Marks Point Public School Newsletter - Week 8, Term 3

Wednesday, 8 September 2020

Findon Street, Marks Point NSW 2280 Phone: 4945 4433 Fax: 4947 7842 Email:

From the Principal

Dear School Community,

School attendance and our legal obligations

NSW public schools work in partnership with families to encourage and support regular attendance of children and young people.

When your child attends school every day, learning becomes easier and your child will build and maintain friendships with other children.

The importance of arriving on time, arriving at school and class on time:

· Ensures that students do not miss out on important learning activities scheduled early in the day.

· Helps students learn the importance of punctuality and routine.

· Give students time to greet their friends before class.

· Reduces classroom disruption.

Lateness is recorded as a partial absence and must be explained by parents.

My child won’t go to school. What should I do?

You should contact the principal as soon as possible to discuss the issue and ask for help. Strategies to help improve attendance may include a referral to the school’s learning and support team or linking your child with appropriate support networks. The principal may seek further support from the Home School Liaison Program to develop an Attendance Improvement Plan. 

What might happen if my child continues to have unacceptable absences?

It is important to understand that the Department of Education may be required to take further action where children of compulsory school age have recurring numbers of unexplained or unjustified absences from school. Some of the following actions may be undertaken:

Compulsory Schooling Conferences

You may be asked, along with your child, to attend a Compulsory Schooling Conference. The conference will help to identify the supports your child may need to have in place so they attend school regularly.

The school, parents and agencies will work together to develop an agreed plan (known as Undertakings) to support your child’s attendance at school.

Application to the Children’s Court – Compulsory Schooling Order

If your child’s attendance at school remains unsatisfactory the Department may apply to the Children’s Court for a Compulsory Schooling Order. The Children’s Court magistrate may order a Compulsory Schooling Conference to be convened.

Prosecution in the Local Court

In circumstances where a breach of compulsory schooling orders occurs further action may be taken against a parent in the Local Court. The result of court action can be the imposition of a community service order or a fine.

We look forward to working in partnership with you to support your child to fulfil their life opportunities.

Kindest regards,

Sharne Turpin


PBL focus: Keeping safe online and using social media safely and responsibly.

Safe people, safe places

Assembly Week 7 - award/prize recipients

‘Tell Them From Me’ (TTFM) Surveys 2020

This Term, our school will be participating in the Partners in Learning parent survey, on student engagement.

The survey asks carers questions about different factors that are known to impact on student wellbeing and engagement.

Completing this survey will provide feedback and help our school make practical improvements. Surveys will be sent out through all our communication platforms and are completely anonymous.

The survey link has been sent to parents’ smart phones, Skoolbag, ClassDojo and the school’s Facebook page. Please let the school know if you have not received the link or would like more information.

SASS Recognition Week

Last week was School Administrative and Support Staff Recognition Week, a time to acknowledge and thank the often unsung heroes in our public schools. We showed our appreciation by providing afternoon tea during recess breaks.

Pictured from left to right shows, Mrs Tina Main, Mrs Michelle Johnston, Miss Kelly Wright, Miss Tailah Mostyn and Mrs Deb Searle.

Missing from this picture is our wonderful General Assistant, Mr Gary Polllock and School Admin Officer, Mrs Angela Callen.

On behalf of the students and teachers at Marks Point Public School, we sincerely appreciate every one of you and the endless support you provide to students, parents and teachers.

Year 6 Farewell Donation

Thank you to Amity's family! Here is a photo of Amity and her Poppy Mr Terry McGilvray who works for Garlo’s Pies. The $100 donation is for the Year 6 farewell and was organised by Amity's grandfather and uncle (Mr Shane McGilvray) and donated from their boss Mr Sean Garlic who is the owner of Garlo’s Pies.

Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun

The School Colour Explosion Run will be held on Wednesday 23 September starting at 1:30pm. We do ask that you bring a spare change of clothes to school, most importantly a plain white t-shirt as the students will be covered in powder from head to toe. The day’s focus is on fun and fitness with the added benefit of raising funds for our school.

Students have now received a Sponsorship Form with instructions on how to raise money and order prizes. Students obtain donations in cash using the Sponsorship Form together with online fundraising. A Student Profile Page can be created through the accompanying link.

Kindergarten 2021

At the moment all kindergarten orientation programs in NSW schools have been put on hold due to the current COVID-19 restrictions.

Due to these changes we are now planning to provide kinder orientation information through online methods.

Information will be sent home later this week to our kindy families with further information.

Writing and illustrating in 6DY

3/4G have been doing a CAPA unit on insect. We read the poem 'Triantiwontigongolope' by CJ Dennis. Here are some examples of what we thought they would look like.

Uniform Shop Update

Dreamtime stories