Term 3 2020 Covid-19 Prevention - Lihir International School

Keeping our island and children safe

From the Principal

Dear parents and carers,

Lihir International School will re-open for term 3 on Monday the 6th July, after being closed for term 2 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The school's closure and ensuing remote teaching and learning assisted in protecting our island and particularly, our children. All returned expat teachers have completed the mandatory 14 day isolation and have been cleared as healthy and ready to return to work. Term 3 will now resume on 6th July (not 13th July)  due to teachers not having their annual professional development days in Port Moresby.

School in term 3 will look vastly different at LIS. A comprehensive audit has taken place with several Covid 19 prevention measures put in place to ensure children are safe at school and social distancing requirements are met.  Queensland Department of Education guidelines, along with a comprehensive Newcrest Covid-19 risk assessment tool, have been completed to ensure the safe return for teachers and students to school for term 3. Please note that these new measures are for term 3 will be re-evaluated as the term progresses. Below you will find links to relevant documents and an outline of the 'new normal' requirements at LIS for term 3.

If you have any concerns, or would like further information on any of the topics in this newsletter, please do not hesitate to make contact.

Mr. Neville

Testing requirements for students and teachers who live outside townsite

All non-townsite students need to go to the Lihir Medical Centre on Monday morning for a rapid detection test for COVID-19. This test involves a small pinprick of the finger for a blood sample. This test must be administered before students can start school for term 3. 

LIS "New Normal" Requirments Term 3 2020

It is imperative that parents and carers do not send their children to school if they are sick or showing any symptoms of a cold or flu. If your child is sick, please keep your child home and seek appropriate medical attention. Children who display any signs of sickness will be isolated under supervision in the school's sick bay and parents called to come and collect them.

1.  A comprehensive deep clean of the school will be undertaken by Nayal LTD, prior to school resumption on July 6.

2. Entrance to school for students and parents / carers will be via the Aginas Oval gate only, which will open at 7.30am. Students who arrive before this (which is discouraged) are to wait in the carpark undercover area until 7.30am. Students should be at school by 8.05am, ready to start the day at 8.10am.

3. All students will be greeted at the gate by a teacher. They are to wash their hands at the wash station and then proceed to their classroom.  Parents and carers will not be permitted to escort their children to classrooms, including for Kindy. In the morning, Kindy students will be escorted to the Kindy classroom by a teacher aide and then will be supervised in the under-cover area outside the 1/2 classroom while waiting for parent pick-up at the end of Kindy.  If parents need to go to the office, they will be permitted to proceed to the wash station and are then to make their way straight to the school office. Students will not be permitted to return home during the day to collect lunch or forgotten items such as books, swimming gear etc. 

4. New wash stations have been installed around the school (see pics below) and hand sanitiser is available in all classrooms. Students will be required to wash their hands in the mornings before school, before and after recess/lunch and before leaving school in the afternoons. Educational videos and ISOS personel will be utilised to support education in hand washing and general hygiene.

5. All desks, door handles, playground equipment and other high contact equipment will be sanitised twice daily or after use by cleaning staff.

6. Social distancing measure of 1.5 metres will be employed in classrooms through desk arrangements. Social distancing markings have been painted on cement areas where students line up and in the undercover area for recess/lunch eating times. The school will implement staggered lunch and recess breaks between the primary and high school to reduce the number of children in the eating area at one time.

7. Students will each be issued with a reusable washable mask. Students will be encouraged to use these masks for travel to and from school and during specific identified activities at school.

8. The school canteen will be closed for the duration on term 3. Students will need to bring a packed recess and lunch each day - there is to be no dropping off of lunches by parents, siblings or haus meris. Students are also asked to bring a water bottle to school that they will refill instead of drinking from the bubblers.

9. In term 3 there will be no after-school activities, sports carnivals or team sports and we ask that in the afternoon, students are collected promptly and no later than 3.15pm. Students will however participate in the swimming program for term 3. Information regarding how this will look will be provided by Mr McKeiver in week 1.

10. Term 3 will not have traditional assemblies at school. Virtual assemblies will continue thoughout the term, with the assembly link to be published in the weekly Toksave for parents to view.

Queensland Department of Education International Resources

Education QLD Covid-19 Operating Guidelines


Supporting Return to School for Prep to Year 1 Students


Corona Virus booklet for kids.


From the Deputy Principal

Term 3 Curriculum Update

Some parents may have concerns about student learning and progress during term 2. We want to assure parents that teachers will be consolidating key concepts from term 2 remote learning in term 3.

In the primary school, we have made adjustments to the term 3 timetable to ensure the areas of Mathematics and English (reading and writing) have a greater time allocation. The following adjustments will be reflected in your parent overview that you will receive at the end of Week 1 next term:

  • In the Prep and Year 1/2 classes, students will study either HASS or Science in term 3 and the other in term 4. Similarly, they will study either Health or Technologies in term 3 and the other in term 4. In The Arts, students will have Music with Mr Neale.

  • In Year 3/4, students will study HASS and Science in each term but will study either Health or Technologies in term 3 and the other in term 4. In The Arts, students will have Music with Mr Neale.

    • In Year 5/6, students will study HASS and Science in each term as well as The Arts and Technologies. They will study Health in term 4 only.
    • During term 3, students will not have a PNG Studies unit lesson each week, however, during Independence Day week, they will participate in a range of teaching and learning activities related to Papua New Guinea and Independence Day.

    In the high school, Year 7/8 students will continue to study all of their subject areas, with an extra lesson for Maths allocated from Technologies. Year 8 exam preparation will be a focus for our Year 8 students.

    Year 9 students will continue with their studies as per the semester 1 timetable.

    If you have any questions about your child’s learning, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.

    Ms Langusch


    LIS Covid-19 Prevention Preparation