Fairfield Public School Newsletter Smore #59

Wednesday 12 February 2020

From the Principal

Welcome to 2020

We welcome everyone back to another jam packed year starting in Term 1. We look forward to another amazing year of learning with your children.

Summer Reading Packs

If you have a summer reading pack at home please return it to school with your child.  These books need to be returned to the school for stock taking purposes.  We hope your children enjoyed the books.  We are hoping to expand the program into higher grades in the school in the future.

PBL Core Values

Our PBL core Values drive our learning in everything we do at school.  The Core Values apply to students, staff and parents.  you will notice the giant signs around the school that were installed last year.  Teachers use these signs to support students with their learning.  If you have any issues in regards to your child please talk to your child's teacher first.  Under no circumstances should any parent talk a child who is not theirs about any incidents.  Please let the school know and we will deal with the issue for you.

Staffing Changes

We have welcomed many new and returning staff to the school this year.  We hope you make these new teachers feel welcome to our fantastic learning community with smile and support them to provide the best learning opportunities for your children.  We welcome the following staff to the school on class

Ms Merna Bani Kindergarten, Ms Theresa Downey Kindergarten, Mr Kevin Nguyen Year 2, Ms Melissa Law Year 3, Ms Jara Lee Year 3, Ms Wendy Nguyen Year 6 and Mr Dan Geoghegan Year 6.  


Once again SeeSaw will be used to give parents a direct link into the children's classroom.  Once our class lists have been updated to SeeSaw you can expect to receive a letter with a link code to access the SeeSaw rooms or your child.  You can also see work from last year and as the students update their work you will be notified through the parent app.

SRC News

The incoming leadership team was inducted into their respective roles on Monday 10 February at our muring assembly.  Mr Scott Davidson, Director Public Schools Fairfield attended our assembly and the morning tea.  Our SRC and prefect leadership team and parents spent time getting to know each other with the staff and asked questions about their roles.  We look forward to a great year with a new team and new teachers in charge.  Ms Rani Holstein and Mrs Jabraiel are incharge in 2020.

School Leadership Team and SRC Induction 2020

Events for Term 1 2020

Thursday 13 February

School Swimming Carnival

Tuesday 18 February

Special Religious Education begins

Wednesday 19 February

Family Welcome Night 5-7pm

2-5 March

3 Way Goal Setting Meetings to discuss Literacy.Numeracy and Social Skills with your child's teacher and your child.

Monday 6 April

Our school assembly will be from 2-3pm to commemorate ANZAC day in the school hall all parents are welcome.

Thursday 9 April

Easter Hat Parade

Last Day of Term 1

General Information

New Canteen Menu for 2020

Our canteen has been awarded as a Healthy Canteen.  As such you will see menu changes and different choices for students.  The new menu is below and will be distributed again next year.

Stewart House Bags

Thank you to all parents who donated to the Stewart House Bag charity in 2019.  This was the last year of the appeal and the school will be running other events during the year to support Stewart House and the work it does for students in the Public Education System


Road Safety

I have a had a request from the local council regarding families and students attempting to cross the road in Nelson Street just outside Neeta City near the post office.  The road is divided with a barrier and has a speed bump on the road, this speed bump is not a pedestrian crossing and should not be used.  Please use the traffic lights at either end of the intersection to cross with your family, we don't want have any accidents with a car.   The car will win against a hum body everytime. 

Don't Cross here

The following notes have already gone out

Tips about Living Life Well

P&C Coffee Club

Yes it's back again.  The P&C Coffee club is running again. Monday mornings join other parents, make new friends, have a cup of coffee and something to eat.  Find out what is going on in the school.

P&C Second Hand Uniform

The P&C will be opening the second hand uniform shop on a Wednesday afternoon from 2.30pm near the staffroom.  Look for the friendly P&C team.  The gates will be open from 2.30pm starting this week.

Youtube channel

Fairfield Public School has its own Youtube channel.  We showcase work samples the students have completed with their teachers and other items relating to the school.  Below is one example of the type of work you might see.  For a full menu of videos click on the link.  

Fairfield Public School - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuUyBBaNa6btXvglNqX4ITQ

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