. According to Francis, fasting must never become superficial. He reminds us that these activities must truly enrich others. So, if we're going to fast from anything during Lent, Francis suggests that even more than chocolate or alcohol, we fast from indifference towards others. The Pope writes "Indifference to our neighbour and to God also represents a real temptation for us Christians……..whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own interests and concerns, there is no longer room for others, no place for the poor. God's voice is no longer heard, the quiet joy of his love is no longer felt, and the desire to do good fades……..We end up being incapable of feeling compassion at the outcry of the poor, weeping for other people's pain, and feeling a need to help them, as though all this were someone else's responsibility and not our own." (Lenten message 2015; EVANGELII GAUDIUM #54). So I ask you to consider fasting from indifference this Lent. Jesus showed us the way to love others, as in his life and ministry, no one is excluded.
Also on Wednesday 26th February we will be having our School Photos. All students will have their photo taken for school records. This means all students will have an individual photo taken. Parents have the option of purchasing school photos using the envelope provided or using the online facilities. Details of this are on the envelope. Mrs Warby has outlined in more detail the dress requirements for Photo Day.
We held our first P&F / Parent Forum meeting for the year on Tuesday night and I thank those parents who came along to discuss plans for the year ahead – it was lovely to meet you all. At this gathering I took the opportunity to introduce myself (again) and some of the areas I wish to focus on as Principal. We discussed the format of the Parent group - will a P&F reform or do we stay as a Parent Group / Forum? It was decided that the P&F will not reform this year and the format of 2019 will continue into 2020. This means a meeting will continue to be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5.30pm. This will be a time where parents can hear what has been going on in the College, build community, ask questions, and offer assistance for events such as social evenings, parent information nights, College Musical and open nights. Working in conjunction with the Parent Assembly, we will provide opportunities for parent education, so a plan will be constructed and speakers, both internal and external, will be organised. I encourage all parents and carers to look for opportunities to be involved in the College and their child’s education. We are on this journey together and we acknowledge that parents and carers are the primary educators of their children.
On Tuesday we had a professional photographer at the school taking photos for our promotional material that will be rolled out shortly as part of our 2020 marketing campaign. It was an exciting day and a wonderful opportunity for me to wander around the school and in and out of classes. There are great things happening in our College and I was reminded that learning can be so interesting and fun! I encourage you to have conversations with your child to find out what they are doing at school. As I mentioned in the previous Newsletter, our Open Night is Tuesday 17th March 5pm - 7pm.
Thursday was also an exciting day for our Year 7 students as they received their laptop computers! Each computer is labelled with a sticker which makes for easy identification and also assists staff when learning names of their students. The stickers are to remain on the computer and are not to be defaced. Technology is an important part of today’s world and is seen as common and necessary items which must be incorporated into and managed within the educational domain. It is vitally important that parents have clear expectations around the use of technology at home to support the use of it at school.