
Issue 2019 / 9


As we head toward the end of the first Semester, it is time for significant reflection; in academics and in our approach to our peers and our engagement in all that Pittwater House offers.

I challenge you all to determine how you measure up against the 'Pillars of Trust'.

The Eight Pillars of Trust
In every interaction, you either increase or decrease trust. Trust (defined as a confident belief in a person, product, or organisation) is the single biggest factor in group morale, respect, relationships, productivity, innovation, and output. 

Character: Doing what is right over what is easy.

Consistency: Having a standard that doesn’t change.

Commitment: Standing firm through adversity.

Compassion: Caring for others.

Clarity: A shared understanding that is not complex or confusing.

Contribution: Getting results and being an important part of a team.

Competency: Staying fresh, relevant, and capable.

Connection: Making and keeping friends.

Acknowledgement: “The Trust Edge” by David Horsager at the National SAM Conference, February 2, 2019, and the “2017 Trust Outlook: Highlighted National Research Findings”

Creative and Athletic Talent at Pittwater House

The past week has been a showcase of creative talent with accolades due across the entire school.

Congratulations to all the students who have performed with distinction at an array of events from the long established and heralded da Vinci Decathlon, the Junior School Musical Evenings and the large groups of dancers who performed at the Extreme Eisteddfod. Additionally, Pittwater House gained central position on the winner’s podium at the Northern Beaches Eisteddfod for our Junior School Cantabile Choir. 

At each of these events, we have sent large numbers of students who have represented our School admirably. Pitting our collective talent against others is a great opportunity for bringing out the best and our placings in each of the events should be appreciated, not only for the individual efforts of students but for the wonderful support from their teachers. Full reports can be found throughout this edition of HouseNews.

Moving from the creative talents to sport, this week sees both the Junior and Secondary Schools Athletics Carnivals. These are marvellous community events and demonstrate fine student leadership from our House Captains. 

Introducing the Languages Faculty

Food can open the doors to foreign language immersion. Keep the experience fun by learning language while you eat. Use recipes from around the world in your weekly meal rotations. Staff from the Languages Faculty have shared some of their favourite recipes (click on the 'Download' button below). Try pronouncing the names of the food like the natives do! Bon Appétit! Qing Man Yong!

Click 'Download' to meet the Languages Faculty

School Information

Click Here

What's On - Events and Excursions



NSW State da Vinci Decathlon

In Week 5 of Term, students from Years 5 to 11 represented Pittwater House in teams of 8 students at the NSW State da Vinci Decathlon, an academic competition spanning ten tasks in a range of disciplines. Each year group has approximately 50 teams competing, and places are reported for the first 16 teams in each task. This year the theme was Landscapes.

We can report the following results for Pittwater House:

Year 11
2nd in English
7th in Creative Producers (Drama Skit)
9th in General Knowledge

Year 10
13th in Cartography

Year 9
6th in Creative Producers
12th in Art and Poetry

Year 8
16th in Code Breaking

Year 7
14th in General Knowledge

Year 6
3rd in Creative Producers
13th in Ideation (Design-based Problem Solving)

Year 5
5th in Engineering

Well done to all team members who contributed to their team’s overall performance in all areas and stretched themselves academically.

Maths Study Centre Week 8

Please Note: There will be no Maths Study Centre on Tuesday 18  June (Week 8) due to Year 12 Parent/Teacher Interviews.

Year 12 Economics

On Thursday 30 May, Year 12 Economics travelled to the Wesley Centre in the city to attend an Economics Conference hosted by the Swiss Bank UBS. The day was designed to support students in developing a greater understanding of current economic conditions in the Australian economy and the application of this to their HSC studies. They heard from speakers such as George Tharenou, Chief Economist at UBS Australasia, Lynne Cockerell, Deputy Head Economic Analysis Department at the RBA and Dr Sandra Peter, University of Sydney Business School - Director of Business Insights. Last but certainly not least, they heard from the renowned Ross Gittins, economics editor for the SMH, who gave them his take on the current policy settings. It was a very informative day and the students not only gained valuable insights, but once again were exposed to a range of careers and applications that are available through  the study of economics.


From the Head of Junior School

Having paid our penance last year, needing to run our athletics carnival in the cold, wind and rain, Tuesday’s glorious warmth and sunshine set the scene for a most rewarding day. Congratulations to all students for the spirit in which they participated, thank you parents and families for supporting your children and thank you Mr McGregor and the Junior School staff for ensuring that the carnival ran smoothly and on time. These days take much behind the scenes preparation and we are all the beneficiaries.

With still much to achieve in Term 2, and still with many wonderful occasions to share, please check your calendars for events and specific requirements. Kindergarten and Year 1 are looking forward to their very exciting excursions to complement their classroom learning and Languages Week will be held in Week 9, with early morning and late afternoon sessions of French and Mandarin displays and learning activities for you to witness in your child’s classroom. 

I look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming Creative Arts Night, on Thursday 27 June. This event is a compulsory attendance for all students as their classes are a team and all students are needed to play their part and support each other.

I would once again like to congratulate all students for their magnificent efforts both representing the school and gaining their personal bests in all areas of academic pursuit, the creative arts as well as sport. I sincerely thank all parents for their magnificent support and the teachers for their skilful tuition and guidance. 

Year 4 in Focus

Year 4 has recently returned from the most exciting adventure!  As we pulled in to Camp, the chattering stopped and the excitement took us.  Ms Webster, Mr Whisson and Ms Matkovic struggled to round up the troops.  As we scrambled to grab our bags we saw  green trees and blue skies surrounding us.  The sunshine sprayed the land with light and joy.  Stanwell Tops was beautiful.  We stopped on a patch of grass and we were introduced to the leaders, Dan, Matt and Emma.  We were as hungry as lions and devoured morning tea before being sorted into our cabins. We were all ready to go.

We played some memorable games and had a few laughs.  Then we found out who was in our group and who our wonderful leader was.  One of our favourite activities was the giant swing which was as big as a jumbo jet.  Everybody had a good laugh at the hilarious faces people made whilst swinging. We also did ponding which involved catching little fish and insects in a net and then freeing them again.  The bushwalk was long but lovely.  We found lizards, rare deer and a lovely view.

At night, Mr Whisson told us an amazing (but sadly untrue) story about Mr Kanahopoliss, his students and a cave.  Another great story was about Apahi rocks, an aboriginal rock, said to turn invisible when touched.  Another great experience was going on the dreaded rock wall!  It was a 10-18 metre wall with three challenging levels with green being the easiest and red being the hardest.  Many people went higher than expected. We were all very responsible in the belay bank, making sure our friends were safe. All in all, the rock wall was extremely fun.

After three days of beautiful weather, fond memories and new friends we returned to School exhausted yet happy.  Our Year 4 camp experience had ended but the memories are etched in our minds.  Until next year…!

Student Success

Congratulations to Matthew (P5), who competed with Manly United in the Mini Euro Football Tournament in Germany in May. Players came from all over Europe, with teams such as Ajax Amsterdam, Tottenham Hotspur, Manchester United, Bayern Muchen and FC Porto competing.

This was a wonderful experience for him to play at this level, with Matthew achieving his goal of scoring 5 international goals.


From the Co-ordinator of Creative Arts

Another successful few weeks for our Creative Arts students.

Year 8 were treated to a trip to Capital Theatre to see ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. This excursion aligns with the Year 8 Music course in which we study ‘The Musical’ during the second semester. Our students were commended on their maturity and focus.

On Thursday May 30 our Choirs performed at the Northern Beaches Eisteddfod achieving excellent results, Cantabile Choir received 1st Place in the K to 2 section and Show Choir Highly Commended in the High School Choir Section. Our Chamber Choir didn’t place but were commended on their musicianship and musical refinement.

Our Eisteddfod Dance Ensembles performed at Extreme Dance Competitions which added to the success at the IRBD Challenge. At Extreme Stage 1 achieved 2nd Place, Stage 2 3rd Place, Stage 4 3rd Place and Senior Contemporary in their respective sections. At IRBD Stage 2 achieved Highly Commended. All groups were commended on their artistry and refinement. 

Northern Beaches Choir Eisteddfod

On Thursday 30 May, our three school choirs performed at the Northern Beaches Eisteddfod in the School Choral Competition held at Dee Why RSL. All three choirs were excellent representatives of our School and demonstrated outstanding musicianship and impeccable behaviour. Against extremely tough competition we are very proud to have been awarded a First Place to Cantabile Singers in Junior School Choir and a Highly Commended to Show Choir in the Senior School Choir section. Congratulations to all our singers for their efforts and hard work.

2019 Eisteddfod Dance Ensembles

Congratulations to all students involved in these Ensembles for their outstanding performances and achievements at the Eisteddfods over the last couple of weekends:

Stage 1 Ensemble achieving 2nd Place, Extreme Dance Competition

Stage 2 Ensemble achieving 3rd Place Extreme Dance Competition and Highly Commended IRBD Challenge

Stage 4 Ensemble achieving 3rd Place Extreme Dance Competition Senior Contemporary achieving 3rd Place Extreme Dance Competition

The Dance teachers are extremely proud of these students and their hard work and commitment to the groups. All the best for the next competitions: August 3rd –The Ultimate Dance Challenge – Dural and August 25th – DanceSpec Challenge – Wahroonga.

All our Eisteddfod Dance groups will also be performing at our annual Creative Arts Evenings. 

Year 11 Visual Arts Bundanon Art Camp

Year 11 Visual Arts students have spent the weekend at art camp, totally immersed in art making at Bundanon for their current unit ‘representations of the land’.

Students participated in an educator led tour of the Australian landscape painter Arthur Boyd’s homestead where they were able to learn firsthand about his artmaking practice, influences and observe his studio environment. They also engaged in a number of workshops giving them sustained time to develop a range of skills and learn new techniques. These workshops were: super panoramic drawing -  with a focus on light and dark compressed charcoal, utilising mark making techniques and different viewpoints, en plein air painting based on a loose Impressionist style using the Shoal Haven river as our backdrop, taking natural materials from the bush and other sculpture mediums to develop construction techniques such as lashing and weaving to make a sculpture in the form of a vessel and, working collaboratively with skulls, lens balls and prisms to develop a series of  photographic images looking at focal point, light, composition, pattern and textures.

It was a fantastic experience to also be able to encourage students to work out of their comfort zones and I think a few of them have perhaps discovered a hidden talent for an expressive form they may not have tried before.

Junior School Music Festival

Last week, over 30 students participated in the 2019 Junior School Music Festival. The supportive audience heard solos, duets and groups with students from Kindergarten to Year 6. There was a range of levels from beginner to expert but all played very well and gained valuable performance experience. It was a very enjoyable two nights and gave a foretaste of the talent to come in future years! 

Vivid Sydney 2019

A group of Year 6 to 9 Creative Arts students were offered the opportunity to perform at VIVID 2019 at Barangaroo. It was a cold and chilly night, but our students warmed the general public with their puppetry and commitment to the indigenous story of Marri Dyin (pronounced Mahr-ee Djin), meaning ‘Great Woman’ in Sydney Aboriginal language. Our students were one of only a few schools chosen to participate in this significant event. Marri Dyin is one of the largest puppets constructed in Australia, this six-metre tall contemporary spirit reveals the influence and importance of First Nations women, including Barangaroo after whom the site is named. From Monday to Wednesday, Marri Dyin sits in still contemplation by the campfire. During Thursday to Sunday evening performances, in which the Pittwater House students participated, she invites audiences to join in the practice of hunting and gathering before kneeling down so children (performed by our Creative Arts students) can share a magical moment with her. 

Junior School Creative Arts Evening

Term 2 has one of the highlights of the school year – The Junior School Creative Arts Evening! This will take place in the School Hall on Thursday 27 June. Every student from Kindergarten to Year 6 have been preparing for this. The performances will start at 6.00pm and the doors open at 5.30pm.

HSC Creative Arts Showcase

This term we will be showcasing our HSC Dance, Drama and Music students. This will be held over two nights: Wednesday 19 June - Dance (Hall) and Music (CAC); Tuesday 25 June - Drama (CAC). This is an excellent night that allows the students to perform their works in front of a supportive audience. 

Years 5 - 8 HICES Music Festival and Jazz Academy

The HICES Music Festival and Jazz Academy will be held from the 18th to 21st of August 2019. All video auditions have been completed and we are now waiting on the placement information. If you have any questions contact the Creative Arts Cottage through:

Instrumental Ensembles - Folders and Music

2019 has seen a significant increase in membership throughout all instrumental ensembles. We do expect that all students have practice copies of their music and take these to their private tutor between ensembles rehearsals to assist them preparing for the coming weeks. Please ensure that your students have a folder for this music and brings it to every rehearsal. If they require practice copies or have misplaced their music, it is responsibility of the student to email and ask for a copy. When emailing please ensure that they include the title of the piece and the part required. If they have misplaced their entire folder please replace the folder and email to gain replacement parts.

Instrumental Music Tuition

At Pittwater House we offer an extensive internal Instrumental Music Tuition Program. We offer instrumental tuition in all String, Wind and Brass Instruments, Percussion which includes Drumkit and Tuned Percussion, Vocal Lessons Guitar, Bass Guitar and Piano Lessons. For more information about private music tuition please email

Creative Arts Student Achievements

Throughout the year our very talented Creative Arts students will be performing in numerous Eisteddfods competing in many sections such as: Contemporary Vocal, Solo Dance, Dance Groups, Solo Instrumental and Instrumental Groups. These students will be representing either Pittwater House, themselves or their own private studios. We would like to acknowledge the results of students, please let us know of their Creative Arts success throughout the year by emailing and we will publish the results. 

Congratulations to the following students on their recent results:

Northern Beaches Eisteddfod Results:

Veronica (C7) – Contemporary Vocal Solo – 12 Years – Highly Commended

Omar (G9) - Contemporary Vocal Solo – 15 Years - 1st Place

AMEB Examination Results:

Ethan (P3) - Piano Grade 3rd - A (Honours)


Student Sporting Success

Congratulations to Cameron (G11) who has been selected to be part of the Under 2Os Sydney FC squad to play in two tournaments in Japan. This will be an amazing opportunity to compete at a high level of soccer internationally. This is a wonderful opportunity for Cameron; well done.

Alumni Sporting Success
Gianni Stensness from our graduating year of 2017. Not only one of our top academics, but an incredible footballer. He has moved through the football world with incredible achievements; recently playing for Wellington Phoenix in the Hyundai A-League. To complement this, he has been selected in the New Zealand Under 20’s World Cup squad that is currently being played in Poland.

New Zealand played Norway and won 2-0, with Gianni scoring an absolute screamer of a goal. Below is the link to the match highlights, but if you fast forward to 1:08, you will be amazed.

Pittwater House Sport News

For information on the following 'Sport News' items please click on the Download button below
  • Term 2 Nominations
  • Sports Reports
  • Tern 2 Calendar Dates
  • Sports Office Contact Details

View Pittwater House Sport News Here


Below are photos from the following Sport Reports: CIS U12 Rugby Union Trials and CIS Open Boys Soccer Championships


Join Cadets

All students who will turn 13 or older in 2019 are able to join the cadet unit. Enrolment forms are available at Reception or click here.

PHPA (Pittwater House Parents' Association)

Term 2 PHPA Community Update

A Huge Thank You to those of you who braved the elements and joined us for our Term 2 PHPA Community Update on 7th June.

If you were unable to make it, we sadly cannot provide you with a piece of Ariarna’s delicious lemon cake but we are pleased to share a copy of the Information pack provided.

It will give you an insight into all the work undertaken by the  PHPA Committee, Network Parents and Volunteers so far, where your generous donations are being spent as well as what is coming up for the remainder of 2019 and further into 2020.

Happy reading,

Kate and Connie

Click 'Download' button below for PHPA Community Update


Dates for your Diary

Term 3 Community Update - Friday 6 September @ 9am

Comedy Night - Saturday 24 August @ 6pm

Fathers' Day Breakfast - Friday 30 August @7am

Golf Day and Dinner - Friday 8 November

Christmas Camp Out - Saturday 30 November

Term 4 International Volunteer Day celebration - Thursday 5 December @ 9am

Canteen Volunteer Roster

Each week is allocated to different year groups however you can still volunteer for any shift during the year regardless of which year your children are in.

To volunteer for a slot, please visit and put your name next to the time/date that suits you best.

Canteen Manager is Amanda Corbett - Phone 9972 5718 after 8am.

Thank you for your support!

Canteen Menu

For the latest menu and to find out the weekly specials visit the Canteen folder on the Skoolbag app.

Clothing Pool Opening Hours

Tuesdays from 8am-9.15am and Thursday from 2pm-3.15pm

Located next to the School Uniform shop the Clothing Pool is run by volunteer parents.

Please Note: Purchases cannot be charged to your School Account.

The Clothing Pool has a 7 day Return/Refund Policy.


To Notify the School of Student Absences

Please download and use the Skoolbag app or Log in to the Edumate Portal or email

School Uniform Shop

In Stock Now!

Tracksuits (sizes 4-8) have just arrived and are available for purchase from the School Uniform Shop.

Term Dates
