St Mary's Bulletin

Term 2 - Week 7 (10 June, 2022)

Dear St Mary's School Community

Values in Focus: Honesty

We tell the truth and act truthfully.


Trinity Sunday

This year’s Trinity Sunday falls on 12 June. It falls on the first Sunday after Pentecost, which is the 50th day after Easter. The day honours the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ apostles and followers. Trinity Sunday celebrates the Holy Trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Churches celebrate the occasion with symbols of fire, wind, and a dove – which makes this Sunday the perfect occasion to hold the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

Student Crossing on South Avenue

Please be mindful when driving out of the Church carpark and turning left onto South Avenue. Several cars have been driving too quickly past the student crossing. The student crossing is near the bus pick up point and allows students who are walking or riding to cross South Avenue safely. Please slow down to ensure the safety of all our students.


Life Link Day

Our annual Life Link Fundraiser took place on Wednesday 8 June. Students were invited to support the Life Link Agencies by taking the opportunity to wear their pyjamas for a gold coin donation. Together we raised $223.95 which will support the many agencies Life Link assists throughout Western Australia. Thank you to everyone for their support.

Confirmation Retreat and Confirmation

On Thursday, 9 June, the Year Six class participated in their Confirmation Retreat Day. More information and photos will be included in the Week Eight Newsletter.

Parents and Friends are invited and encouraged to attend the Sacrament of Confirmation this Sunday, 12 June at 10.30am at St Mary’s Parish. We wish our candidates – Archie Gethin, Tomas Kraske-Beck and Skye Wilson all the very best for the sacrament and beyond.

Football Clinics

Paul Read from WACFL will be coming to St Mary’s School on Tuesday 14 June to facilitate Football Clinics for our students from Pre-Primary – Year Six. Students may wear their sports uniform with white polo shirt on this day.

Winter Carnival

The Winter Carnival for students in Year Three – Year Six will be held on Thursday 16 June at the Recreation Ground. Please see the information on skoolbag sent by Mrs Kate Crees for details. If you are available to help on the day, please contact Mrs Crees as soon as possible.

We wish our students all the very best for this upcoming event.


Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass

We invite and encourage our school community to attend our Whole School Mass on Friday 17 June to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass. The Mass will commence at 9.00am at St Mary’s Parish and will be led by our Year Two class.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Zoe O'Malley

Acting Principal

Faction Cross Country - Results

Last Thursday 2 June we held our Faction Cross Country. It was great to see our school values being demonstrated by all of our students and everyone trying their best. Thank you to our Parent helpers and to our Year Six students who assisted on the course and were wonderful supporters for our younger students. Well done to Mackillop who were the Faction champions.

1st - Mackillop 332 Points

2nd - Salvatorians 320 Points

3rd - St Joseph 255 Points

We wish our students representing St Mary's at the Interschool Cross Country next Friday all the very best.

Mrs Kate Crees - Physical Education Teacher

Canteen Volunteers

Let Us Pray

St Mary's School Merredin

P&F Uniform Shop

Open Tuesdays: 8:30 am - 9:10 am

Online Orders:

St Mary's Parish Merredin

Mass Times: Saturday 6.30pm and Sunday 10.30am