Churchlands Primary School Newsletter

Volume 29 - 24/06/2022

Principal's Message

We started off the term with a few weeks of COVID-19 spreading wildly across the school, however, as things settled we worked around this and began a term of fun learning activities!  We started with the super successful Year 6 Business Fair followed by a term of Edudance, incursions from Yirra Yaakin and Music Aviva, a great team effort in the Cross Country and Interschool Cross Country ending a great term with students participating in the CHUMT show and Edudance concerts!  We are so proud to be able to provide our students with such a diverse blend of learning opportunities. 

 We were pleased to present the Annual Report 2021 to the community. There was a lot of input and feedback from staff and the Board to ensure the Annual Report reflects a holistic view of the CPS Community. The feedback also from the school community was very positive. Very big thank you to the Board and P & C for their highly-valued contributions.

 We would also like to thank the many parents who give generous words of thanks and support to CPS staff, it is greatly appreciated.

 Unfortunately, there have been a few issues again in the front car park with regards to safe driving and parking. Please remember in the mornings to drop your child/ren off at the Kiss and Drop area only – they are not to be dropped off in the carpark, it is far too dangerous. The Kiss and Drop is open from 3.10. This allows time for parents of younger children to collect and vacate the parking area reducing the amount of cars entering the carpark. Please do not park your car in this area waiting for 3.10 as it is causing a massive bank up of cars on Cromarty. Many thanks for your support with this. If you are unsure how to use the Kiss and Drop you may find this video the children made valuable.

 I hope you are able to take a break over the holidays and relax with family. We look forward to seeing you all back to what looks like another full on term of activities.  

Board Chair's Message

Dear School Community,


On behalf of the Churchlands Primary School Board, I’d like to give you all a brief update on recent news around the school.

Firstly, the Board would like to acknowledge the student survey that has recently been completed. The Board is very pleased with the feedback that has been received, especially regarding students’ overwhelmingly positive perception of the school and teachers. The school will be using the feedback to consolidate and reflect on its strategies and focus points. An overview of the school’s performance and vision can also be found in the recently released 2021 Annual Report. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to have a read of it – a copy of which can be found on the school website.

The school recently took the opportunity to update the Board on the progress of its PBS initiative (Positive Behaviour Support) which is being progressively implemented throughout the school. The PBS aims to teach and encourage targeted whole-school positive expected behaviours. The school is starting to see the benefits of this initiative and the Board congratulates the proactive and explicit approach being taken to behaviour management and student and staff wellbeing.

The Board is currently calling for nominations for two new parent members, due to the terms of Shane Lavagna-Slater and Rebecca Brown coming to an end in Term 3. The Board is looking forward to welcoming new members to continue this important governance role.

Finally, the Board would like to congratulate the school and especially the P&C for the successful completion and opening of the new Adventure Playground. The P&C undertook a huge effort to fundraise and develop this playground and it is fantastic to see it being enjoyed by the whole school community.

On behalf of the Board we wish all families a positive end to Term 2 and a happy and rejuvenating mid-year break.


Nick Payne

Churchlands Primary School Board Chair


Week 8 Merit Recipients

Week 8 Merit Awards

Congratulations to all our Week 8 Merit Certificate recipients 

ECE 1 

  Madison C, Evan Z


 Eliana W, Samuel Z

Room 1

 Chelsea D, Gordon G 

Room 3

 Owen G, Mikey A

Room 5

 Caspar M, Edward G

Room 6

 Elsie B 

Room 7

 Damon S

Room 8 Catherine Z, Andrew H

Room 9

 Jacob L, Jessica C


 Tavi G, Emily R

Room 11

 Darcy L, Yi Lin Z

Room 12 Indi L, Chloe H

Room 13

 Ethan W, Diego A B

Room 16 

 Ben A, Ella Mc


 Ella M, Anastasia A, Emelyn R and   Room 11

NAPLAN Trial Term 3

Churchlands PS has been selected to participate in this year's Item Trial for NAPLAN.  Read more here.


The PEAC Program provides part time extension and enrichment for exceptionally able students in Years 5 and 6. 

PEAC offers a range of courses that provide identified students with work that is intellectually challenging. 

All students in Year 4 will have the opportunity to be assessed for suitability for the PEAC Program. 

Testing for all Year 4 students will take place during week 3 of Term 3 2022. There are 2 x 20 minute paper based assessments, one Verbal Reasoning and one Mathematical Reasoning test.  

The scores from the test will be used in the selection of students for PEAC courses and extension programs from 2023 to 2024 and also inform educational provision in schools. 

If you do not wish your child to be included in the PEAC assessment, please notify the school in writing by Friday 22 July 2022  


Check out some of the action from our first Edudance concert.

PE News and Upcoming Events

Congratulations to our students who competed in the Interschool Cross Country.  To see all the results and what's happening in Term 3, click here.


In collaboration with the class teacher, our EALD students will receive a Progress Map level on their report.  See more here.

Sustainability News

Our SolarBuddy fundraising is impressive.  To see how much has been raised so far, click here.

CHUMT Semi Finals

To see some of the action from our CHUMT show click here.

Message from the School Psychologist

The power of routine - helping kids to build independence and responsibility.  Read more here.

Dog waste in school bins

Please be mindful if you are using our school oval to exercise your dog.  The school bins are not for animal waste.  It would be appreciated if you pick up after your dog and take your waste home with you.

Thank you

Updating Student Information

Parents, it is essential to inform the school in writing of any changes to student details.  This includes:

1.  Change of address/email address/phone numbers

2.  Any changes to your child's medical condition or medications

3.  Change of parent work arrangements

Please see the office administration for any changes to your child's information.

Term 3 Excursions/Incursions

As we have a few excursions happening next term - a reminder to ensure that you have added your child's current class room to your groups on the Skoolbag app as this is our main communication platform.  To subscribe to your child's group, see section 4 of the information sheet here. 

School Holidays

Don't miss out on The Big Fun Fest these July school holidays from Saturday 2 July – Saturday 16 July. Test your skills and take on a challenge with BIG indoor family FUN at Claremont Showground. Attractions include a giant jungle maze, ninja course and mini golf course ++ so much more! Tickets now on sale