Reynella Primary School Grapevine

Term 4, Week 2 | 2022

From the Leadership Team

“Building a culture of thinking within our community to develop successful learners, people and citizens.”

Our school vision is very much focussed on shaping our teaching and learning approach so that all students can thrive; not only for today but tomorrow as well. We aim to provide a stimulating school environment that strikes a balance between explicit teaching and authentic problem solving opportunities.

We believe learning is a consequence of thinking. Therefore, our teachers aim to design learning opportunities that stimulate deep, critical and creative thinking, inviting students to influence their learning in authentic and relevant ways. The benefits of this practice are thoroughly evidenced across the globe. By fostering the skills and dispositions necessary for rigorous, independent thinking, students are equipped to become passionate, lifelong learners.

Our recent STEM showcase: The Reynella Relief Project was a glorious example of the success of our approach. Utilising our unique Solution Cycle we involved our students in a relevant and authentic global problem that was stimulating and engaging. This led to a multitude of impressive outcomes; which has been recognised well beyond our school community.

The essential future skills including empathy, collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking and creativity sit at the centre of our approach. These skills are not easily measured and not always reflected in standardised testing. The impact of our approach is evident through student feedback that reaffirms our students feel a strong sense of belonging, agency and thinking.

Additionally, developing foundation skills such as literacy and numeracy continues to be a high priority. NAPLAN gives us a snapshot of the progress we are making and we have been pleased to see our work reflected in our most recent results.


Thank you for your support with the postponement of Sports Day to Thursday November 24. Due to the many school commitments already in the calendar, we were quite limited with our options in choosing a back up day. Hopefully the weather will be fine and the enormous effort that Mr Ingham has put in to organising this event won't be wasted.



Student News

School News

Library Helpers

Thank you to the following parents who have been helping out with library book covering for many years: Vicky Davey, Carly Chandler and Barbara Ferguson. Barbara also unpacks and sorts all of the Scholastic Book Club orders we receive each term. A thank you also to Rebecca Holdstock and Vicki Reynolds who have been able to help out with covering books this year.

If you are interested in covering on a regular basis or occasionally please let Sharon or Wolf know as we can always do with extra help. You do not need to be in the library to do this. We can leave a bag of books and contact at the front office for you to take home and complete.

Sharon Priest, Teacher Librarian


Staff are currently trialing a new process for wearing hats this term. Each morning classes will be checking the BOM for the predicted UV rating for the day. If, at any time, the UV rating is going to be over 3, children will need to wear a hat at both recess and lunch time.

Hats, if needing to be worn, must always be worn on the oval – even if it is windy.

If children do not have a hat they must sit under the verandahs near Carew, Kaurna, Morphett and Reynell, or the Cola. 

Drink Bottles

With the warmer weather hopefully approaching in term 4 please ensure you send you child to school with a named drink bottle filled with water.

Have you seen our website?

Did you know you can access information about STEM, student support and wellbeing on our website at any time?

We are regularly updating information on our website so that you can find out more about what we have on offer at Reynella and what's coming up on the calendar!

Canteen News

Cancelled Lunch Orders

If you child is absent please:

  • cancel your lunch order via QKR before 9am


  • call the canteen before 9:30am to have the order cancelled. If you cancel an order with the canteen (not through Qkr) they will postpone the order to an alternate day. You will need to let the canteen know what day you want the postponed order.

NB. If the order is not cancelled before 9:30am the order will not be replaced as it has missed the cut off and will have financial implications to the canteen.

Accessing your Qkr Receipts to cancel order before 9am on day of order

To access your Qkr receipts, go to the Qkr app on your device:

  • click on the 3 lines on the top left of the page, above the top toolbar
  • My Receipts (just under your name)
  • you will probably be asked to sign in
  • you should now have a list of all of your Qkr receipts since you've had the app
  • if you click on a receipt, you can see all of the information you need
  • You can now click on the red minus sign before 9am and cancel the order and a credit will be placed on Qkr until you place your next order and the credit will be automatically applied.

If there isn't a receipt showing for an order you believe you've put in, the order hasn't been processed.

After School Sport


Finance and Communication

School Fees - Government Rebate

Materials and Service Charges for 2022 were due to be paid in full by Thursday 14 April 2022. If you still have outstanding fees and have not made arrangements for payment by instalment, your fees are now overdue.

If you are eligible for School Card this year, please apply now (information in this Grapevine).

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the school to speak with Kay Starczak, Business Manager. You can phone: 8381 1493 or email her at


All students enrolled at Reynella PS, with the exception of students approved for School Card 2022, have been credited with a $100 Government Rebate. All families were sent a letter and statement explaining in Term 2. We cannot apply the credit to outstanding fees without parent authorisation.

If you would like your Govt Rebate credit applied to outstanding fees, please send us a text or email authorising that with the wording "please apply Govt Rebate to fees - then list all children names"

There are several options for use of the Rebate, but you can only use the credit to purchase/pay for other items once your School Fees are paid in full:

  • ask us to apply it to outstanding fees
  • use the credit to pay for future excursions/fundraising
  • use the credit to purchase new uniform. This cannot be done on Qkr, you will need to phone or email our Finance Team or come into the Front Office.
  • leave the credit on your account to credit toward 2023 fees

2023 Credit

Parents will also receive another $100 per child in 2023 to use for School Fees, with the exception of 2023 School Card holders.

School Card 2022

Low-income families who attend a government school can get financial help with school fees – materials and services charges – through the School Card scheme. Click on this link or speak to Tracey or Kay in our Finance Office for more information.

Don't miss out on Skoolbag Notifications

To ensure you don't miss out on school communication, please ensure you turn Skoolbag notifications on and make sure you are part of your child's year group in addition to class and this will ensure you are kept up to date will all the information.

Follow this link for instructions. 

Qkr on Your Computer

Click on this link to access Qkr on your computer.

Important Dates and Information

Information sent home since last Grapevine

World Teachers Day

Important Dates

3 November 2022

Sports Day - Cancelled

3 November 2022

Class Placement Requests Close

4 November 2022

Pupil Free Day

8 November 2022

Kindy Transition Visit

15 November 2022

B1 & B2 Excursion

15 November 2022

Kindy Transition Visit

19 November 2022

Reynella Market

22 November 2022

Kindy Transition Visit

24 November 2022

Sports Day

28-30 November 2022

Year 6 Narnu Farm Camp

1 December 2022

End Of Year Concert

2 December 2022

School Closure Day

14 December 2022

Year 6 Graduation

16 December 2022

Early Finish 2:05pm - Last Day of Term 4

Last Day to Pay

8 November 2022

B1 & B2 Excursion

15 November 2022

Year 6 Narnu Camp balance (Year 6 Only)

Please check the google calendar regularly to keep up to date with events happening at Reynella Primary School.

Community Noticeboard

Belle is at our school on Monday and Friday mornings from 8:30am in the ampitheatre (weather permitting) if you are after a coffee or morning snack. Please see menu as Belle overs quite an alternative menu to cater for all.  Parents welcome.

Leadership Team

PrincipalMichele Russell
Deputy PrincipalSarah Bradbury
Senior LeaderMatt Simmons
Wellbeing LeaderFiona Brown

55 Concord Drive, Old Reynella, SA 5161

08 8381 1493     sms 0416 905 323




p. 0439 432 722