We will continue to support the use of rapid antigen tests (RATs) in our school. If you require test packs please come into the front office and we’ll help you out.
All workers on school sites must meet mandatory double vaccination requirements.
Any student or staff member who is unwell and/or displays symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to go home and stay there until they can complete a RAT or PCR test.
- If symptoms continue, they should stay at home and take another RAT in 24 hours or have a PCR test.
- If the second RAT or initial PCR test result is negative, the student or staff member can return to school.
- In NSW, positive COVID-19 cases are provided a Medical Clearance Notice after 7 days and allowed to leave self-isolation as long as they do not have COVID-19 symptoms.
Our school will continue to inform the school community of a positive case and advise families of the current public health advice, including monitoring for symptoms
If a student or staff member receives a positive RAT result, they need to:
· record the positive RAT result through the Service NSW l link
· notify the school of the positive RAT or PCR result as soon as possible
· follow NSW Health adviceExternal link to isolate for 7 days.
Masks are no longer mandatory for all staff.
Visitors can be allowed back on school sites regardless of their vaccination status. We have considered activities such as assemblies, parent-teacher meetings and other gatherings in the coming days and the following organisation will be in place until the end of March –
- Cohort bubbles to remain in the morning, entry through any gate
- Morning lines under COLA to commence the day.
- Recess and lunch organisation to stay in place re current rosters. Review at end of March
- Friday assemblies to continue in cohort groups. SpEd at 9.15am, Upstairs B Block at 10.40am, K-2 at 11.30am and C Block at 12.45pm
- Parents / visitors on site – Continue with sign in at office and sticky label until further notice