TOKSAVE - Lihir International School

Term 1, Week 7, 2020

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers, 

Year 9 Camp

Next week, the year 9 class will travel to Kavieng for their Leadership Camp. Teachers accompanying students are Mr. Collins, Mr Neville and Ms Tukata. Students will participate in a variety of team building and leadership activities, along with a visit to Kavieng town and OLSH International School.  Next week, Ms Catherine Langusch will be acting principal.


The school will be implementing increased hygiene practices beginning next week. Education QLD has advised:

  • cleaning hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rubs
  • covering your nose and mouth with a tissue or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing
  • avoiding contact with anyone who has symptoms such as fever, a cough, sore throat, fatigue, and shortness of breath.
  • staying home if you are unwell.

Students who display any signs of cold or flu are to remain at home and seek appropriate medical attention.

Hand sanitiser will be installed in each classroom.

COVID-19 Fact Sheet for parents


COVID-19 Information for Schools


Skoolbag App

All parents are encouraged to download the Skoolbag App onto their smartphones. This will enable you to receive the Toksave and other school documents and information. Instructions on how to download the app are at the bottom of this Toksave.

Absent / Late / Uniform

Parents and carers are reminded that if students are absent, late or in incorrect uniform (including incorrect footwear), an email or note of explanation must be sent to the class teacher.

Friday Whole School Assembly

Congratulations to our week 6 Principal's award recipients!

Lawrence Kore - Year 9

Gloria Lelngei - Year 1

Penias Daitele - Year 3

Tariq Luka - Kindy

Thyra Laien - Year 5

Te'alanna Daimol - Prep, Glenda Pukari - Year 8

Congratulations to the 5/6 class for their PNG Studies assembly!

Healthy Lunches

Parents are encouraged to pack a healthy lunch for your children to bring to school for recess and lunch. The school encourages parents to pack food items such as fruit, sandwiches, yogurt, veggie sticks, pieces of cheese, a muesli bar, biscuits, piece of cake, muffins, wraps, salad, boiled eggs, rice, garden food etc. Twisties, crisps, hot chips, chocolates, lollies and un-cooked Maggi noodles are not allowed at school.

 Students are encouraged to bring a bottle of water each day that can be refilled at the school.  Cordial, soft drinks and other sugary drinks are not allowed at school.

Parents are encouraged to purchase from the Canteen on Fridays rather than buying food elsewhere and dropping it into school.

From the Deputy Principal

A reminder to parents that if students ride a bike to school,  they must have a helmet. Students are to walk their bike to the front gate. When riding their bike, students need to be mindful of traffic.

At Monday's assembly, we reminded town-site children to walk straight home after school and not be playing in any of the drains or throwing seeds. They should walk along the edge of the road.

If students from town-site are playing after school in Pikinini Park, it is expected that they change out of their school uniform.

Ms Langusch

Chess Club Fun!


Visiting Rugby Coaches

Two Rugby Union Coaches from Nudgee College in Brisbane will visit the school on Thursday the 26th and 27th March to run some clinics for students. More information to come in next week's Toksave.

VIP Champions!

Jerome Misren and Aidan Daimol


There will be a P&W meeting next Tuesday 17th March at the NEW TRIAL TIME of 6.15pm in the Year 7/8 Classroom. 

Afternoon Activities

Monday - Music club with Mr Neale Years 5-9, 3.15pm

Wednesday - Homework Club, Years 3-6, 3.15pm

Friday - No Running Club this Friday, 13th March; will resume next week

Saturday - Soccer with Mr McKeiver Years 3-6, 8.10am; last week for soccer

2020 Term Dates

Term 1: 27th January – 2nd April 

Term 2: 20th April – 18th June

Term 3: 13th July – 17th September 

Term 4: 5th October – 3rd December 

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Term 1 2020 Calendar
