Chisholm Need to Know


Dear staff, parents, students and friends of Chisholm,

It has been a real honour as the new Principal Leader of the college to accompany Eden Micallef, a Year 12 student, at the recent Lions Youth of the Year competition last Monday evening at Penrith Bowling Club. Eden spoke confidently in addressing the issue of indigenous inequalities and made constructive suggestions about how we can address the issues relating to this through policy changes and greater awareness of inclusivity. Eden competed with two other students from St Dominic’s College and Penrith High School. The competition also provides an opportunity to respond to impromptu questions to demonstrate their knowledge and awareness of a range of issues. As part of the discernment process, Eden was invited to respond to two impromptu questions on the topic of climate change and social media which she completed to a high standard and capability. As a community, we are extremely proud of Eden and her efforts in presenting herself to the Lions Club in such an outstanding and impressive manner. I would like to thank Eden for representing Chisholm in a graceful and commanding manner in this prestigious competition.

As a school community, we look forward to the COVID requirement changes that commence on Monday 28 February. In particular, masks will not need to be worn by staff and students, unless they wish to do so. As well as this, the students will not need to be separated from peers in other year groups, allowing us to have community events such as our Sports Carnivals and our upcoming Open Nights for Tour Groups on 7-9 March for  enrolments 2023-2024. There will be further information relating to this from our Assistant Principals regarding the implications of the changes to the Public Health Order (PHO) and school settings moving forward.

In the last few weeks it has been wonderful to visit and promote the college at our local area Catholic primary schools. In doing this, I have taken students who have attended the primary school previously and are now in Year 7 or 11 at Caroline Chisholm. This has been a wonderful empowering experience enabling students to speak about their positive school and friendship experiences as a valued member of our learning and faith community, such as our camps, reflection days, outstanding learning spaces and resources. All of these experiences make the college an exceptional place to make friends as part of the ‘Chisholm sisterhood’ that helps support one another every single day at the college in so many ways. 

Thank you for the support you have given to your daughters’ wellbeing and learning during this term as we returned to face to face teaching with the mask and cohort separation requirements. The girls have been very cooperative in following these mandated requirements during the school day, as well as travelling on public transport. Your strong support has allowed us to focus on quality learning and positive wellbeing of your daughter as part of our innovative and caring learning community.

We look forward to seeing you at the college very soon as the new PHO order allows us to welcome you warmly at school events or special occasions.

Stay safe and well everyone!

Ms Tania Cairns
Principal Leader

As a result of changes to the NSW Government Public Health Order, from Monday 28 February:

  • It will not be compulsory for students or staff to wear masks indoors. However, they are still free to choose to wear a mask if they want.

  • They will still need to have a mask with them and wear it on school buses and public transport.

  • We will not be separating year groups before school, at recess or lunch. The normal out of bounds areas will apply. 

  • We will be maintaining the Year Group areas for buses at the end of the day. Students in Years 7-10 are to continue to be SEATED in their assigned areas on the COLA and wait for their buses to be called. This is for organisational reasons not for COVID-19 safety.

  • Students will only be allowed to wear PE uniforms to and from school on Wednesdays. If they need PE gear for practical lessons on other days, they need to bring it and change into it, as has always been the practice.

  • A number of students in different year groups appear to have been wearing various forms of nose jewellery under masks. Parents and students are all reminded that the college uniform, which students and parents signed to accept on their enrolment, does not allow jewellery of any sort in the nose. From Monday, students with nose jewellery will be given uniform warnings. 

  • We are trialling allowing Years 10-12 this year (and only Years 11 and 12 from next year) to wear a tiny plastic stud to keep a nose piercing open. This will be reviewed.

  • While on uniform and parent agreement to support it, the only makeup ever allowed has been light makeup for senior students. This would certainly not include eyelash extensions of any sort for any students.

  • The canteen will continue to run on online orders only for the time being. You will be informed when it will reopen for walk in sales.

Mr Greg King
Assistant Principal

Ash Wednesday and Lent
Lent is a 40 day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday. It's a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter. During Lent, we seek the Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture, we serve by giving alms and we practise self-control through fasting. We are called not only to abstain from luxuries during Lent, but to a true inner conversion of heart as we seek to follow Christ's will more faithfully. We recall the waters of baptism in which we were also baptised into Christ's death, died to sin and evil, and began new life in Christ.

Many know of the tradition of abstaining from meat on Fridays during Lent, but we are also called to practise self-discipline and fast in other ways throughout the season. Contemplate the meaning and origins of the Lenten fasting tradition in this reflection. In addition, the giving of alms is one way to share God's gifts—not only through the distribution of money, but through the sharing of our time and talents. As St. John Chrysostom reminds us: "Not to enable the poor to share in our goods is to steal from them and deprive them of life. The goods we possess are not ours, but theirs." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2446).

In Lent, the baptised are called to renew their baptismal commitment as others prepare to be baptised through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, a period of learning and discernment for individuals who have declared their desire to become Catholics.

In Australia, days for fasting are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and apply to those 18- 59. 

Catholics in Australia abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, in union with the fasting of Jesus, and in memory of Christ’s death. Fish is not considered meat for these purposes. All Catholics age 14 and older are expected to abstain from meat, although those who can’t do so for health reasons, along with pregnant and nursing women, are obviously exempted.

On Ash Wednesday a cross is traced with ashes on our foreheads  as a reminder to live a good life and to do penance as a way to show we are sorry for our sinfulness. We will be having year group liturgies on Ash Wednesday for the distribution of ashes. Any Christian or any student from another faith may choose to participate in this ritual.

Excerpts from What is Lent? On the United States Catholic Conference site

Ms Bernadette Murray
Leader of Religious Education

Enrolments Open for Year 7 2023
Caroline Chisholm College are now accepting enrolments for 2023 and 2024 respectively.  2023 enrolments will be closing 28th March 2022.  Our Open Night Tour dates (7, 8, 9th March) can be booked through Eventbrite. For any further information please contact the College Enrolments Officer, Mrs Karen Chester on 4737 5505.

Positive Partnerships
Positive Partnerships are offering a 1 day workshop for parents and carers of school aged students on the autism spectrum. The following areas will be covered:

  • Diversity of autism

  • Understanding behaviour

  • Working together with your school

If you are interested in this workshop please refer to the attached flyer and register directly with Positive Partnerships.

Positive Partnerships Flyer

CSDA Public Speaking
Later this afternoon, the following students will be competing in Round 1 of the CSDA Public Speaking  Competition. 

Year 7 - Eva Attard and Maanya Manocha
Year 8 - Aleena Dutta and Keeva LeMaire
Year 9 - Ava Barbara and Georgia Dudley
Year 10 - Imogen Buttigieg, Sofia Maiorana, and Aurelia Parsley
Seniors - Aalia Nasser and Zeinab Slaibi

They have taken the time to consider the topics provided and to craft a speech that reflects their perspective on contemporary issues. 

This year’s topics
1. That was then, this is now
2. We have seen better days
3. Small things
4. It’s time we call it for what it is 
5. First in - best dressed

We wish them the best of luck!

Ana Dudley - Leader of Learning English

Enrolments 2023

Diary Dates - Term 1 Weeks 4-5

Monday 28 February 2022
Year 12 Work Placement - Primary Industries
NSWCCC Tennis Selections Girls, Parramatta

Tuesday 1 March 2022
Year 12 Work Placement - Primary Industries
Year 12 GEO Excursion - Barangaroo Urban Dynamics
Vaccinations Year 7 - 1st Dose, Year 8 Catch up
Year 8 Incursion - Poetry in Action

Wednesday 2 March
Year 12 Work Placement - Primary Industries
Ash Wednesday Year Group Liturgies

Thursday 3 March 2022
Year 12 Work Placement - Primary Industries

Friday 4 March 2022
Year 12 Work Placement - Primary Industries
Leppington Pastoral Company Excursion
Public Speaking - 2.00-7.00 pm

Monday 7 March 2022
Open Night 2021 - 3.30-6.30pm Bookings are essential

Tuesday 8 March 2022
Open Night 2021 - 3.30-6.30 pm Bookings are essential

Wednesday 9 March 2022
Open Night 2021 - 3.30-6.30 pm Bookings are essential

Thursday 10 March 2022
Year 12 English Advanced Symposium - Richard III Excursion, Seymour Centre Chippendale
Year 10 Study Skills Session - West Wing
Year 11 Study Skills Refresher Session

Friday 11 March 2022
PDSSSC Swimming Carnival, SOPAC


Caroline Chisholm College recognises that email is a fast and convenient way to communicate with your child’s teacher. We wish to remind you that teachers read their emails at various times throughout the school day. Further, teachers are generally not expected to respond to emails from parents and students outside of normal working hours. In the case of a genuine emergency please contact the school office during business hours on or phone 02 4737 5500. We appreciate your assistance and understanding. If you have any questions about the above please feel free to contact the college.