Lavington East Public School Newsletter

Week 1, Term 3 - 24 July 2019

Principal's Post


Dear Parents and Carers, 

Welcome back to Term 3, I hope you all had a safe and happy holiday break.

We go into this term, with our continuation of PSSA sport and Clubs. In Week 3 we will be celebrating Education Week and in Week 5 is Book Week. Stay tuned for more details.

We already have so much to celebrate. At the end of last term, Miss Jacinta Kellow and Miss Fiona Smith were the successful applicants in our Merit Selection Panel. They are now permanent members of staff and will continue in their current roles. As many of you are aware Mrs Vicki Crowhurst has gone on leave, Miss Smith will continue in her role as Assistant Principal of Years 3 and 4 and Ms Mikkaelie Usher will return full time on 3/4C. 

I would also like to congratulate Megan Walsh on being the successful candidate for our Canteen Manager position. Megan is a dedicated member of the P&C and has started the term off well in her new role.

Another celebration is our playground, the brand new sandpit is complete and our playground equipment is now all up to code. The veggie patch will be our next improvement, now that the shipping container has been moved. A picket fence will be installed and form part of an art project that every student will be involved in.

This semester will see our educators focus on PBL and practical applications of assessment. Teachers will be involved in weekly professional learning about improving this in their classrooms and consistently across the school K-6.

Looking forward to an AWESOME term 3, 

Mrs Nic Williams


Positive Behaviour for Learning


First day back and the students are well and truly ready to learn! Our Cool Under the COLA behaviour focus has threaded its way through the holidays and the school was ready to get into classes in under 90 seconds.....WOW! Congratulations to all students as the first prize of an icy pole is getting closer.  Let's get buzzing and keep on moving our way through the hive to achieve our goals. 

Stay tuned for our next focus behaviour in Week 3 - 'BE AWESOME'​.

PBL Team


School News and Upcoming Events

Sport News


            26 July 2019

Soccer Red v Gerogery/Tabletop, Jelbart Park - United

Netball Snr 1 v Lavington 2, JC King

Soccer Green v Hume SNR Only, Alexander Park - Nth St
Netball Snr 2 v Hume, JC King
AFL Jnr v St Annes, Jelbart Park 2
Netball Jnr  1 v Albury, JC King
AFL Snr v Springdale Heights, SpringdaleHeights        
Netball Jnr 2 v St Annes 1, JC KIng
Hockey v St Pats, Alexander Park

Please ensure that your child has all the required equipment to play their chosen sport ie mouthguards for AFL, Hockey and Soccer.

Lavington East PS P & C

P & C Secretary Position


The P & C would like to advise that  Megan Walsh's appointment as Canteen Manager has left the P & C Secretary position vacant.

If you would like to be nominated for this position please ensure that you are an active member of the P & C and that you attend the meeting on August 20, 2019.

Role Description  

The Secretary is responsible for carrying out the administrative tasks related to the decisions of the meetings as resolved. The Secretary prepares, in consultation with the President, all meeting agendas.

The Secretary is required to attend P&C Association meetings and take notes of the discussions in order to produce a set of Minutes for subsequent distribution to members and for receipt, possible amendment and adoption at the following meeting. (In the absence of the Secretary the meeting should elect a person to take the Minutes, this person should be identified in the Minutes.) Further, the position includes receiving and tabling all correspondence as well as writing and dispatching outgoing correspondence as resolved/appropriate. The Secretary also issues notice of all meetings and maintains official records of the P&C Association such as the constitution, by-laws, list of financial (voting) members, Minutes, Attendance book.

August 20, 2019 at 6.00pm

Name Your Canteen!!

Enter name suggestions on a small piece of paper. Remember to write your name and class on the back for your chance to win a special prize just for entering! The top 2 names will be put to a vote!

All entries are due Friday 9 August, 2019

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