Today, we had a Professional Learning Day run by Dr Michael McDowell via zoom from California. This was a very significant day in our school's learning journey. Michael challenged us to go beyond even the great work we are currently doing into areas that are emerging on a global educational stage. At MIPS, we are always seeking to provide the best of learning opportunity for your children and today was vital in that context.
My only regret is the impact on families this week of the industrial action taking place in the same week. If we could have changed the scheduling of today we certainly would but it was unfortunately not under our control. Nor is the scheduling of the industrial action. Please keep in mind that though classes will not be held on Friday, supervision will be provided for the families who have no choice but to send their children to school. I appreciate our community's support in this matter. A letter below accompanies as well.
Congratulations to all involved in the walk to school on last Friday morning. I hear that it was a roaring success!
I want to thank Mrs. Moore and the rest of the team here who did such a great job last week. Both Mrs. Mizzi and myself could not be at school. Both of us were absent on unrelated but highly urgent matters that demanded our presence. We would not have been away at the same time otherwise. I do apologise regardless and appreciate your understanding and ongoing support.
With appreciation for your ongoing support,
Stephen Dowd