Term 3 Week 9 2022

What's Happening?

Term Dates 2022

Term 325th July to 30th September
26th SeptemberIMS Lunchtime Concert
29th SeptemberSports Day
30th SeptemberLast day of term- early dismissal 2:05pm
Term 417th October to 16th December
19th-21st OctoberYear 5 Camp 
28th OctoberSchool Photo Day
1st, 2nd & 3rd NovemberState Cricket
3rd NovemberSchool Concert - Come to the Movies BYO picnic 5:30pm with concert at 7pm
4th NovemberPupil Free Day
10th NovemberChldren's University Graduation
11th NovemberAssembly - Tempest/Hearnden & Burne classes hosting
18th NovemberAssembly - Goudie/Shields & Gniel classes hosting
25th November Angaston Christmas Parade.  Friday 6-9pm
30th Nov - 2 DecemberYear 6 Aquatics Camp
2nd DecemberPremiers Reading Challenge Assembly
5th - 7th DecemberMiddle Primary Camp
13th DecemberYear 6 Graduation
16th DecemberYear 6 Assembly
16th DecemberLast day of term- early dismissal 2:05pm

Kindy Transition Times 2022 Term 4

Week 5Friday 18th November8:50am to 11:05am
Week 6 Friday 25th November8:50am to 12pm
Week 7Friday 2nd December8:50am to 1:30pm
Week 8Friday 9th December8:50am to 2:30pm

From the Principal

Dear Families

This email marks the end of term 3 (well almost) ready for a term 4 filled with camps, excursions, report writing, gradation, school concert etc. Term 4 also means preparation for the 2023 school year in terms of staffing, class structure, site improvement plans and  much more.

Preparation for 2023

In preparation for the 2023 school year, we will soon begin allocating students to new classes therefore it is important we have accurate numbers for students continuing at Angaston Primary School. If you are NOT returning to the school next year (not including year  6  students moving onto high school) please contact the front office ASAP. We have a number of enrolment enquiries at the moment so any additional information from current families will support us to identify exactly how many students will be returning and therefore how many classes we will need.

 Early next term class teachers and leadership will begin student class placements for 2023. If there is anything you would like us to consider when placing your child, please email me at the school on or phone 85642215.

Transition – Preschool to School

Congratulations to Nicole Garrett who has won the Director position at the Angaston Kindy for the next five years. We look forward to continuing our work with Nicole and her team, and particularly next term when we welcome our transitioning families during their visits to the school in preparation for Reception in 2023.

 Teaching and Learning

This term we continued our Teaching and Learning Cycle work in Writing as well as having a focus on Numeracy Teaching Sprints in relation to maths problem solving. This was an area identified from school data requiring some attention. As well Teacher Clarity in terms of Learning Intentions, Success Criteria and Feedback continued to underpin classroom practice across all curriculum areas.

 On our Pupil Free Day recently Rachel Kennedy, Numicon Consultant from SkyRocket Maths presented a four-hour workshop on Numicon Maths. Numicon is a multisensory approach that supports students to move from concrete to abstract thinking using manipulatives, communication, generalising and exploring relationships etc. It is one of many worthwhile strategies used to support the big ideas in number. We already use Numicon in the junior primary, but the middle and upper primary are keen to further their training and use the strategies in their classrooms. We will be liaising with Rachel to build our student and teacher Numicon resources, as well as access further training in 2023.

Performance Data

By now families with students in year 3 and 5 will have received NAPLAN results for 2022. Despite COVID and irregular attendance our overall school performance is positive. More details to come next term. Students’ year 1-6 have completed PAT Reading and Numeracy. Both NAPLAN and PAT data will be analysed in some detail to inform site improvement priorities for next year as well as support for individual student’s next term.

 Phonics Screen Check

Results are in for the Year 1 Phonics Screen Check. 86% of students reached the expected benchmark of 28/40. 36 students participated in the screen check with 29 students scoring between 35 and 40. Two scored between 28 and 30. Five students scored less than 28. Plans are in place to support the students who are still not at benchmark. Overall, a fantastic result reflective of our quality Junior Primary teachers and support staff.  

Kickstart – breakfast program.

The Breakfast Club is now open on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday morning. Thank you to our wonderful volunteers.

Swimming Lessons – Public Holiday

The public holiday to mark the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II  impacted on swimming lessons. We are currently consulting with The Rex swimming coordinator and Greenock Creek Charters to organise our missed day. Families will be informed as soon as a date (if possible) is confirmed.

 Whole School Assembly

Congratulations to the following students who received Encouragement Awards at the week 7 and 8 whole school assembly:

Ben Kraft

Zoe Gransbury

Louis Manuel

Dillon Lade

Byron Mitchell

Vincent Weight

Thomas Gregory

Clancy Dewell

Maalia Monto

Charlotte Morrish

Charlotte Hutchins

Elsie Taylor

Holly Myatt

Josie O’Shea

Finn Mullins

Zavier Zeunert

Catie Suljagic

Laila Harris

Odie Logan

Inge Fiegert

Aiden Georgeff

Molly Palmer

Ruby Pierce

Kobi Fraser

Charlotte Brumfield

Ava Thorn

Savannah Hueppauff

Marcus Dinnison

Lewis Lehmann

Olivia White

Kelly Mitchell

Hamish Baker-Kain

Olivia Irvine

Holly Trappmann

Sofia Perry

Oona Belcher

Bailin Gibson

Teddy Blythman

Levi Dahlitz

Kye Grant

Harper Hore

Liam Morris


 Looking forward to Sports Day on Thursday where families are welcome to attend. Fingers crossed for fine weather.

“Success is best when it’s shared.” Howard Schultz

 Lynda Fitzpatrick-Brown



A copy of the proposed Materials and Services Charges for 2023 is included in this Newsletter. The Prescribed amount which is the legally recoverable amount set out in Regulation 81 of the Education and Children’s Services Regulations is $269, the proposed charge is $319, which includes a voluntary (non-legally recoverable) payment of $50. The 2023 Materials and Services Charges will be discussed and approved at our next Governing Council meeting, Tuesday 1st November 2022 at 7:00pm at Angaston Primary School. If you would like to be a part of this discussion or have any concerns about our charges, please attend this meeting.

Alternatively, if you are unable to attend this meeting, you can express your views in writing to the Chairperson of the Governing Council prior to the meeting.

Children's University


Angaston Primary School’s allocated graduation date is Thursday, 10 November 2022. The graduations will take place on campus beginning at 6pm in Bonython Hall and two guests (eg family members) per graduating member will be able to attend.  The university stresses that only two guests per family will be permitted in the Hall. The graduation is for students who have completed their hours. Please refer to the letter sent home with your child if they are taking part in Children’s University this year.

Please note the following: 

1.       Graduates to arrive by 5.15pm in readiness for the ceremony to commence sharply at 6pm and conclude by approximately 7.30pm. 

2.       Graduation invitations will be delivered to Coordinators for distribution at your graduation briefing/gowning visit (see below).  This will include the invitation and an information sheet for parents.

Angaston Primary School’s allocated graduation date is Thursday, 10 November 2022. The graduations will take place on campus beginning at 6pm in Bonython Hall and two guests (eg family members) per graduating member will be able to attend.  The university stresses that only two guests per family will be permitted in the Hall. The graduation is for students who have completed their hours. Please refer to the letter sent home with your child if they are taking part in Children’s University this year.

Please note the following: 

1.       Graduates to arrive by 5.15pm in readiness for the ceremony to commence sharply at 6pm and conclude by approximately 7.30pm. 

2.       Graduation invitations will be delivered to Coordinators for distribution at your graduation briefing/gowning visit (see below).  This will include the invitation and an information sheet for parents.

Choir 2022

On Friday the 16th September (Concert 3), 31 of our choir students performed on stage at the Adelaide Festival Theatre as part of the Public Primary Schools Festival of Music.

Our school was also represented by Clancy D and Laila H who were soloists in concert 4, Saturday 17th September.

The Primary Schools Festival of Music, is an official state icon, and is custodian of an iconic South Australian tradition, engaging students in artistic excellence, cultural diversity and social inclusion through performance in Music and the Arts.

This year the Festival’s 9 concerts featured Year 5 and 6 students. To commemorate this significant change, Annie Kwok wrote the song “Who Knows?” (the solo Clancy and Laila performed).

This year we commissioned Dan Walker to compose a set of four songs entitled “The Space Between Us”. It is not just about the space that exists above our heads, but the space all around us.

During the concerts there were a number of Guest Artists from public primary and secondary schools, other choir items that presented different musical genre, and two pieces that specifically showcased the talents of the orchestra.

It was a spectacular event that our students enjoyed being a part of.

Thank you to all of our students for their participation, dedication and energy for concert 3. You were an amazingly focussed row 12!

Photos are available for purchase via this link;

Book Week

What a fantastic week we had celebrating books and reading!The theme was "Dreaming with Eyes Open" and, throughout the school, students participated in activities relating to this theme at break times and in Library lessons.  Thank you to staff who ran activities including:  Mask making, colouring, art collage, German chats about books, dream catcher making and quizzes.  Students earned raffle tickets for participating and we drew 6 lucky winners at the Book Parade on Friday.It was wonderful to see families in attendance at our Book Parade and the costumes were incredibly creative and reflective of our students' love of book characters.  A special thanks to the staff (particularly some of our SSOs) who worked hard in their own time to ensure that no child who wanted a costume missed out.  Once again I thank our school community for your ongoing support of reading at our school.  Instilling the love of reading, in all its forms, gives our children a great start for understanding the world, building empathy, increasing vocabulary and of course going on adventures in their imagination.  I am a very proud Librarian when I see students borrowing, reading and celebrating books!  Thank you.

Nicole Taylor

Making Dream Catchers

Year 5/6 Market Days

News from the German Room

 Room On Wednesday of week 7, we welcomed Stefani Traeger from the Barossa German Langauge Association. Frau Traeger spoke to upper primary students about her experiences in Germany, in particular visiting Berlin before the fall of the Berlin Wall. This linked into our current learning on Tag der deutschen Einheit (Day of Germany Unity), which is held every year on the 3rd October. Upper primary students have been working on posters which describe this day – why it is significant and how it is celebrated. Middle primary students have been researching particular aspects of Germany – language, well-known people, school and Christmas for example. Our junior primary students have created their own mini booklets containing key words associated with the Day of German Unity. We are looking forward to celebrating German Day at school on Friday of week 9. SLC Mentors have been busy preparing fun recess and lunch activities, and we hope to see students in German colours and/or traditional dress.

Alles Gute,

Frau Shields    

School Photographs

Hardwood Logs

We are looking for some hardwood logs for seating in our garden. The logs need to be around approx 500-600mm in diameter and length 1 x 3m, 1 x 2.5m, 2 x 2m and 1 x 1.5m.

If you are able to help us, please call the front office.

World Gratitude Day - get on it!

21st September

Our Year 6 students (Hang 6) watched a heartwarming video on Gratitude and were then asked  “what they were grateful for” which they then stuck on their Gratitude Wall.


What are you grateful for today?         


SPORTS DAY 2022– Reminders

Some Early Reminders


·         Children must wear hats and sunscreen as they are out and about all day.

·         Bring water bottles.

·         Coloured team shirts need to be sun safe (i.e. sleeves and a collar).

·         Paper streamers and defacing property and body is not permitted (i.e. drawing on a school hat or team shirts with inks or sunscreen, or drawing on their arms/legs)

·         Children are allowed to have coloured hair & sunscreen – this must be applied prior to coming to school. No zinc at school. 

District Basketball Carnival and District Hot Shots Tennis Carnival

Well done to our Year 5/6 Angaston PS Boys and Girls Basketball Teams who on Friday 9th September participated in the District Basketball Carnival against all the Barossa schools at the Rex in Tanunda. Both teams represented our school extremely well and put in fantastic performances along with a great learning experience for many and great memories with friends. A big thanks to Frau Shields and Nathan Kubisch for coaching both teams. A big thanks to parents for helping out in the basketball carnival also, much appreciated.

On Tuesday 13th September a big group of our Year 3/4 students participated in the district Hot Shots Tennis Carnival. It was a brilliant day where the students had a ball and learnt so much. It’s a great pathway for our younger students to develop their tennis skills with modified rules. Well done to all involved, everyone at Angaston PS are extremely proud of your efforts. 

Angaston Christmas Parade

Swim Program 2022/2023

Royal Life Saving SA's Holiday Swim Program is running again in the December 2022/ January 2023 Summer Holidays! Enrolments are opening on the 22nd of August 2022. We have many locations around South Australia and are wanting to get the word out there to the local communities. I was hoping it would be possible for you to put this flyer in your newsletter a few times between now and the end of the year, so your community has the opportunity to enroll their children if they wish. Many schools and communities have been sharing the flyer on their social media platforms as well. We appreciate your help in spreading the word. If you have any questions, please reach out to us by phoning 08 8210 4500 or email information can be found on our website:

Instrumental Music

Saxophone and clarinet reeds are available from the front office. Alto saxophone size 2.0 reeds are $5.05 and clarinet 2.0 reeds are $4.50.

The SkoolBag app is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.


Principal: Lynda Fitzpatrick-Brown

Deputy Principal: Sokhan Greenwood