Lismore South Public School Newsletter

Week 6 Term 3

Principal Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week is School Administrative and Support Staff (SASS) Recognition Week within the NSW Department of Education. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly acknowledge and thank our SASS team who work tirelessly to support our students, their families and our teachers.  We are extremely lucky at LSPS having an amazing team that always go above and beyond. 

Congratulations to our students who received their ribbons and certificates for their achievements at the recent Cross Country and Athletics Carnival.

Age Champions for the 2020 School Athletics Carnival: 

Jnr Boys  Tahne G and Jnr Girls Abigail C

11yrs Boys  Noah F and 11yrs Girls Shelly M

Snr Boys Max H and Snr Girls  Chloe S

Kind regards,

Larissa Polak 


Thank you SASS team


Stage 2 and 3 Sport

Touch Football begins

It has been glorious weather to be outdoors learning new skills. This term our Stage 2 and 3 classes are focusing on their ball skills and learning how to play touch football. A specialist coach is working with classes thanks to the NSW Sporting Schools grant. 

Father's Day Stall

The P & C Association is holding a fundraising Father’s Day Stall.  Gift packs ($5 each) will be available for students to purchase for dads, step dads or an important man in their lives.  Students (Preschool – Echidnas, Kindergarten to Year 6) will be able to purchase gifts on Tuesday, 1st September.  Preschool – Goannas will be able to purchase a gift on Thursday, 3rd September.  We hope everyone has a very enjoyable day on Sunday, 6th September.

$5 Father's Day Gifts


We are staying optimistic that these excursions will proceed with a few variations.  Due to the border closures the venues will be within New South Wales and the dates changed to Term 4.  This will also depend on the Department of Education Guidelines for Term 4.  Please continue to make payments.  If the excursions are unable to proceed you will have the option of a full refund or the money can be held in advance payments to be used at a later date eg uniforms.

Absences / SMS Messages

We are using our Sentral text message system to confirm absences. If your child is absent from school you will receive a text message requesting an explanation for this absence.

The message will read: Lismore South PS: Your {son_daughter} {student_first_name} {student_surname_initial} was marked absent from school {date of absence}. Please provide an explanation by replying to this message.

If you have more than one child away, you will receive a message for each student. Please respond to each individual message as these are directly linked to the class roll. Please do not respond with picture messages as they will not link to the roll, just reply by text and send the doctor's certificate in with the student when they return to school. 

Free Parent Webinars

Do you know if TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube are safe apps for children? This FREE 1 hour webinar is suitable for parents/carers to learn more about these popular apps and find support in keepIng your child safe.

  • Tuesday 8 September 12:30 pm     
  • Wednesday 9 September 7:30 pm
  • Thursday 10 September 12:30 pm

Book Week - Term 4

Check in Assessments

During this term, Years 3 and 5 will participate in the new reading and numeracy check-in assessments. These assessments will be delivered online and will be used to supplement our existing practices to identify how students are performing in literacy and numeracy. Feedback will be provided to schools within a week of these assessments.

The Year 5 assessment is scheduled for Week 7 (31 August - 4 September) and the Year 3 assessment is scheduled for Week 2 next term (19 October – 23 October). If parents have any questions or concerns about these assessments, please contact Miss Organ.

Kindergarten 2021

Kindergarten Registration Link

Register now for Kindergarten 2021. If you know of any local families who may be looking to enrol next year, please encourage them to access the online registration form linked here in the newsletter or from school website homepage. All parents who have registered interest in enrolling their child in Kindy 2021 will receive further information in the coming weeks about our Term 4 Transition program.

Ngulliboo Jarjums Preschool News

Preschool Fees Terms 3 and 4

A reminder that the Department has advised that no fees will be charged for the remainder of the year, however if you have made a payment for this term's fees, you can request a refund or it can be held in fees in advance.  These funds can then used for any future activities, uniforms etc.  

Preschool Committee Meeting

Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 2nd September at 3:30pm. Due to current NSW Department Guidelines we will be conducting the meeting via Zoom. For a successful meeting we really require family participation so we encourage you to join us. It is an opportunity for you to share ideas, make new friends and be an active part of the preschool’s future planning.  As it will be delivered on Zoom you don't even have to leave the house to attend. If you have any difficulties or need support to use Zoom then please reach out to our educators for assistance.

This week at preschool

This week the Goannas celebrated Bastille Day to acknowledge the French culture of one of our families. We constructed our own French flags, created pom poms, counted to ten in French, sang Les petits poissons and Frere Jacques, and enjoyed learning about famous French cuisine. The children set up a cafe in our cubby house and created a delicious menu. We conducted a science experiment using coloured water and celery; the children predicted that "the celery will change colour" and were very excited when they discovered the celery turned blue and red!

Term 3 Preschool Calendar

Please view the link below to see what exciting things are in store in Term 3.

QA 6Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
6.2.3 Community engagementThe service builds relationships and engages with its community.

Planned Building Works

Major building works continue on our site to replace the school roofs. Please find attached information regarding the removal of asbestos containing material on our school site from 4 July, 2020 through to the end of the October school holidays. As a precaution, no asbestos containing material will be removed during school hours. 

Planned Building Works Notification July - October 2020

Early Arrivals

Please be aware that morning supervision does not commence until 8.30am when teachers begin duty. Students who are dropped off, walk to school or ride their bike are not to be at school before 8.30am each day. This is a health and safety requirement. Thank you to the majority of our families who are abiding by this request and are helping keep everyone safe.


If a child presents as sick to the office, you will be asked to come and collect your child. While we understand that the symptoms can look like a cold or flu, we can’t take risks with the health of other children or staff. Symptoms to watch out for are fever, a cough, sore throat, fatigue, shortness of breath.

Birthdays at School

We love to celebrate the birthdays of our students, even during the Covid-19 pandemic. During this time we ask that cakes be store bought and single serve only or alternatively you may like to provide single wrapped iceblocks. 

Our school canteen will be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in Term 3. All food needs to be pre-ordered by 9.00am. Food will be served in a paper bag supplied by the school. Canteen will only be operating for lunch, not recess.          

Please note:

No Sausage Rolls until further notice due to problems with our supply chain. 

Canteen Pricelist

School Calendar

Week 7Yr 5 Check In Assessment
1st & 3rd SeptTuesday and Thursday  - Father's Day Stall $5.00

Out of School Hours Care

How to book in for OSHC?

Please contact Myra for booking enquires on 0414 230 536. Alternatively, for any concerns or questions, contact the main office on 6621 6437 and ask for Paula.