Terara Times

Respect - Responsibility - Safety - Achievement

Term 1 Week 2

From The Principal

Welcome Kindergarten!

Today was an exciting day for our school as we got to welcome our brand new Kindy students for the year. All our new students were very excited to be in Miss Gould's classroom today as they got to meet their new Year 1 buddies and participate in many fun activities. Students also got to meet Mrs Wright and Mrs Mustapic who will be the Student Learning Support Officers (SLSO) in the K/1 room this year. We look forward to getting to know our new students this week and I am confident they will have an incredible primary school experience here at Terara Public School.

First Day Of Kindy

Swimming Carnival

Well done to all students who participated in our Small Schools Swimming Carnival today. It was a fantastic event and our students should be very proud of their achievements. Well done especially to our relay teams who achieved the following results:

  • Junior Boys - 3rd
  • Junior Girls - 2nd
  • Senior Boys - 1st
  • Senior Girls - 1st

Our students are also to be commended for their exemplary behaviour and they way they encouraged each other from the sidelines.

Our district carnival will be held on the 27th of February and information will be going home soon to students who qualified for the event.

Terara Featured In Department 'Schools Digital Strategy'

Last year, Terara Public School won Highly Commended in the annual T4L awards for their holistic use of ICT in Primary Education. We were recently informed that the video we submitted to enter the awards will be used in the department's "Schools Digital Strategy" to model the level of digital maturity that they want all schools to achieve in the next seven years. This is an incredible achievement by our staff and students, and we are extremely proud to be honoured for our use of technology in this way.

Afternoon Bus Safety

The safety of students is a top priority at Terara. Please ensure to be extra careful when crossing the roads near and around buses in the afternoon. Thank you for you assistance in keeping our children safe.

Students Taking Extended Leave

All families are encouraged to take any of their extended vacations during the school holiday periods to ensure that learning is not disrupted for your children. If this is not possible and vacations need to occur during the school term, parents will be required by Department of Education policy to contact our school office, inform them of the holiday that will be occurring and complete an extended leave application form. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

New Phone System and Answering Machine

During the holidays our school began upgrading its phone system. This upgraded system will mean there will be a phone in each classroom and that our office staff can easily contact classrooms via direct calling or intercom.

We now also have an answering machine that will be engaged when our school office is closed. Our school office is open between 8:30 and 3:15. All messages left on the machine will be replied to at our earliest convenience.

Stay Updated With Skoolbag!

At Terara, we use our Skoolbag app to simply and efficiently communicate with our school community. We use Skoolbag to:

  • send out notifications to your smart phones informing you about whether excursions will be postponed
  • to keep you up to date with events
  • send newsletters

You can also use Skoolbag to send in absent notes if your child is away.

Please make sure you download Skoolbag and subscribe to the classes that your children are in so you don't miss out on what is happening at TPS!

2020 Bus Passes

If your child already has a bus pass with a correct address, please continue to use that bus pass until the new 2020 passes are delivered to our school.

If you need to change your address or have not previously held a bus pass, please click on the button below to apply for one.

Equipment List

Each year, students are encouraged to bring in their own equipment to allow them to work independently and take ownership and responsibility for their learning. Please note that all items must be labelled and that some may need to be replenished throughout the year. Thank you for your support and cooperation.

Bus Book - Update Details

Please contact the school office if you rely on the bus book to make sure your child knows how they will be getting home each day. This will help ensure the book is up to date and our students travel home the right way.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


7th of February - Nowra Show Excursion

DATE: Friday, 7th February 2020

VENUE: Nowra Showground

TIME: Depart 9.30 am – Return to School 2.00 pm

COST: $4 covers bus fare

TRAVEL: By bus

WHO GOES: All students in Years K-6.

DETAILS: Entry into the show is free for all school aged children (wearing full school uniform) on Friday, 7th February, 2020. Students are to wear their full school uniform (including a hat) and bring a packed recess/lunch, a water bottle and sunscreen. Students will visit the Pavilion and if time permits watch a poultry demonstration, milking demonstration, visit the cattle yards and watch the showing of horses/show jumping. If you would like your child to participate in this excursion please sign and return the permission slip below and return it to the school office along with full payment by Wednesday, 5th February, 2020.

**Due to the forecast of heavy rain on Friday, a decision will be made on Thursday 6th February on whether the excursion will go ahead or not. Please check our Skoolbag app or Facebook page for this information.

Friday 21st of Feb - P&C Welcome BBQ

The annual P&C Welcome BBQ will be held at 6:00pm - 8:00pm on Friday the 21st of February. Bring along a share plate of salad or dessert, your own cutlery, plates, cups, drinks, nibbles, chair/picnic rug and spend some quality time with the Terara family at this incredible event.

Notes will be going home soon so we can lock in final numbers.

Tuesday 31st of March - School Photos

School photos will be happening in Term 1 Week 10 this year. Information will be going home soon to inform families of the different packages available.

Our events for the year are regularly updated on both our website and Skoolbag app. Make sure you check them out so you know what's coming up at our school! 


St John's Open Night

Active Kids Vouchers

Reduce the cost of your child's registration with Active Kids!  

 The first of two $100 Active Kids vouchers for 2020 is now available and can be used from now until 31 December. A second voucher will be available from 1 July.  

 Claim your first voucher now: https://sport.nsw.gov.au/sectordevelopment/activekids/parents 

Keeping your children safe when dropping off and picking up at school

Student safety is a top priority at our school. An important part of keeping our students safe is by travelling to and from school safely.

The NSW Government has produced an excellent document for you to read that gives practical tips on how to keep safe travelling to and from school.


Canteen and Uniform

Canteen is back in Week 3!

Check out our newsletter and MySchoolConnect app in Week 3 to find out what meals will be on offer.

Uniforms and Friday lunches can be ordered through the My School Connect website/app. Please click on the link above to find out more.

Terara Public School

A rich history - a bright future.

Our unique school has a rich history, providing quality education to students for 130 years. The school’s heritage listed buildings are set amongst beautiful established grounds, complementing our friendly and supportive learning environment.

Safety | Respect | Responsibility | Achievement