Parents back on site
On Monday, it was wonderful to see so many families coming onto school site, especially of an afternoon to pick up their children. I have a strong belief that a school is the centre of the community and should be a welcoming place to all family members. Research has shown that schools that have positive parent teacher connections, also have improved academic and emotional outcomes for students.
Our staff had lots of fun dressing up on Monday, with the theme ‘we’ve aged since we’ve seen you last’. The smiles from our students and family members, was a brilliant way to start the school week.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Many of our families have been booking in parent teacher interviews which will occur, beginning Monday 14th March. Despite restrictions being lifted, our interviews with your child’s class teacher will still be held via Zoom or a phone call. We have chosen to continue with Zoom and phone calls, as we are still required to put systems and procedures in place to protect teachers and community members. By limiting potential exposures for our staff, this helps to keep teaching staff on class, teaching students. If you feel a face-to-face meeting is needed, we are able to facilitate by request, please contact our office.
Meetings will go for a maximum of 10 minutes each. If you require a longer meeting with your child’s 2022 teacher, please contact our school office to arrange another time.
Late Arrival and Early Pick Ups
From time to time students arrive late to school or require to be picked up early. In these situations, please ensure you present to the office with your child if arriving late to sign them in. If you are picking up your child early, please present to our front office to sign them out, and we will call the classroom for them to come up to the office. Please do not go to our classrooms or playground to collect children. During the hours of 9:00am – 3:00pm, please use our Margot Ave gate, as our Pandel and Clarence gates are locked to ensure the safety of our students.
If there is no reasonable explanation for a late arrival, the leave will go down as an unjustified partial absence. Thank you for your support with this process.
40 km/hour zone
Dangerous driving behaviour around schools puts children at risk. Model safe and considerate behaviour for your child - they will learn from you.
The 40 km/h school zones operate at all school sites on gazetted school days, including school development days. The 40 km/h school zone slows traffic around schools, this speed limit must be observed, even if school children cannot be seen. Most school zones operate from 8.00am to 9.30am and from 2.30pm to 4.00pm on gazetted school days.
Our canteen is officially open for the 2022 school year and is being operated by our fabulous parent volunteer Kat O’Boyle. Excitingly, since COVID restrictions have been eased, we have returned to normal operation. Students can now order their lunches each Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure lunch orders are written out either on a paper bag with money inside or in a ziplock bag. A copy of the canteen menu can be located within this newsletter.
Kat has also offered to open the canteen at lunch time on Mondays for students to buy snacks such as icy poles and bags of chips. Please note, this is not a lunch order day, just an opportunity for students to bring in a small amount of money to buy a special snack.
School Photos
Our annual school photo day will be held on Tuesday 8th March. Please ensure all students are in full school uniform for photo day, so our school can look at its very best! Can I also ask, that students arrive to school on time, as photos will begin at 9:00am sharp, to ensure there is enough time for every class and group to have their photo taken on this day.
Envelopes have been sent home to all families with the available photo packages to purchase. Please return this envelope on the day of the photos. These envelopes go directly to the photographers. After you have your envelope, you can opt to order online by visiting and click the order online link and use the ‘Shoot Key’ provided on the envelope sent home.
Have a fantastic week everyone,
‘Popcorn is prepared in the same pot, in the same heat, in the same oil and yet the kernels do not POP at the same time. Don’t compare your child to others, their turn to POP is coming’.