Narrabri West Public School


Reports, Silver Badges & Holidays!

Our next merit award assembly will be held on Friday 18th June.  We will be presenting Silver Badges to all students who have reached this level in our merit award system. This presentation will be held on Friday 25th June from 2:10pm and a free BBQ lunch for all students will be provided. This is a relaxing and fun way for students and teachers to celebrate another busy and successful term of learning.

The 2021 Semester 1 report will provide a summative account of student progress and achievement on learning covered during Semester 1, with information about what might need to be done to support your child’s learning growth.

Reporting to parents will focus on the learning that has taken place so far this year, which includes individual student’s progress and achievement of their learning.

Reports will go home on Monday 21st June  2021.

Foyer Display

Class News - Preschool

Wow! Another term has flown by.

Preschool children have been very busy engaging in play-based learning experiences. This term we have been learning about friendships, healthy foods and how plants and people need water.  

The children have planted broccoli, baby spinach, carrots, snow peas and rainbow silverbeet. We are eagerly watering and waiting for our vegetable patch to grow. We can’t wait to pick them, cook them and eat them!

Our new Commbox (smartboard) has provide opportunities for the children to engage in interactive learning experiences and stories.

Red group have enjoyed cooking in our outdoor kitchen using various ingredients such as sticks, bark chips and leaves. Our little master chefs have cooked cakes, slices, stews and jelly. Their interest in cooking has been transferred to inside where we have made real jelly and enjoyed eating it together.

Blue Group have enjoyed building with different construction toys. They have created amazing things including motorbikes, trucks, castles and helicopters. The children also made turtles using paddle pop sticks and wool. They wrapped the wool around the sticks to create the body of the turtle. The children named each of their turtles. 

Next week will be celebrating NAIDOC week and participating in whole school activities and celebrations..

Stay warm and have a safe holiday!

Miss Abbey O’Brien 

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Class News - Early Stage One

Term 2 has been very busy and very exciting in KC and KW. All students have settled into school routines and are concentrating on their learning. The hard work that students have put in is being rewarded.


Students are engaging in daily guided reading sessions and it has been wonderful to see parent helpers frequenting the classroom. The help and support you offer during our small groups are greatly appreciated by teachers and students.

We have been exploring imaginative texts and the different components that make them enjoyable. We have learnt about the characters, settings, sequences of stories and word groups. KC and KW are now beginning to combine all the knowledge from this term’s unit of work to create their own short text.

We are still following the SMART Spelling sequences to learn about our letters and sounds. Students are introduced to a new word and sentence each week. Sight words are taught in class and reviewed daily.


In DNS, we have been using mental strategies to solve and explain different mathematical concepts. Students use thinking time and partner talks to answer questions before sharing their ideas with the class. Kindergarten share a variety of responses and their different ways of thinking.

This term, students have been working within their own class groups to develop their skills and explore mathematical investigations with their peers. We have explored repeated patterns, money, addition and subtraction stories, time, ordinal numbers, making equal groups and sharing equally. Students have enjoyed engaging in hands-on activities to solve problems.

The Early Stage 1 teachers have worked collaboratively to program group rotations to challenge all of our students based on their needs. It is in these rotations that Kindergarten engage in whole number activities, as well as a revision of mathematical concepts explored during unit maths.


Technology has been very exciting in the Kindergarten classrooms this term. We were lucky enough to have blue-bots to code and program. KC and KW learnt how to direct the blue-bots on different paths. We then shared our skills with Stage 3 and were very excited to see them use their knowledge in coding lights and electric currents to make bananas sing!

Indigenous Flag/Banner Art Workshop

This workshop was held in March where students were given the opportunity to create a flag for their school. Local Gamilaroi stories were shared to help students with their creative ideas and design. After the workshop, banners were prepared for printing. Last week students were invited by Narrabri Shire Council to attend the official unveiling of the Youth Art and Culture Banners. The event was held at the Crossing Theatre and was part of Narrabri Shire Council’s Reconciliation Week. Schools were presented with their flag in time for NAIDOC week starting June 21.

Australian Earth Education

During Science lessons this term, Stage 3 students have been learning about the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Students have learnt that viscosity means how much liquids resist flow, so liquids with low viscosity flow quickly (e.g. water) and liquids with high viscosity flow slower (e.g. honey).

On Tuesday 8th June, Susan from AusEarthEd visited Stage 3 students to explain and discuss the viscosity of lava. During the incursion, students learned about the two major types of volcanoes and conducted experiments to determine the difference in the viscosity of the lava/magma in each type. Students demonstrated their learning using hands-on materials and were shown examples of rocks from each volcano type. Stage 3 students answered Susan’s questions with in-depth answers and also asked her questions to further their learning. 

Science and Engineering Challenge

On the 9th June Year 6 attended the Science and Engineering Challenge Day at the Crossing Theatre. The day was filled with a variety of challenges designed to provide students with exciting experiences related to science and engineering. Year 6 built bridges and earthquake-proof towers, designed bionic hands, passed secret codes using only coloured lights, controlled electrical switchboards and much more.

 The students had a fantastic time, participated enthusiastically and showed creativity and critical thinking skills. They learnt the importance of resilience as they trialed and adapted potential solutions to each challenge.

 A fantastic barbeque lunch was provided by Rotary and the students had fun playing outside at lunchtime despite the chilly weather.

 A big thank you to The University of Newcastle, Santos and Narrabri Rotary for putting on such a fantastic day and showing our students what science and engineering is all about.

PSSA Girls Softball Knockout

On the 25th of May Narrabri West girls softball team played the Narrabri Public School at Leitch Oval. It was a nail biter with the result coming down to the final innings. The girls held out Narrabri Public School with a 10-8 win and secured a spot in round 3. The girls will soon play a home game against the winner of the Tamworth teams and if successful move on to the North West final. Congratulations girls and good luck! 

PSSA Netball Knockout

Narrabri West Public School netball team played in Round 2 of the PSSA Knockout against Wee Waa Public School. The girls played exceptionally well for a team that had never played together before showing off some fantastic attacking and defensive skills. The game was played with great sportsmanship from both sides with Wee Waa coming away with the win 14-33. Thank you to all our supporters who travelled to support our team.

NSW PSSA 11 Years Rugby League Championships:

On the 1st June Jarrad Lawler and Cruz Ryan travelled to Kiama to compete in the NSW PSSA 11 Years Rugby League Championships. Cruz was recognized for an outstanding performance and was awarded North West "player of the carnival.” The boys had the opportunity to meet NRL star Mitchell Moses, what a fantastic experience and great memories for the boys.   

PSSA Girls Soccer Knockout

The Narrabri West girl’s soccer team travelled to Moree to play in a top 16 round match against Moree Primary School. The weather was miserable and the girls played most of the game in the rain, winning the game 5 goals to 2. The girls have made it to the quarterfinal round of the North West girls soccer knockout competition and will play another match within the next 2 weeks.

North West Girls & Boys Softball trials

On Monday the 7th of June Ava Smith, Ruby Clayton, Xanthe Kirk and  Hayley Gordon travelled to Tamworth for North West softball trials. Ava and Ruby made selection. Hayley and Xanthe selected as reserves. Well done girls!

NSWPSSA Girls Softball Championships are in Camden 14-16 September.

On Tuesday the 8th June it was the boys turn. Will McClymont, Hunter Smith and Charlie Butler travelled to Tamworth for North West trials. Hunter was successful in being selected. Congratulations Hunter and well done boys!

NSWPSSA Boys Softball Championships are in Mudgee 31 August - 2 September.

Cross Country

North West Cross Country trials were held in Coolah last Thursday. Congratulations to Fletcher Whan who came 3rd in his event. Fletcher will represent North West at the NSW PSSA Cross Country Championships held in Sydney on the 16th July.

Athletics Carnival - Please note change of date

Our annual athletics carnival will be held on Friday 23rd July. Field events will be held on Thursday 22nd July.

Please keep these days free so you can join us for one of our major sporting events of the year. Our school sport on Fridays is now concentrating on preparing for this major sporting event. 

The Uniform Room has T-shirts in all house colours for the Athletics Carnival.

Formative Assessment Parent Workshop

Last Monday afternoon we held the first of four parent workshops. Parents were informed about how assessment for learning strategies are implemented in all our classrooms and had the opportunity to ask questions.

Please join us at the next workshop: Kindergarten here we come on Monday June 21, 3:45pm – 5:00pm. At this workshop you will be provided with information about our school and the most effective ways to prepare your child for learning in Kindergarten.

Kindergarten Enrolment 2022

We are now taking Kindergarten enrolments for next year. Please return the form at the end of this newsletter if you have a child to enrol in 2022.

Whilst this seems very early, we have to advise the Department of Education of our anticipated 2022 numbers early next term. These numbers of course determine our staffing entitlement for next year.

Please also pass this information on to any family members, friends or neighbours who may have a child enrolling at school next year. Please encourage them to visit us so they can see for themselves the wonderful students, facilities and resources that we have.

Please remember we are also taking enrolment applications for Pre School in 2022 as well.

School News & Reminders

The Student Council is organising our involvement in Crazy Hair Day on Friday 25th June.

Crazy Hair Day raises money for Cystic Fibrosis New South Wales. Cystic Fibrosis is the most common life threatening, recessive genetic condition affecting Australian children. It is a disease that affects a number of organs in the body, especially the lungs and pancreas. At present there is no cure, but the faulty gene has been identified and doctors and scientists are working to find ways of repairing or replacing it. With today’s improved treatment most people with CF are able to lead reasonably normal and productive lives. A great amount of time is being directed towards finding new and improved ways of treating CF and of finally finding a cure.

Students can come to school with crazy hair, wigs, hats, coloured hair etc. and pay a gold coin donation. Let’s hope that everyone can join in this fun activity and support a very worthy cause that is very close to the heart of everyone at Narrabri West at the same time.

Make Online Payments using the School’s Website

Just a reminder that it is now possible for parents to make online payments to the school for amounts owing for students, via a secure payment page hosted by Westpac. Payments can be made using either a Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card, and can be made via computer, tablet or mobile phone. The payment page is accessed from the front page of the school’s website by selecting $ Make a payment.

Items that can be paid include voluntary school contributions, subject contributions, excursions, and sales to students. There is also a category called ‘Other’ to cover items not covered in the previous headings, ‘Other’ can be used to make a complete payment of a school Statement of Account.

When you access the $ Make a payment you must enter:

  • the students name
  • class
  • date of birth

These details are entered each time you make a payment as student information is not held within the payment system.

This is a secure payment system hosted by Westpac to ensure that your credit/debit card details are captured in a secure manner, these details are not passed back to the school.

You have the ability to check and change any details of the payment before the payment is processed. Receipts can be emailed and/or printed.

Details of the payments are passed daily to the school where they will be receipted against your child’s account. As a receipt has been issued from the payment page a further receipt will not be issued by the school.

For any enquiries regarding the online payment process please contact the School Administration Office.

It’s the end of another term

The holidays will give everyone a chance to rest and recharge. Term 3 will be another 10 very busy weeks.

Thank you to our teachers for their terrific efforts this term. This has been an extremely busy time and we are very lucky to have such a dedicated group of teachers who work very hard for your children and have their best interests at heart.

Please remember that school recommences for all students on Tuesday 13th July. Monday 12th July is a School Development Day, when all teachers will be working on planning for the rest of the year and looking at ways we can further enhance our teaching and learning programs.

School Attendance

Parents are responsible for the regular attendance of students at school, including partial attendance, lateness and leaving early (Education Act 1990). If your child is late to school:

  • Parents are required to accompany their children to the office to provide the school with a valid explanation so that accurate records can be maintained.
  • If you are unable to accompany your child to the office please ensure you provide them with a written explanation to give to office staff.
  • If your child is leaving early due to an unavoidable appointment parents must provide an explanation, preferably to the teacher the morning of that day.

You may send a note to the teacher, use Skoolbag, email or phone the school, or respond to our email or SMS notification, to provide this explanation.

Thank you Narrabri Shire Council

Narrabri West Public School P & C have been successful in securing a Community Funds Grant from Narrabri  Shire Council for the  sum of $3,900.00. The funds have been used to purchase a new drinks fridge and install an oven and cooktop in the canteen.

Thank you to Narrabri Shire Council for this grant, the new modifications will help in us being able to explore new menu options in the future.

Canteen Online Ordering

To find out how to register you can use the links or follow the instructions attached. 

Download the free app or access

Order process:

1. In App go to menu - Connect Dashboard

2. My School Tuckshop

3. My Student - Buy Now

4. My School Tuckshop Narrabri West Public School

5. Select item - Select Date - Click add to order (repeat for all items)

6. Select Shopping Cart icon

7. Order Summary will appear - check order 

8. Select Shop for another person or checkout

9. Confirm order - payment options will appear

10. Your order is complete when order processed appears with a "Thumbs Up" icon

Please call the office on 6792 2377 if you need assistance registering. 


Uniform Room Online Ordering

Once you have registered with My School Connect you can order uniforms online by using the same login details as used for the canteen. 

Please call the office on 6792 2377 if you need assistance registering. 


With some cold weather already here, and winter fast approaching, lots of children will experience asthma related illnesses.

If your child has been diagnosed with asthma, your doctor or health care provider should have provided you with an Asthma Action Plan to help you and your child with their asthma.

It is recommended that you provide your childs’ school with a copy of their Asthma Action Plan and their own Ventolin puffer (and spacer if needed) so we too can help your child with their asthma if they happen to have asthma whilst at school.  The school does have Ventolin for emergency use only.

If you have already provided us with an action plan, please ensure that it is current and up to date.

These plans must be signed by your doctor or health care provider.

Our school has been recognised as an Asthma Friendly School by meeting the set criteria to become an Asthma Friendly School.

The criteria are as follows:

•              Asthma records kept for each student with asthma

•              Asthma first aid posters are on display

•              Asthma medications are readily available to students with asthma

•              Spacer devices are available

•              A plan is in place for managing asthma during sporting activities, excursions or camps

•              Asthma education offered to parents/caregivers within the school

•              Asthma education provided for all school staff

•              Asthma education program in the health curriculum

•              Potential asthma triggers minimised with in the school environment



Establishing digital boundaries for a good night’s sleep.

It’s well established that sleep is vital for children and adolescents’ learning, physical health, mental wellbeing and emotional regulation. Yet, a concerning number of Australian children and adolescents aren’t meeting the national sleep guidelines according to a recent study*.

There are many reasons for young people’s poor sleep habits including school demands, co-curricular and/or work commitments, perceived pressure from parents and educators and consumption of energy drinks. Young people’s digital device habits can have a significant, negative impact on their sleep.

Handheld devices emit blue light which hampers melatonin production. This can result in the delayed onset of sleep and potentially shorten critical phases of the sleep cycle. Research confirms that children who have not yet gone through puberty are particularly vulnerable to blue light exposure in the evening as they have larger pupils, compared to post-puberty adolescents.

  • Strategies to stop screens from sabotaging your child’s sleep
  • Establish a digital bedtime
  • Tech-free zones
  • Ensure a daily dose of ‘greentime’
  • Use blue light filters
  • Do a screen swap before bed

By Dr Kristy Goodwin

Michael Grose, founder of Parenting Ideas.  

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Please complete this form for each child in your family who will be attending Kindergarten in 2022 at Narrabri West Public School.


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