Dear Families,
Welcome back to Term 4.
In the holidays I was in a large shopping center and some of the sales assistants started bringing out Christmas trees! I was a little startled knowing how much happens between now and Christmas…is it really Christmas?
This week our Yr 6 students travelled to Sydney and Canberra. I know that they had a fabulous time with so much to see and do. A big thank you to Miss Fisher and Mr Constable who travelled with them.
A reminder that this Sunday is a Parish / School Mass and as such we are encouraging as many families as possible to attend Mass at this Sunday 7.30am at Pottsville.
Next week we have lots happening with Yr 5 heading off to Camp at Lake Ainsworth. On Friday our Yr 3 students will be travelling to Murwillumbah to watch a theatre production of Cinderella and at the other end of the scale our Yr 6 students will be heading off to the Gold Coast to view first hand the V8 Supercars!
The following week commencing 28th Oct is our BOOK WEEK. We have attached an itinerary of the weekly events as well as GRANDPARENTS & FRIENDS DAY. Hopefully you can come along and visit classes and be part of the festivities!
This week you may well have seen the installation of an electronic sign within the school precinct. This sign will enable the school to keep families informed of upcoming events. Additionally, the school will embark on building a new bus shelter this term. The plans are in at Council and once passed, construction will start. The very much needed bus shelter will not only provide shade but also seating for students who are waiting for buses. To compliment this the school will also be installing additional speed bumps, safety railings and bollards all of which will add to the safety measures within the school car par park.
On a very different note the Catholic Schools Office have asked me to assist them by working at St John’s Mullumbimby this term. Under the circumstances presented to me I have agreed to support the Office and accept this temporary position. Therefore, Mr Nic Constable will be taking on the role as Acting Principal and Miss Chelsea Fisher will be the Acting Assistant Principal. I will still be very active within St Ambrose over the term as I will be sharing my time equally with St John’s. I congratulate Nic and Chelsea on their appointment and I, as I am sure you are, am very confident in their leadership capabilities. I thank you for your understanding in this matter!
Kind Regards,
Brian Laybutt