We value others, their property, the environment and ourselves.
We value others, their property, the environment and ourselves.
In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. The key message in the parable centres around humility. No matter how good a person may be, we are always in need of God’s grace and mercy. Often those who are most humble and aware of their sinfulness and brokenness are the ones who are most open to God’s love.
Our Year Three students commenced their preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation yesterday afternoon. All students receiving the Sacrament and their parents attended an information session. Please keep these students, their parents, Miss Walsh and Fr Andrew in your prayers.
Children’s Liturgy will be held on Sunday at 10.30am in the Church. Miss Ferraro and Mrs Millar will be leading the liturgy. All are welcome to attend and join in.
We are calling for any members of the St Mary's School community who are able to help with the PP-Year Two Swimming Lessons as an instructor. We have been advised that due a lack of suitably qualified instructors we may have to reduce the number of swimming lessons that our students have. if you are suitably qualified and can assist (or know someone who is) please email me directly at adriana.coniglio@cewa.edu.au
Our final P&F Meeting for the year will be held in the Library at 7.30pm on Monday night. All are welcome to come along and support the P&F.
Our Year Six students, their teachers and parent helpers will be heading off on Camp at Point Peron on Tuesday morning. We wish them all the very best and we look forward to hearing all about their adventures when they return! I will be visiting the campers on Thursday.
We wish Miss Wells and her fiancée Fred Silver all the very best for their wedding which was taking place today and their future lives together. When she returns to school, Jess will be known as Mrs Silver.
God Bless and have a lovely weekend with your families,
Ms Adriana Coniglio
Literacy - As the end of Kindy is fast approaching, we have been practicing our letter formations for writing in Pre-Primary. We are getting very good at remembering the letter sounds and their names! It is fantastic to see how far we have come throughout the year and how confident we are with our pencil grips. On another note, we can't thank our parents enough for coming into Kindy each Wednesday morning to help with our craft activities we are loving having you contribute to our literacy blocks!
Maths - During Mathematics, we have been learning the importance of making collections and touching each object as we count. We have introduced the teddy bears game which focus' on numbers to ten and beyond.
R.E - The Kindy children were extremely excited that our sustainability project has finally started to provide us with some produce to begin our cooking program. Over the last few weeks, we have been feeding the chickens our scraps and looking after our veggie patch. The Kindy's and Pre-Primary's enjoyed an afternoon of making mini quiches and cupcakes - we are all very talented chef's and we are looking forward to seeing what else we will make throughout the term.
On Friday 14th October our Year 3-6 students competed in the Woolworths Cricket Blast Cup against Merredin College. We were able to take five boys teams and three girls teams, playing four modified games each throughout the day. We had fantastic weather for cricket and all of our students showed some fantastic cricket skills and great sportsmanship.
In the girls competition St Mary's 2 were placed 3rd.
In the boys competition we took a clean sweep with St Mary’s 3 placing 3rd, St Mary’s 4 placing 2nd and St Mary’s 2 taking out 1st Place.
Unfortunately, the premiership flags hadn’t arrived in time for presentation to the winning teams on the day. We will present the flag to the members of the St Mary's 2 Boys team once it arrives from WA Cricket.
Thank you to our amazing parent helpers and teachers who coached teams and assisted with scoring on the day, your help is greatly appreciated.
Issue 7 of Bookclub was sent home this week.
40 bumper pages of amazing books to help kids to love reading, including:
This is the final Bookclub issue for 2022 and books will arrive in time for Christmas! Don't forget to use the 'gift' function - we'll hold the books in the office for you to collect so your secret is safe!
Orders due back Monday October 24th.
Volunteers are still required to cover some of the shifts listed below in Canteen. If you are able to help out, please contact the office or Damiana Demarte at damiana.demarte@cewa.edu.au. Thank you.
Canteen Term 4 MenuPlease click on the link below to view the menu.
Merredin: Saturday 6.30pm & Sunday 10.30am
Kellerberrin: Sunday 8.00am